Zeta Maul and EP speed bug

37 posts Member
edited March 2017
There is an issue with the zeta maul lead with Emperor Palpatine. Maul lead gives 20% TM on first turn, in other words, 200 toward the 1000 needed for a turn in the game. I have a 267 speed Chirrut. Oponent has a 216 EP. If you do the TM math, Chirrut is farther over 1000 and should go first by rules. 200+216+216+216+216=1064 < 1068=267+267+267+267. But EP goes first. This nullifies the speed on Chirrut and does not allow me to put "As the Force Wills" first (by the way, AI should always lead with As the Force Wills in these dark days). I know how TM should work and it appears to not functioning correctly unless there has been a change in how it is calculated. Can't figure how to post pictures here to show the details.


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