Double drops without omega ?!

Hi to the SWGOH-universe,

I have to cry at you... :'(

I've tried 72 times to get a double omega, but there's never been one. Cantina 8-A with the Death Trooper. Is it possible, that the Omega material is blocked at the moment?

What are your experiences?

By the way, I made 20 splitters/shards with the 72 drops, who now count 40. I am sure the Death Trooper is a good choice, but the possibility to get some Omegas was the decisive factor for the investment in the Death Trooper. I'm just about to do my Jawas, and with 8 cantina-energy I could have pick one or the other splitter...

Should I try it again, or give my Jawas a chance?

Does anyone know after which time the action of doubledrops ends on 18 April?

Thanks and greetings,



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    Same here. Not gonna try again tomorrow.
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    Given the amounts of energy I've spent, I can estimate the drop rate to be 0%.
  • Auricius
    42 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Fellow guildie had one today.
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    A lot of refreshes and no omega... Few shards of DT also. I'm not lucky with the "double drops"
  • jpi5k
    15 posts Member
    3 days of farming that node with 3 energy refreshes each day, not a single omega. Strangely I've had DT shard droughts as well, weird considering the double drops.
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    <prepares baseball bat for the "confirmation bias" parrots>
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    I went with Kylo after the first day.
    Less energy per try equals more chances for double drop shards. I am only farming him for offense mod challenge.

    But yeah, I spent six refreshes on DT node and got 0 omegas :\
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    Omegas drop horribly in cantina nodes to begin with. I get more omegas in galactic wars than cantina drops. Which is still not many,
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    I got a double drop omega the first day of double drops. Haven't gotten once since
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    I hear the omega drop rates are terrible in the first place. Look on the possible rewards there an omega with a 2 under it? Then it is possible, however unlikely, that you may get two.
  • jpi5k
    15 posts Member
    Yeah, I honestly don't mind not getting the omegas. Not getting a single DT shard after 10 sims hurts... especially since there's double drops. Who knows, maybe I'll kill it tomorrow.
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    Just refresh omega challenge for more omegas:)
  • xReDeMpx
    1690 posts Member
    It's possible but super super low.

    It's not worth going for those nodes for omegas. Think of it as a bonus if you ever do get lucky enough to get them
  • Options
    i've spent a few thousand energy on the DeathTrooper node since double drops started. Not a single Omega drop...
  • Bauer
    54 posts Member
    I've used probably over 2000 energy the last couple weeks and not a single omega and I'm officially giving up
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