UI - HOT & DOT Visibility

The way Buffs and Debuffs are managed in-game can make it challenging to see opposing characters' health and turn meter bars. For a future update, would it be possible to have just the Buff / Debuff symbol and a numeric counter representing how many of that are on a character? Not sure if the symbols could be reduced in size or not because that might skew appearance for users with small screens, but a counter feature rather than displaying every single Buff and Debuff could help with the overall visualization of a battle. Best Regards!



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    YES. For heaven's sake YES. I've been thinking this myself for ages. With zeta Vader and with Chaze and several other toons these days, you just get too many of the same de/buff trailing out in a long line and making the screen unworkably cluttered.

    Have the symbol with a (x3) or (x7) or whatever. Put the multiplier in a circle that is half over the de/buff being multiplied and halfway off. If the multiplier is on the right hand side where most people would expect it, the multiplication symbol "x" will be inside the buff symbol but the number will be outside. This would make it very easy to see the number and the gap between that de/buff and the next one (if there are others) would call your attention to the number since you see a gap between de/buffs where you don't expect one.

    That would be a much more workable system than you have now, and, frankly, not just better because it doesn't clutter up the screen. Want to know how much you're healing? x11 is more instantly understandable than 11 HoT buffs lined up that you have to count.
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