Defensive arena team

Do any of you guys use an offensive and defensive arena team? That is use the offensive team to climb the ranks and then switch to a defensive team to not fall down over night? If so what are your thoughts on the best way to do that? And what defensive teams do you prefer?


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    It's better to build a well balanced team that can hold rank rather than do the swap. Every team has an achilles heel so a defensive team will still be beaten
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    Obviously it depends a lot on whether you are putting money into the game. I have found that early in the game, there are very few good attackers so healers/tanks play a bigger role. Also most people who start playing the game (like me) had no idea how complicated everything is and just start collecting characters they like or they get a lot of shards for.

    The advance groups seem to be focused heavily on speed and offense. Arena battles are over in a few rounds as the early arena battles can be pretty long.
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