Thermal detonators vs tanks

969 posts Member
The most ineffective weapon in the game, it seems, and I can't figure out how to get them to work.

I've often wondered in GW why my JE so often has his Thermal Detonator resisted when used against a tank.

I made some testing and targeted always Chewbacca, Fives or StHan as I want to kill them last.

Over the course of clearing GW twice, using my droids against teams with above enemies, my detonators were usually resisted.

Now I don't have the best potency there, only 52%, but my enemies always had their tenacity around 25-27%. As far as my understanding goes the chance to resist should be 15%.

RNG? Maybe, but it is like JE assisting 86, it happens too many times that I'm at least left wondering if it actually is random.
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