The music

Anyone knows what titles of the tracks used in the game are?
- I assume it's a completion of different tracks from all the films ...


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    I turned it off after the first 10 minutes. Don't get me wrong; the music William's wrote for Star Wars is some of the best ever done, for film or otherwise. And I have the studio recordings on CD for the first four films, with every cue and track, even little ones. But it's so repetitive in the game I got sick of it almost immediately.
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    That's funny. I find it soothing. Not the fanfares and kettledrums obviously. But the more melodic and harmonious pieces. I play mostly, very early in the morning, now. Probably why I learnt to like it. Because would agree - before I found the music annoying.
    But, so, you know which film-soundtrack the 'calm' music is from?

    Thank you nonetheless for the reply.
  • lisztophobia
    808 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Pretty sure these are the songs you're talking about.

    Empire Strikes Back soundtrack: "Yoda's Theme"
    Phantom Menace soundtrack: "He Is The Chosen One"

    I think the tracks used in the game are probably edited to leave out the more upbeat sections of the songs, though.
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    Pretty sure these are the songs you're talking about.

    Empire Strikes Back soundtrack: "Yoda's Theme"
    Phantom Menace soundtrack: "He Is The Chosen One"

    I think the tracks used in the game are probably edited to leave out the more upbeat sections of the songs, though.

    Yeah I think so too. For example the music that comes when you are in the guild's screen, it's taken from Episode II and the song is called "Love Pledge and the arena". In this song immediately after what we get to hear in the guild comes the Temple March music. Don't be confused, yes I know the Temple March is in Episode III, but it actually is from a song for Ep. II.

    Here's a link to it:

    Guild music starts at 1:52 and after that comes the goosebumps
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    Those are the ones! :)
    Grazie mille Lisztophobia!!
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    CC7, yes - this one I recollect too! Super thanks!!
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    Is squad arena in that clip?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    The music and sound effects are amazing. Part of the reason I play on an emulator on my pc - so I can blast it through great speakers.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Ah. So that is the way it is done ... hm :)
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    There's sound in this game?
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    The battle music is the battle over coruscant!
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    Victory song is Qui-Gon's Noble End from the Phantom Menace
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    The song that plays during the final phase of the light side or dark side battles is General Grievous from Revenge of the Sith. I think it might also be in the final stage of the cantina battle fights as well.
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