Make SWGOH Great Again

I've loved this game since I downloaded it, a month after TFA came out. Now, don't get me wrong, I still really enjoy the game. The main thing that keeps me here and as dedicated as I am is my guild. I'm sure a lot of us feel that way. I love being involved with a group of such dedicated and enjoyable people / players. The friendships I've made here have really kept me going, even through some of these down times.

But here's the state of the game for me: over the last few months, the main problem I have is that I've been spammed with toons, but not given any new content in which to use them. The AAT is great; however, when it goes by in 16 minutes, and there aren't really any options to make it go slower / experiment with new teams, that just makes 50 players get bored and lose interest. Unfortunately we've lost a lot of great players (not just in my guild, but dedicated players across the spectrum of guilds) over the past few weeks due in large part to straight boredom.

This game is financially very successful. Despite that, it seems as though the managers in charge of content have decided to ride the current wave without investing in their future success. The developers need to give us content - and by content, I don't mean 3 new characters every couple of weeks. That's just toon spamming. I mean actual content- fun stuff to do. The last new content we really had was the AAT raid and ships...both of which were given to us months ago. Some other new content was taken away - tournaments - with nothing put back to replace it.

I have suggestions. I just feel like the fall on deaf ears. However, if we have to live with nothing but the AAT raid for months, we need a way to control it better. Management should be able to allow only P1 to be done, with a setting preventing further damage beyond P1 until an officer allows P2 to be open. For those of us who have built up teams for the AAT raid, getting to use them would be nice. Yes this is something that players could do on their own, but it's asking a lot of coordination and remembering of start times for various phases, when a lot of us have lives to live on top of the game. The rancor raid needs a spruce-up. It needs the ties to be broken by something other than player ID. The problem? This doesn't have anything to do with revenue, so they don't care to fix it (think Teebo...but when they released a new character with the exact same problem, it magically got fixed within a couple of days). Personally, I would like to see ship mods, so that we can customize ships the way we do characters. I know that many people don't agree, but it is content that I'd enjoy. I know other people have ideas for content, and I'm interested in hearing what some of them are. I'd be willing to bet, there will be a lot of good ideas listed if anyone else decides to post.

We need either a new raid, a ship raid, or some other content that can keep up the joy of playing the game. Right now, I don't enjoy the game nearly as much as I used to, and I want to get back to that enjoyment. I've seen a lot more content released from games that make far less money; and I think that's sad. The game is too stale and boring right now, and I'm tired of losing good and enjoyable people due to it. I hope the developers listen and make this game great again, because on top of the time, money and dedication we as a player base have put into it, we also love the story and content you've made so far so much.


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    Agreed. I actually am starting to hate this game despite loving my guild. It's felt alot more like a chore to me and I have even allowed myself to drop to the #50-100 before payout and didn't even bother to try and climb back up. I also place in the top 20 often so I think you get an idea of why it was a big deal.

    I read this thread all the way through and didn't disagree with a single point. Very nice write up, and I hope the developers take this into heart.
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    Totally agree with you! Something has to happen! It's such a well balanced and fun game to play, i'ts literally the first thing I do in the morning, when going outside with my dog, I'm starting the app and hoping for a new update ;)
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    been what, over 6 months since tank dropped? yeah, we need a new raid, or something new, that lasts (cough cough tourneys). More content is more better.
    I am the Tard of Tards
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    First I love the title
  • Afa
    70 posts Member
    I agree with this message! Endorsed! The game needs to stop being made for the quick cash grab which will ruin it all too fast.

    Make this game for the long term cash grab... invest in its long term future! It will bring more revenue and provide that needed content.

    Stop the ruinous quick cash grab marketing!
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    Second couldn't agree more
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    I've loved this game since I downloaded it, a month after TFA came out. Now, don't get me wrong, I still really enjoy the game. The main thing that keeps me here and as dedicated as I am is my guild. I'm sure a lot of us feel that way. I love being involved with a group of such dedicated and enjoyable people / players. The friendships I've made here have really kept me going, even through some of these down times.

    But here's the state of the game for me: over the last few months, the main problem I have is that I've been spammed with toons, but not given any new content in which to use them. The AAT is great; however, when it goes by in 16 minutes, and there aren't really any options to make it go slower / experiment with new teams, that just makes 50 players get bored and lose interest. Unfortunately we've lost a lot of great players (not just in my guild, but dedicated players across the spectrum of guilds) over the past few weeks due in large part to straight boredom.

    This game is financially very successful. Despite that, it seems as though the managers in charge of content have decided to ride the current wave without investing in their future success. The developers need to give us content - and by content, I don't mean 3 new characters every couple of weeks. That's just toon spamming. I mean actual content- fun stuff to do. The last new content we really had was the AAT raid and ships...both of which were given to us months ago. Some other new content was taken away - tournaments - with nothing put back to replace it.

    I have suggestions. I just feel like the fall on deaf ears. However, if we have to live with nothing but the AAT raid for months, we need a way to control it better. Management should be able to allow only P1 to be done, with a setting preventing further damage beyond P1 until an officer allows P2 to be open. For those of us who have built up teams for the AAT raid, getting to use them would be nice. Yes this is something that players could do on their own, but it's asking a lot of coordination and remembering of start times for various phases, when a lot of us have lives to live on top of the game. The rancor raid needs a spruce-up. It needs the ties to be broken by something other than player ID. The problem? This doesn't have anything to do with revenue, so they don't care to fix it (think Teebo...but when they released a new character with the exact same problem, it magically got fixed within a couple of days). Personally, I would like to see ship mods, so that we can customize ships the way we do characters. I know that many people don't agree, but it is content that I'd enjoy. I know other people have ideas for content, and I'm interested in hearing what some of them are. I'd be willing to bet, there will be a lot of good ideas listed if anyone else decides to post.

    We need either a new raid, a ship raid, or some other content that can keep up the joy of playing the game. Right now, I don't enjoy the game nearly as much as I used to, and I want to get back to that enjoyment. I've seen a lot more content released from games that make far less money; and I think that's sad. The game is too stale and boring right now, and I'm tired of losing good and enjoyable people due to it. I hope the developers listen and make this game great again, because on top of the time, money and dedication we as a player base have put into it, we also love the story and content you've made so far so much.

    Agree with everything very eloquent.
  • Xioborg
    405 posts Member
    I agree.

    The rate of new toons / ships recently has been too high IMHO. If a number of these additions had been truly meta changing, bringing a new way to play the game / raids, a new 'OP' team, this could have been a positive thing in a way. However it's not... recent toons are at best average. I'm confused as to why the rush to fill the game with these extra 'filler' characters. Unless you're a collection score perfectionist, people are not going to invest in a toon (either in direct packs or via store) unless they are worth the effort. Perhaps there is a usage for these new characters that we're missing? New content should bring new experiences IMHO. To star, gear and level a character / ship takes real effort (either time-wise or financially) so you rather rapidly switch to the mindset of hmmm.

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    It's gone stale, just the dailys and trying to get stun cuffs that use all my energy for 1 or 2
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    +1 Agree completely. I have farmed 10k crystals, 110k arena tokens, 40k GW tokens 40 Cantina tokens, have everyone zeta'd i want to zeta...... We need more content, now it's only the arena what makes it fun to play. profile - Our guild, 3720 to 1, has 1 spot open! [49/50].
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    I agree, however i think the devs might be due a bit of slack. Understand that player's expectations are insanely high. If we dont get an update every 10-12 days, people start complaining, so the devs release new toons every week and hold us over with corresponding events.

    They consistently have a big "content" update every few months (the last one arguably being ships) with the next one coming soon. I dont think thats an unreasonable amount of time between "content" updates considering that this is just a mobile game nobody thought was going to last very long. Big updates like the kind people are asking for take time to develop and test, especially when you're obligated to also have weekly updates.

    And for any endgame/p2p/advanced/whatever players who read this (which is most of the people on the forums) keep in mind that you might be asking for the impossible. If you have a nearly maxed out roster, there isnt much the devs can do to keep you engaged for an extented period of time. If they release a new game mode that doesnt require brand new toons, you'll master it and get bored immediately.
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    The AAT is great; however, when it goes by in 16 minutes, and there aren't really any options to make it go slower / experiment with new teams, that just makes 50 players get bored and lose interest. Unfortunately we've lost a lot of great players (not just in my guild, but dedicated players across the spectrum of guilds) over the past few weeks due in large part to straight boredom.

    Wow done in 16 minutes?! What uber guild is this. And here we are stuck in non-heroic tier.
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    One of the easiest things to do would be to do something like was suggested over on the Galactic War thread with a Girls' Night.

    The idea was that one day a week, if you start your GW after 6pm (according to the time zone you registered in, this is the same time Arena rewards pay out), you can only use your women characters, but you get better rewards AND all the random shards you get are limited to women characters - with fewer characters that might come up, you have a better idea what you're getting and you can choose the event or not based on whether those shards are more useful to you.

    But you can also have an Empire Day or whatever. The core of themed GW limits you to toons you don't normally use. It would also base the Power of your opponents on only eligible toons, so it's not like you're experimenting with your lesser toons while trying to fight squads that are unbeatable to you.

    In a way it's like the rotating events, but the rotating events have been a let-down for me. The Omega battles I can romp through. The Assault Battles are way too tough for the eligible squads I have. There isn't something that's tough but let's me experiment with new strategies and try to get it right.


    In addition to this, someone else suggested a spiral map for Galactic war, with you being able to choose which spiral arm you want to follow. You might choose a spiral arm with fewer, really hard battles. Or you might choose a spiral arm with more battles so it's more of a grind, but each battle is a little easier. Easier battles give you less reward, but there are more of them to grind out, so it's close to even (maybe with some smaller benefits for taking the hard road).


    Finally, the ship content is terrible. Really. It's terrible. It's only there to grind out zetas - which makes you divert GW resources into ships and other resources into pilots. Yes, it gives you something new to do with toons that don't make it in the current meta. But the new thing to do is just grind, grind, grind.

    There are no ship battles where you go through stage 1 to get to stage 2 to get to stage 3. That doesn't even have a story, but at least you can see progression. Worse? Those zetas you slog so long to get with your ships?

    They don't help your ships.

    Really, all the zetas do is make your Arena & GW opponents more powerful so you have to dump staggering amounts of tedious work into building up ships to compete at the same level you used to be able to compete. This is particularly true because the POWER score of a toon doesn't go up when you get a zeta, so if your squad stays the same and your enemy gets a zeta or 5, they still are considered a fair opponent for your in GW (for instance) and you have no say about this at all.

    If ships are ever going to be anything other than a waste of time and effort just to stay even in the Arena and stay able to finish GW, there has to be REAL SHIP CONTENT. This means using the ships to accomplish something other than giving zeta mats back to your toons.

    In my opinion, the best way to do that is to create Death Star missions.

    Just like in Episode 6, you could have ships flying - without capitol ships - through the unfinished structure of a death star. You make decisions about which way to go, you kill some fighters, you blow up the core. Blowing up the core starts a count-down timer and your ships have to fight their way from from the exploding Death Star before the timer ends.

    Fighting these battles should give you Ship BluePrints. There can even be multiples of this type of thing: The first Death Star had you fighting above the surface, then facing surface guns, then facing fighters in the Trench, then trying to kill the Death Star. These can be 3 stages of battles, with only the last one having a timer, and for the first death star it's very easy to beat the timer b/c you aren't trapped flying through narrow channels where you have to fight if an empire ship is there. For the first Death Star, you're in open space and can choose to flee (like we have an escape button in raids). If just one of your ships escapes, you get full rewards. This can give you four stages of ship fights for just one death star.

    Then you can have the battle at the end of Rogue 1. Let some ships carry extra personnel: "winning" this content means destroying the shield, but there's a timer for this one too: If you have a personnel capable ship (like a U-wing, the Millennium Falcon, or Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle), you can race down to the surface after destroying the shield and pick up Rogue 1 characters. Then you have to flee the surface before the Death Star Super-Laser explosion reaches you. Then you have to make the jump to hyperspace before you get caught by the empire Capitol Ships.

    If you make your getaway after reaching the surface? You get Rogue 1 character shards AND blueprints. If you think you don't have time to do the surface mission? You can flee and just get the blueprints.

    In fact, respect the chronological order of the movies and do the Rogue 1 mission first: you only get to destroy the Death Star if you have the DS blueprints. That means you can progress to the next big ship mission without saving the Rogue 1 characters, but you can go back to try to win those shards later.

    This idea matches the excitement of the movies - an important mission exists that's a turning point for the rebellion. You get something valuable just for grabbing the DS blueprints/ killing the DS/ whatever, but every mission ends with a timed battle where you're trying to escape an explosion/ jump to hyperspace/ whatever. This is very different from the standard toon battles ... but it's just a timer. There's no programming difficulty in implementing it.

    When you finish a battle that is part of a larger mission, the game remembers what ships you used, what their health is, etc. This is like Galactic War. But unlike GW, you can play the battles again. If you barely finish one battle, you won't be able to win the next one (and thus win the stage/mission). You get your rewards for the first time you finish a battle right away (like with Mod Battles or Cantina Battles), and you get to try to go on. But if you don't make it, you might have to go back to an earlier battle and try it again.

    The trick is that this doesn't reset in the middle of a stage/mission no matter how much time has passed. Your ships don't refresh each day like in GW. Instead, you have squadron reserves, and if you 3* a battle, you can call in one reserve to take the place of one of your current squad. Your squadron reserves are better if you have a better Capitol Ship, just like in Fleet Arena.

    Eventually, you'll be able to go back and do the side mission - picking up the Rogue 1 characters from the surface, for instance - and still beat the timer. You might have to start the entire mission over again with new choices for your squadron and squadron reserves, but eventually you'll make it. You won't make it by doing one battle and then having everybody reset, however. Your attempts can be limited by having these battles cost regular energy, just like Light Side & Dark Side battles do. You can sim a battle for rewards, but unlike LS/DS battles where you can sim any 3* battle, you can only sim a battle if you have completed the entire stage/mission...and then you can only sim the 3* battles.

    The good part is that if you remember you can complete the Mission without completing the Side Quest (grabbing the Rogue 1 characters from the ground with the personnel carrier you have in your squadron). If you do that, you can sim the battles you finished to get their rewards, because you finished the mission. But you can't sim the side quest until you've done that AND finished the mission with the lesser time remaining from your side-quest.

    This way you have actual accomplishments that relate to ship combat. In the current game, you don't DO anything with your ships. That's why the content is so terrible. That's why it is ONLY a grind and not a grind + fun the way that other parts of the game can be.

    Ships have to mean something. They can't just be a waste of time and energy that gets you the zetas you have to have to keep competitive at the same level. Doing uninteresting battles that don't accomplish anything merely so you can stay in exactly the same competitive place you were before?


    Until we get ship missions, anything to do with ships is just going to stay terrible, forever.
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    I guess nobody has heard about the new content that coming out.
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    Have you guys considered the character spam is essentially a reset on the game? Specifically, outside of uber whales, we all will have a ton of characters to farm and it'll be like it was when most of us first started. So many characters, but you'll need to concentrate on a few.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    I guess nobody has heard about the new content that coming out.

    And the people who complain about the lack of content are going to get bored of it in two weeks because they've mastered everything else in the game
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    Yea probably the forum is full of people whining and complaining
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    Nicely put.
    I've just posted suggesting a new single player raid / dungeon. Somewhere to test squads and synergies without the risk of dropping places on the leaderboard or jeopardising a HAAT Raid completely with incompetence.

    There's already a lot of content, which takes a lot of time. However I feel as though something is now lacking and needs to be addressed.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    I guess nobody has heard about the new content that coming out.

    So what do you know precisely? Should use all toons and shops and social aspect to it?

    Other news?
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    Yep that's it but I think it said all toons and ships. And 2 new "fan favorite" characters most likely R2& 3PO
  • Georgemi6
    1236 posts Member
    I've had this idea for a while, and I've spent a lot of time coming up with it. This series of theoretical updates could diversify the game, make new content, and introduce long awaited releases and reworks:

    Phase 1: separatist faction pass
    -rework grevious, magna guard, gunray, cad bane, etc.
    -release some new droids (b1, droideka, commando droid)
    -make the geonosis arena and battle of geonosis raid, 5 star jango fett is the reward

    Phase 2: nightsisters
    -rework all nightsisters
    -introduce some new named nightsisters
    -new 5 star yoda/palpatine event: mother talzin, requiring separatists (this makes sense because the separatists invaded dothamir in TCW

    Phase 3: jedi
    -buff a few weak jedi (mace, eeth koth, kit fisto, Plo koon, luminara)
    -release 1 or 2 new clone war era jedi (ki adi mundi, adi galia, quinlen vos)
    -buff the clones ( and give them their helmets)
    - add a few new clones
    - Make a new military might style event where you use clones and jedi

    this would all span over several months btw
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    And a new ability
  • Barhebraeus
    620 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Very well said OP. At the very least EA/CG should be communicating with us and spelling out a little bit more clearly what they're working on and the new content to come. The few and vague statements that they have made leave much to be desired.
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    I agree 100%. We demand more content. I also hate how these new toons are stronger then old favorite. Also the millennium falcon should use Han & Chewie NOT Rey & Finn. Ezra and the Phoenix team shouldn't be strong then jedi knights & masters nor should they be stronger then Sith. Ea is getting things backwards. Also EA needs to go back and Buff all the older toons to make them competive. I hope EA is losing revenue so that they'll be forced to listen to those who keep their lights on, us players. I alway buy the 10.99 pack but right now I have no joy in the game so I'm not spending. Make the game fun again and I'll start buying packs again. I hope someone from EA reads these posts.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Very well said OP. At the very least EA/CG should be communicating with us and spelling out a little bit more clearly what they're working on and the new content to come. The few and vague statements that they have made leave much to be desired.

    They give us tons of information. And i hope you realize that theres such a thing as too much transparency
  • Metroplex79
    836 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Not sure if this is possible or even a good idea.

    Trading un-activated Toon shards with other people in your Guild for their un-activated Toon shards.

    To avoid problems, the threshold for "un-activated" Toons would be set at 50% of the unlocked Toons' requirement.

    If you have 3/10 to unlock Toon X, you can trade them, but if you have 7 of 10, no.
    If you have 39/80 to unlock Toon Y, you can trade them, but if you have 41 of 80, no.

    Recipients would be under the same rule, you can't accept trades for an unlocked Toon if you are already over 50%.

    This would help many who have 1-3 shards for Toons, that they have zero interest in unlocking/farming. They'd be just sitting there till the end of time.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Zabak
    165 posts Member
    Dude Amen to that
  • Fredelig
    33 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm goofing of here: It just fitted so well with the title :D . I agree with the OP tho :)
    Member of The ALLIΔNCE DeltΔcorns
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    Less emphasis on new characters, more emphasis on new game features - win
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