How to mod zSidious ?

22 posts Member
edited March 2017
I'm thinking on how moding him. With the Zeta, he will gain nice amount of HP based on potency so we can easily conclud than we should place him 6 potency mod and potency on the cross BUT maybe the 50% potency bonus from Zeta and 24% on the cross should be sufficient for giving him nice health and we should foccus the mods on Crit Chance and Crit Damage ???

(Of course, in any case, speed on secondary and arrow)

What do you think ?

Edit : another question : If zSidious got 120+% potency, could it be possible for him to overpass charaters who have tenacity buff ?


  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Tenacity Up buff gives 999900% to Tenacity, 120% potency does nothing to it.
  • Ajunta
    22 posts Member
    Ok thank you for this information.

    And about the mods ? any advice ?
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    His max gear potency is 22% and with zeta, total becomes 72%. You don't really need much more than that for Arena since very few if any would bother modding for Tenacity. If you're modding for raids then sure go ahead, but I'd rather give him speed mods since his base speed is pretty high at 161.
  • E00N
    147 posts Member
    It depends on your full team.

    In Zaul Team u dont need much crit rate = because u will out from stealh with advantage buff.

    In Zader team u need crit rate for more DoTs, but your main quest is giving healing immunity and AoE Expose.
  • Tharivol
    130 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    From more of a Raid point of view;

    4 Crit Chance Mods, 2 Potency would do the trick I believe.
    Potency mod is always better than Health mods on Zidious hence it adds 10% health as opposed to Health Mod Set bonus' 5%.
    And you really want to make sure you Crit with him to inflict the extra dots. At this point even 6 Crit Chance mods would be viable depending on where you want to use him the most. (Rancor / Arena)

    Let's be honest even if we get him to 216% Crit Damage his damage would suck, and he is mainly in the team to support Zader with Dots (+ to Inflict Expose and Healing Immunity on Arena) so I don't think any Crit Damage is needed on him. (Even though I didn't check what his Basic attack is capable of after the changes, still I don't believe it will overpower his ability to help Zader by inflicting extra dots on his crits)

    24% Potency (+) // +30 Speed (Arrow) // 12% Crit Chance (Triangle)

    - 6 Crit Chance mods with these Primaries on them will give = +27% Crit Chance +24% Potency/Health (+74% with Zeta on top of his base 22% for a total of 96% Potency / Health) [15K base Health increases to 29.400 Health if I am not mistaken]
    - 4 Crit Chance + 2 Potency mods will give = +22% Crit Chance +34% Potency/Health (a Total of +106% Potency / Health) [15K Health increases to 30.900 Health if I'm not mistaken]

    before any secondary stats of the mods apply.
    (I'm not 100% sure on this but I believe max geared Sidious has around 30%+ base Crit chance without mods)
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