Looking for 8 active members!

21 posts Member
edited March 2017
Hi I'm Zhil Axfow and I'm with The Rancor Ticklers and we're and extremely active guild with great members looking for 8 more players to complete our guild! We will be starting Heroic Rancor raid in the coming days and do normal AAT raids in about two days. We're very active on guild exchange and also very active with the chat. We also use outside chat apps to communicate even more but this is not a requirement. We're looking for players lvl 75 and up who can do their 600 daily tickets to help further advance the guild. If interested send me a pm. Also my LINE id is ZhilAxfow323 and my allies code is 486-799-346. Thanks for taking the time to read and MTFBWY
Post edited by Zhil_Axfow323 on


  • Zhil_Axfow323
    21 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    The majority of our members are level 85 and are very knowledgeable.
    Post edited by Zhil_Axfow323 on
  • Zhil_Axfow323
    21 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Finished our normal AAT in less than two days. Will be starting another possible Monday.
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