Unfair AI advantage - Dark Side Battles - 7/F

8 posts Member
edited February 2016

How is that possible? A level 72 (another funny problem: the official level cap is 70...) character has a level 10 equipment.

As far as I know the level requirement of the gear (a few pieces at least) is 72-76 for level 9(!!!).

So: is that a "fair play" or an "unfair advantage".

Theoretically it's an impossible combination (regarding the game rules/mechanics).



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    Gear level requirements have nothing to do with the AI. AI units don't have gear, they are assigned values of stats to reflect the level. Additionally, don't worry about their levels, you're on the final (currently) stretch of missions for the game, it's intended to be a challenge.

    Try a new strategy or group of heroes and you may just be surprised by the results (HK-led 4-droid group usually dominates DS missions, for example).
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    I think that's gear IX, gear 10 is the golden one.
    And the AI has a major disadvantage... it's controlled by the AI
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    SinnerWill wrote: »
    Gear level requirements have nothing to do with the AI. AI units don't have gear, they are assigned values of stats to reflect the level. Additionally, don't worry about their levels, you're on the final (currently) stretch of missions for the game, it's intended to be a challenge.

    Try a new strategy or group of heroes and you may just be surprised by the results (HK-led 4-droid group usually dominates DS missions, for example).

    Thank you for the HK advice, I'm working on that for a while, the only "problem" is: You'll need 5x200/300 shards to make them (6-7 stars) effective (and the gear aren't included...). (Of course you can't improve your main team when doing that...)

    The assigned values and stats. Well it's an unfair AI advantage then - isn't?

    Okay, I have to admit, the AI aren't a top-10 arena player, indeed. It's make it balanced a bit.

    But the fact is: their level and "gear mark" aren't possible (based on the current rules, applied on us).
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    I think that's gear IX, gear 10 is the golden one.
    And the AI has a major disadvantage... it's controlled by the AI

    Related the level: I have several Gear VIII chars, so I know that mark. The 2nd - 5th char on the picture have similiar, I have to assume that's the Gear IX, The Leader of that group have a more advanced gear mark, that's why I assumed the level 10.

    However, the Gear IX aren't acceptable neither, since the level 73-76 requirement.

  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    If you notice there is a label of "Elite" over the head of some people, it is not only acceptable but it is easily beatable. Soon your going to be facing a level 76 "Boss" with yellow\orange gear, this too is not available to players in the game. This too is very beatable, it's meant to provide a challenge hence the name.

    I am sorry you are having difficulties with it, but it is not a bug.

    Oh, and welcome to the forum!
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    BentWookie wrote: »

    Oh, and welcome to the forum!

    Thank you :)

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    HiYuRei wrote: »
    I think that's gear IX, gear 10 is the golden one.
    And the AI has a major disadvantage... it's controlled by the AI

    Related the level: I have several Gear VIII chars, so I know that mark. The 2nd - 5th char on the picture have similiar, I have to assume that's the Gear IX, The Leader of that group have a more advanced gear mark, that's why I assumed the level 10.

    However, the Gear IX aren't acceptable neither, since the level 73-76 requirement.

    Ah you're right, thought the goons on the right had VIII gear. Guess the golden one is XI then.
    Still I think it's acceptable for the AI to have an advantage on the missions. Everybody plays the same missions and you're playing vs the AI. If they had level 8 gear it would be too easy.
    I had no problem clearing the levels.
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