Please help with a jedi squad!

26 posts Member
edited March 2017
Recently I've been building up a jedi team for arena. I have JKA, Yoda, and QGJ completely maxed in level, stars, gear, and abilities minus the zeta on yoda's leader ability. So those aren't the characters in question. For the last two spots, I'm in between Aayla, Ahsoka, and GK. I dont have GK yet (about 80 shards rn). Aayla is almost 7* and almost G10. Ahsoka is 7*, G6. Which characters to I go with? I am planning on maxing Aayla and Ahsoka out rn as my top priority. When i get GK should I leave him out? Or replace Ahsoka or Aayla? If so, which one? Aayla has stuns and massive dmg but Ahsoka also has great dmg and synergy with anakin. Help is appreciated.


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    I would probably leave out Aayla myself. If you have Ahsoka maxed with Anakin, that's a pretty awesome duo.

    No where near maxing any of my jedi, but for a couple of weeks solid I would run an Anakin lead with 3 clones and Ahsoka in GW. That was a fun team until I decided to go with 4 clones. Ahsoka did a lot of damage for me, and her heal is pretty good.
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    FWIW, IGD is fun to have. Perhaps not in Arena, but he is handy leading Jedi in raids with his counter, and +100 vs Droids.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    Aayla is a boss.
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    I'm currently running Ima Gun Di leader with Bariss, Yoda, Aayla and Kit Fisto.

    It does pretty well overall in the 200-50 range of the arena. It does well against droid and Wiggs teams. Trouble with the Sith now. Occasionally I run Old Ben instead of Yoda for Bariss max heal factor but Yoda's tenacity is clutch sometimes.

    I'd definitely like to swap out Ahsoka for Ima and put Yoda in charge once he and Bariss both have Zetas.

    I've tried Bariss as a leader, as well as Ben and Aayla but I can see Yoda ultimately being a viable leader.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    I run zQGJ, aayla, jka, Yoda, kylo

    It works really well vs everything except for really fast zMaul teams. I get gk in a couple of days, hoping he will help a bit.

    Aayla is probably one of my MVP's.
  • Ciel_6
    178 posts Member
    @Mullato is that a zylo you're running? How does that team hold overnight? I'm thinking of tinkering with my ziam neeson squad... You got discord so we can Jedi theorycraft?
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    Thanks for the advice guys!
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    Aayla has the best debuff in the game... a stun.
    Run zQGJ, JKA, Yoda, Aayla, and GK when you have him.
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    Aayla is one of the most useful toons in the game. Put potency/ crit chance mods on her and you have a great toon. Stun a lot of the time. Great self healing. If RNG is your way assist on a basic.
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    I find the strongest Jedi team is QGJz, Yodaz, Aayla, JKA, GK. I'm in day 1 shard and can claim top spot at payout. It's not strongest on defence but good on attack mainly as AI is stupid. Sometimes throw Ahsoka in but Aayla is def more effective with her stun and counter.
  • baked_qft
    275 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    i run a zqgj ani asoka yoda and lumi. I was late to farm aayla and had lumi kicking around from my first few months of play. While she lacks the counter and stun the ability block can be helpful against... well... anyone you would've wanted to stun. I regularly get 25k+ crits from it as well, so i've been slow to replace her. zqgj, jka, yoda and asoka feel like must haves for me. zqgj is obvious, that leader ability is great (if even just for the foresight), jka for stopping dooku under a Nihilus lead, stopping rg from popping a taunt (plus offense up) etc, yoda for the tenacity plus the speed, group buff and stun, and asoka for doing 25k+ damage and healing the group back up. Fifth spot is up to you, while I agree Aayla is probably the best choice, Lumi will do the job until she's ready to join the team. Of course, all that being said, going jedi in arena is a tough run. There's 3 of us in the top 50 of my shard, and while I can climb to the top ten, overnight I will drop to 35 sometimes... and zmaul is not an easy battle...

    gk changes things, but that's not within everyone's grasp
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    I run zQGJ, Ayala, Anakin, Yoda and Ahsoka and I usually place top 20. Occasionally top 10. Hopefully putting a zeta on Yoda will help me in the near future.
  • Necroshan
    7 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    This give me a little hope. I haven been playing long but enjoying the game. I bought 2 packs and got some Jedis. Because these were my best toons i decided to build around them. I have finished arena between 20 and 50 so have done ok.Now its starting to get rough (level 45). A lot of Nihilus teams. So, need a little advice. Should i continue to work on them and take my lumps while I improve them or switch to an empire team which i have decent set also(Kyle, Phasma, Vader, Shoretrooper, RG, B2, Tarkin)

    My Jedis who i have been concentrating on (Ayla i just got). Thoughts/Suggestions

    Barris (4 star)
    Lumi (4 star)
    Kanan (4. )
    QGJ (3) farming him
    Ashoka (3)
    Ayla (3)
    Mace (5)

    Post edited by Necroshan on
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    You'll probably have more success with an empire team, but if you did run Jedi, you should do Lumi (L), QGJ, Aayla, Ashoka, and Kanan or Barris. I'd probably go Kanan, since you don't really need more heal. This would work ok at a lower level.
    Thinking further, adding shoretrooper may work even better over Kanan. No reason you have to run a full Jedi squad. Since QGJ and Ashoka are farmed in the same place, you could even replace Ashoka with Kylo.

    Lumi (L), QGJ, Aayla, Kylo, and Shoretrooper is a pretty decent squad for lower levels. It's not top 10 though.
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    Good discussion. I am also building my jedi squad, cause I like jedi.
    My current arena squad is Sith under Nihilus, but before I got them the bulk of my arena was spent playing a 3-5 jedi team. I only recently started farming QGJ, not sure why it took me so long to see his utility. I have had trouble with my Sith team facing a jedi team under a strong Ima-Gun-Di lead with Aayla, Anakin, Mace and Barriss.

    I plan on running the following Jedi team when I've geared them properly:
    QGJ lead (currently 4*)
    Mace (currently 7*)
    Yoda (when I unlock him next event)
    Anakin (need to still unlock)
    Ahsoka (currently 5* almost 6)
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    QGJ zeta lead
    Yoda with battle meditation zeta

    That's good enough for top 20 on most shards, sometimes top ten. Once you get kenobi, swap him out for either Aayla or ahsoka. I'm not sure it makes much of a difference because I think they're both on an equal level in that lineup, just with different strengths.

    On another note, I think a cool Jedi team would be an ahsoka lead, Anakin, kenobi, zeta yoda, and Assaj team. Lots of foresight/tm gain synergy with most of the key blocks checked off for what you want in a team (tank, dispeller, cleanser, tenacity up, damage dealer, stunner, healer, aoe's) It wouldn't be top ten on the sith dominated shards, but it could certainly be good enough for top 50, sometimes top 20. More importantly though, it could be fun and very unique. I'm working towards it, but I'm nowhere near getting kenobi and I think he's kinda the lynchpin here..
  • ya_boi_yoda
    24 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Drop mace and run a
    Z qui gon jinn (leader)
    Z yoda (battle meditation)
    Z barris
    I know it's a pain in the **** to get them all zetad but In the end it's definitely worth it I take the top spot and then usually get bumped down to 5th ithe main problem people have is that it's fast and anikan hits hard aalya counters and z qui gon has assist and cleaner and both yoda and qui gon give the team fore sight once for 2 turns at the start and once for two turns every time an opponent is defeated and whenever you get low barris heals the whole team to full health and not to mention when someone get criticallly hit they regain 20% health back
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