Recruiting HAAT Players (42/50)

40 posts Member
edited March 2017
Hey everyone,

Requirements: Line app, be active, follow raid rules, level 80+
Raids: heroic rancor, normal aat (attempting HAAT in 1 week)
Contact me at Line ID: oreomaster94

We are recruiting for our guild for either individuals, small groups, or small guilds willing to merge into us. We currently have 8 spaces.

Our guild farms the heroic rancor and we finish the normal AAT raid in 1 refresh. Over half of our players are level 85, the others are in the 75-84 range.

Line is mandatory for all members. Our rules are very simple and are posted in Line. We are moving towards the HAAT and are hoping to get a few more experienced players in this recruitment.

If you are interested in joining or have further questions, please message me on Line at: oreomaster94

Thanks for looking!
Post edited by OreoMaster on


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