Need some help.

I have been playing for about 3 months now and im struggeling to find out what to focus on. At the moment im farming rebels 7 stars to get palp to 7 stars, but it hurts my arena team really bad. So any pointers on what to farm and what i should do would be great. Collection :


  • DannyB
    69 posts Member
    You've got the start of a good sith/empire squad imo. If your shard is mostly rebels or jedis EP lead with 3 of dooku, Vader, sidious & tie fighter pilot with a tank as a fifth, malbus maybe for the pretaunt? Keep your squisher toons alive.
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    Ok. So should i go for emp 7 stars then go full sith/ emp team or just go right now? Kinda want emp in 7 stars.
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    I think EP event will be 9 weeks, I've finished so I can't see it, you are close to a 7* rebel squad, wedge, Biggs, ackbar, lando & st Han are who I used to finish it and it was a doddle tbh, you should look to star them up while gearing your darksiders(unless you want to improve your sith/empire and chance getting the shards in time-your choice) it is likely that the meta will change in 2 months but they all will be useful in several parts of the game, you can run EP at 5* for now, his abilities will more than make up for it against rebels and Jedi in particular.
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    I would continue rebels until you can get palpatine. He's fun and meta. Then switch to something that gets you higher in the arena. Keep in mind Boba, B2, and Rex are all 3 great and can fit into almost any team.
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    Thx for the answers, do you think my best team until i get palp in 9 weeks are lando (leader) wedge, biggs, STH and boba? Then i have 4 rebels and 3 scoundrels for heist in my main team until i get palp. Thoughts?
  • DannyB
    69 posts Member
    It's personal preference, I have a 7* rebel squad and I'm building a sith/empire squad. Tbh without seeing your shard it's difficult to advise, personally if you have a lot of wiggs teams I'd work on empire/sith with ep lead (even at 5*), you can throw rebels in under him or over him but his leadership and other abilities alone make him invaluable against rebels(and Jedi but they are rarer), mod and gear him well to survive though-his shocks, stuns and second special (offence up, health drain and more) are extremely useful even if you don't use him as lead. Until my Vader and Sid finish I'm running him under wiggs and he's still very useful, I just avoid EP led teams and pick on other rebels or nilihus led sith, him stunning half the team early on makes it a cake walk sometimes... if it sticks lol (potency, health & speed are useful)
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