Updates I'd like to see

56 posts Member
edited March 2017
1) Multi-buy bronziums!!! Most of us have tens if not hundreds of thousands of ally points. With tourneys gone, we would love to use them, but it's so painful spamming them 250 at a time.

2) Guild arena - being able to spar each other would be great!

3) In game officer chat and chat tabs - I see 3 tabs: chat, officer chat, guild alerts. I hate how the alerts break up conversations, especially on days a new toon is released and we are spammed by toon activation updates. So split them to separate tabs and add officer chat. We use a 3rd party app, but would love something in game.

Edit 4) Sell/trade gear - there are pieces of gear I have 700+ of, so being able to sell for credits like we can mods would be awesome. Or something like shard shop, where I could trade them for pts to use towards gear I need.

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