<---Ebon Sun---> Heroic AAT on farm! Need 3 more solid members to contribute daily 600.

We would love to have 3 more active members to join our ranks. We are currently at 47/50 members.
Please have a decent roster and be able to do your daily 600!
Since we have AAT on farm already you do not have to be a whale to join, just be sure to contribute 600 every day. Come meet some fun people and get your kenobi shards!
We do a 24 hour 0 damage phase on rancor. Damage opens at 7:30 pm CST the following day after launch.
We are currently downing hAAT in about 8-12 hours every 2-3 days so there is a good window to get your damage in, we just need the 600 from 3 new members to acquire raid tickets faster.
We use line to communicate.
Send a message with your name, player ID, # of gear 10 or 11 7* characters for invite.
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