Cantina Tier 8 and Omega drops

Just a curiosity but has anyone Ever had omega drop? Personally I stopped trying about 6 weeks ago, have every node 3* and have never got one. Would love to know what the odds are


  • Kevez
    148 posts Member
    i always figured that they were more of a place holder and would be replaced by shards, so before today i only ever bothered to do them to get the 3*. now that deathtrooper is there i had an omega drop on 8a. imo it is not worth it to spend energy on any cantina node that doesn't have a shard reward, but if you really need omega mats you should wait until double cantina starts on 4/13 and farm 8a as often as possible
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    I once blew a whole days worth of cantina energry and a pile of sim tickets. I expected to get 1 or 2. Got zero.
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    Never once. It's a scam, lol. One day I thought I'd farm omegas. CG got a good laugh at my expense.
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    Tbh I viewed omega on cantina like the lottery which I term stupid tax, as the odds are so bad that stopping a stranger on the street and guessing their mobile number has better odds
  • BrillO
    320 posts Member
    I had just started using omegas when the last double drop event happened... I refreshed throughout the day, for several days, and got zero omegas.

    Totally pointless to farm them that way.
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    Clearly states possible, I'm having a lot of trouble with the use of this word and feel it's VERY misleading
  • xpxnx
    73 posts Member
    Slarty0111 wrote: »
    Clearly states possible, I'm having a lot of trouble with the use of this word and feel it's VERY misleading

    It's kinda like raid rewards... "great" "best" can still mean >1:20.
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    Been doing 8A for about a month now as its the only 8 I've won. Had 7* everything but Acolyte from Cantina. 2 refreshes a day, 4 on Sun/Mon for guild activity. Not 1 Omega!
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    xpxnx wrote: »
    Slarty0111 wrote: »
    Clearly states possible, I'm having a lot of trouble with the use of this word and feel it's VERY misleading

    It's kinda like raid rewards... "great" "best" can still mean >1:20.

    Best of 20 I'd actually accept I'm 0 from lost count
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    I once blew a whole days worth of cantina energry and a pile of sim tickets. I expected to get 1 or 2. Got zero.

    I was in the same boat. I had the 20 zeta mats. I just needed one omega to get that zeta. Wasted a bunch of crystal refreshes. Had to wait a day for the zeta. Avoid spending your energy or crystal refreshes on these nodes.
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    I spent over 700 energy with nothing to show for it before I confirmed to myself that it is indeed a scam. Buyer beware.
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    It's a joke they need to remove them from cantina or increase the drop rates
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    I literally had one out of one from 8a today
  • Drax_77
    1076 posts Member
    Over 1k energy spent, 0 omegas.
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    Since posting have had 1 drop before double started, am trying to record all attempts and will share on YT
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    Humble pie time?
  • nite0wl29
    412 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I've used about 1000 Cantina energy and haven't had 1 Omega drop. I would've expected the chances to be higher during DD days, but apparently not.
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    Still maintain that a caveat should make everyone aware that everything EXCEPT omega will drop
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    I have gotten several omegas from the cantina but I have also farmed 3 characters from tier 8. Of course they wont drop often, they are supposed to be rare. See them as a bonus when they pop up.
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    Lol then why are they listed with everything betting that you’ve had all of the other items drop multiple times whereas omega drop ...what once every 2-3000 energy spent. If I post a misleading video title it’s removed due to either poor **** or even click bait...please explain how this is different???
  • Gawejn
    1142 posts Member
    I farmed DT to 7 stars in Cantina. More than a month, so it was more than 10k energy. I got only 1 omega.
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    I've gotten one or two. It's a real low drop rate, but considering they balance the game around the rate of 7-8 Omegas a week, even one or two is a big boost.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I’ve had a total of probably 5-6.
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    Grrrrrr...... We've done been had. Not only is this a necro thread, but the OP necro'd it himself so he could complain about low drop rates again. Poor form.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    So far it's around 15,800 energy for 1 Omega, for me, approximately drop ratio of 990:1
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Grrrrrr...... We've done been had. Not only is this a necro thread, but the OP necro'd it himself so he could complain about low drop rates again. Poor form.

    Okay I’m not acquainted with necro thread, but it sounds negative, maybe it’s in reference to my vids? Also what’s OP? (Sorry but am new to acronym) This is just a bee in my bonnet re how the omega are placed with everything else but have a huge difference in drop rate compared to the rest of the rewards
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    I get probably 1 a week or so. The drop isn't that bad you have to remeber how hard they are to find in other places as well.
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    Slarty0111 wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Grrrrrr...... We've done been had. Not only is this a necro thread, but the OP necro'd it himself so he could complain about low drop rates again. Poor form.

    Okay I’m not acquainted with necro thread, but it sounds negative, maybe it’s in reference to my vids? Also what’s OP? (Sorry but am new to acronym) This is just a bee in my bonnet re how the omega are placed with everything else but have a huge difference in drop rate compared to the rest of the rewards

    Necro is an abbreviation of necromancy, the art of bringing the dead back to life. To necro a thread is to comment on a thread that died a long time ago--April--and bring it back to the top.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    OP = original poster the person who started the thread
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    Ouch, this is my point though, the omega either drop more frequently or a caveat that they’re rarer than rocking horse pooh
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