To everyone who isn't ready for R2

First of all it sucks if you aren't going to get him this first time around I genuinely feel bad, but with that being said there are a lot of ways to handle this. Whining shouldn't be one of them. First off we know that there will be an empire pack offered so if you really really want him buy him. Otherwise start building empire. I missed out on palp the first time he came out when he came back 6 months later I grabbed him and had him level 85 gear 9 the first day. Start working on it grind it out and eventually you will be rewarded make the grind for next time or pay the money this time. Also do we even think he's going to be all that great?


  • Dretzle
    716 posts Member
    Coolmcdrew wrote: »
    First of all it sucks if you aren't going to get him this first time around I genuinely feel bad, but with that being said there are a lot of ways to handle this. Whining shouldn't be one of them. First off we know that there will be an empire pack offered so if you really really want him buy him. Otherwise start building empire. I missed out on palp the first time he came out when he came back 6 months later I grabbed him and had him level 85 gear 9 the first day. Start working on it grind it out and eventually you will be rewarded make the grind for next time or pay the money this time. Also do we even think he's going to be all that great?

    Good thoughts.

    The key part of R2 is that he is a Zaul counter, so he gives us more options for arena teams with the current meta.
  • Options
    Agree with the OP. If there wasn't some aspect of a grind to this game and everything was handed to everyone on a silver platter would it be any fun?
  • Options
    He'll boost my droid team maybe I can stop running poggle since JE is a marathon farm.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    When the Yoda event ran for the first time it gave me a goal. I had only been playing a short time, and was kind of meandering. Staying laser focused on a QGJ lead Jedi team allowed me to build a team that beat GW consistently in my early days, and improve my arena rank. Wasn't 100% meta, but it helped.

    If you want R2 then plan on who you need to grind, and how you'll go about it. Be ready next time. It WILL come back.
  • Options
    Im not gonna make it, I need to level up 2 of either Tarkin 4*, RG 4* or Stormtrooper 4*. Without buying any packs (Depending on what they make available) I dont see how I can do it, especially since I have to get my Lando from 5* (55 of 85) to 7* so I can complete the Emperor event at 7* before that drops. One way to look at it is at least I have something to work towards but the downside is the "rarity" of the R2 event, thats what has everyone up in arms I think.
  • Broulan
    374 posts Member
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    When the Yoda event ran for the first time it gave me a goal. I had only been playing a short time, and was kind of meandering. Staying laser focused on a QGJ lead Jedi team allowed me to build a team that beat GW consistently in my early days, and improve my arena rank. Wasn't 100% meta, but it helped.

    If you want R2 then plan on who you need to grind, and how you'll go about it. Be ready next time. It WILL come back.

    This man speaks the truth. The game is full of distractions and diversions, but if you focus on what you want to get, instead of chasing the flavor of the week, you are more likely to get there. Farming a zeta meta team is nice, but when you're not gonna get there before the meta shifts you're better of focusing on something you enjoy that will also increase your arena rank, ability to clear 9LS and DS nodes, as well as become a higher contributor in guild raids.
  • Options
    Im not gonna make it, I need to level up 2 of either Tarkin 4*, RG 4* or Stormtrooper 4*. Without buying any packs (Depending on what they make available) I dont see how I can do it, especially since I have to get my Lando from 5* (55 of 85) to 7* so I can complete the Emperor event at 7* before that drops. One way to look at it is at least I have something to work towards but the downside is the "rarity" of the R2 event, thats what has everyone up in arms I think.

    I say just focus on your EP goal then, EP is a good character and if you get him 7* then that's one less empire toon to worry about. If you start focusing on R2 you might very well miss out on both instead of just one.
  • Options
    Dretzle wrote: »
    Coolmcdrew wrote: »
    First of all it sucks if you aren't going to get him this first time around I genuinely feel bad, but with that being said there are a lot of ways to handle this. Whining shouldn't be one of them. First off we know that there will be an empire pack offered so if you really really want him buy him. Otherwise start building empire. I missed out on palp the first time he came out when he came back 6 months later I grabbed him and had him level 85 gear 9 the first day. Start working on it grind it out and eventually you will be rewarded make the grind for next time or pay the money this time. Also do we even think he's going to be all that great?

    Good thoughts.

    The key part of R2 is that he is a Zaul counter, so he gives us more options for arena teams with the current meta.

    Look at it like this though. If you don't have 5 5* empire toons are you even worried about the zaul meta? Top arena ranks are occupied with players with diverse powerful rosters. This game wants you to have(i.e. buy) a lot of characters. Just because someone had 1 solid droid or rebel team doesn't mean they should be able to sit on their laurels and get everything new that comes out without having to diversify. I remember when Yoda then EP came out I couldn't get either one to 7 star the first time out and im a decent spender. I did like that I knew what to focus on for next time though but looking at 5 star Palpatine for months stunk lol.
  • Options
    I wasn't ready for Palpatine the first time nor Yoda, but those two events got me focused on certain characters. And boom, got them the second time around.

    I lucked out that my Arena team is 80% Empire, so I'm actually gonna be ready for once.

    Emperor Level 85 Maxed Gear 11 7 star
    Vader Leve 85 Maxed Gear 11 7 star
    Tie Fighter Pilot 85 Maxed Gear 11 7 star
    Shoretrooper 85 Maxed Gear 11 7 star
    Boba Fett 85 Maxed Gear 11 7 star

    So obviously Fett won't work here but my Royal Guard is 85, Gear 10, 7 star, Tarkin is 85/10/7, and I SHOULD have Death Trooper 85/Gear 9/ 7 star by the time the event gets here.

    I would think that'll be enough.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
  • Antares
    686 posts Member
    Coolmcdrew wrote: »
    First of all it sucks if you aren't going to get him this first time around I genuinely feel bad, but with that being said there are a lot of ways to handle this. Whining shouldn't be one of them. First off we know that there will be an empire pack offered so if you really really want him buy him. Otherwise start building empire. I missed out on palp the first time he came out when he came back 6 months later I grabbed him and had him level 85 gear 9 the first day. Start working on it grind it out and eventually you will be rewarded make the grind for next time or pay the money this time. Also do we even think he's going to be all that great?

    Exactly my thoughts. I also missed EP when he showed up the first time, but got him on the first re-run of the event. Also, I think that R2 will not be a total game-changer in arena or in the raids. I rather think that his main strength is that he is so versatile and fits in a lot of squad combinations. I will try to use him in Arena and he will certainly help in some Phase of the HAAT. Moreover, with all of his tags you will also be able to use him in many upcoming events. R2 is a great addition!
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    When the Yoda event ran for the first time it gave me a goal. I had only been playing a short time, and was kind of meandering. Staying laser focused on a QGJ lead Jedi team allowed me to build a team that beat GW consistently in my early days, and improve my arena rank. Wasn't 100% meta, but it helped.

    If you want R2 then plan on who you need to grind, and how you'll go about it. Be ready next time. It WILL come back.

  • Corrog
    308 posts Member
    I'm going to try for the unlock, but it'll be a stretch.

    I have Vader, ERG, and Tarkin at 7*, and Snowtrooper at 5*. My next closest is a barely 4* Veers, which is a hard farm.
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Corrog wrote: »
    I'm going to try for the unlock, but it'll be a stretch.

    I have Vader, ERG, and Tarkin at 7*, and Snowtrooper at 5*. My next closest is a barely 4* Veers, which is a hard farm.

    So get magmatrooper from the gw store.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Corrog wrote: »
    I'm going to try for the unlock, but it'll be a stretch.

    I have Vader, ERG, and Tarkin at 7*, and Snowtrooper at 5*. My next closest is a barely 4* Veers, which is a hard farm.

    So get magmatrooper from the gw store.

    This. He's got some fun utility as well.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Belfazar wrote: »
    Im not gonna make it, I need to level up 2 of either Tarkin 4*, RG 4* or Stormtrooper 4*. Without buying any packs (Depending on what they make available) I dont see how I can do it, especially since I have to get my Lando from 5* (55 of 85) to 7* so I can complete the Emperor event at 7* before that drops. One way to look at it is at least I have something to work towards but the downside is the "rarity" of the R2 event, thats what has everyone up in arms I think.

    I say just focus on your EP goal then, EP is a good character and if you get him 7* then that's one less empire toon to worry about. If you start focusing on R2 you might very well miss out on both instead of just one.

    Yup, thats my plan unless they are feeling generous and offer a decent pack for a decent price that gets me to at least 5* with the 2 heroes im missing but I doubt that highly.
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    These events are goal setting events. It typically takes 6 months IF your focused.
    So far you need Jedi for Yoda, Rebels for Palpating, Empire for R2....I'm betting Sith for Luke. After the next movie, the FO and Resistance will possibly get large events. We could also do a scoundrel event for Jabba, A Droid event For Jango. Etc.
  • Options
    I've never really built an empire team. I have Vader, 6* lvl 80 g8, EP 6* lvl 78 g7, RG 5* g6, Tarkin 6* g5, and the shards to make a Snowtrooper 5* g5. Is it worth it to 5* the Snowtrooper just to have a 5th character? I have a 4* Veers and a 4* Stormtrooper, also, but I'd have to farm the shards. I'm f2p.
  • Options
    Magamtrooper is so fast to farm. Can get 15 shards a day easy.
  • Options
    I know I won't be able to get R2 to tier 7 but i'm sure that I can grind enough quickly to at least get him to tier 5 or even 6 if I'm lucky. Currently I have 7* Palp and TFP, 6* Vader, and I plan on getting my Magmatrooper to 5 hopefully 6* from the 3*s he is now. And hopefully I can get Tarkin from 4* to 6* but its looking like I will only be able to get him to 5*. A lot of grinding for me, but I can make it.
    Where is my kitten General Grievous rework at!!??
  • Options
    Coolmcdrew wrote: »
    First of all it sucks if you aren't going to get him this first time around I genuinely feel bad, but with that being said there are a lot of ways to handle this. Whining shouldn't be one of them. First off we know that there will be an empire pack offered so if you really really want him buy him. Otherwise start building empire. I missed out on palp the first time he came out when he came back 6 months later I grabbed him and had him level 85 gear 9 the first day. Start working on it grind it out and eventually you will be rewarded make the grind for next time or pay the money this time. Also do we even think he's going to be all that great?

    Amen. Thank god not everyone here is feeling entitled and wishing that people move heaven and earth to accommodate them.
  • Metroplex79
    836 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I started just before mid-FEB 2017. I've got the average of average teams. Nothing too fancy or special.

    My "Empire" at this moment:
    -4* L60 Vader G7 (2 shards away from 5*)
    -4* L55 Tarkin G7
    -3* L54 RG G5
    -3* L56 TFP G6

    -2* L46 Snow G5
    -3* L40 Shore G2
    -2* L40 Magma G3
    -2* L40 Saxon G3
    -2* L40 ISC G1

    No one else close to unlocking, nor increasing their stars.

    Yes, laugh at the noob. Obviously Snow and below are just cannon fodder for GW.

    OK, we've got 8-ish days. I can easily level the bottom rabble to Level 60 and G4, and get Magma to 3*, without spending crystals by then. Maybe get TFP to 4*, if the Drop-Rate God is on my side.

    Unless I miraculously pull some full Empire Toons in the Bronzium card pulls.

    But it's said in other threads that it's should be easy enough to just unlock R2.

    Should I even bother spending resources on this Event? I think I'm too far behind to achieve anything significant other than the bare minimum.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Options
    I started just before mid-FEB 2017. I've got the average of average teams. Nothing too fancy or special.

    My "Empire" at this moment:
    -4* L60 Vader G7 (2 shards away from 5*)
    -4* L55 Tarkin G7
    -3* L54 RG G5
    -3* L56 TFP G6

    -2* L46 Snow G5
    -3* L40 Shore G2
    -2* L40 Magma G3
    -2* L40 Saxon G3
    -2* L40 ISC G1

    No one else close to unlocking, nor increasing their stars.

    Yes, laugh at the noob. Obviously Snow and below are just cannon fodder for GW.

    OK, we've got 8-ish days. I can easily level the bottom rabble to Level 60 and G4, and get Magma to 3*, without spending crystals by then. Maybe get TFP to 4*, if the Drop-Rate God is on my side.

    Unless I miraculously pull some full Empire Toons in the Bronzium card pulls.

    But it's said in other threads that it's should be easy enough to just unlock R2.

    Should I even bother spending resources on this Event? I think I'm too far behind to achieve anything significant other than the bare minimum.

    First of all you need to understand the way legendary events work.
    The characters that you get from them require 145 total shards to unlock.
    First stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 1*
    Second stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 2*
    Third stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 3*
    Fourth stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 4*
    Fifth stage - gives you 45 shards (This is where you are able to unlock him) Requires at least 5 toons at 5*
    Sixth stage - gives you 85 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 6*
    Seventh stage - gives you 100 shards. Requires at least 5 toons at 7*

    Looking at what you currently have I can't really tell if you'll be able to get 5 toons to 5* in 8 days, you need to calculate that yourself.

    I would however recommend that you get 5 rebels at 7 stars and get palps to 7 stars first, after that you have 1 toon less to worry about. Hopefully you'll also get Vader to 7 stars by the time the event returns and 3 more characters ^^.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    I started just before mid-FEB 2017. I've got the average of average teams. Nothing too fancy or special.

    My "Empire" at this moment:
    -4* L60 Vader G7 (2 shards away from 5*)
    -4* L55 Tarkin G7
    -3* L54 RG G5
    -3* L56 TFP G6

    -2* L46 Snow G5
    -3* L40 Shore G2
    -2* L40 Magma G3
    -2* L40 Saxon G3
    -2* L40 ISC G1

    No one else close to unlocking, nor increasing their stars.

    Yes, laugh at the noob. Obviously Snow and below are just cannon fodder for GW.

    OK, we've got 8-ish days. I can easily level the bottom rabble to Level 60 and G4, and get Magma to 3*, without spending crystals by then. Maybe get TFP to 4*, if the Drop-Rate God is on my side.

    Unless I miraculously pull some full Empire Toons in the Bronzium card pulls.

    But it's said in other threads that it's should be easy enough to just unlock R2.

    Should I even bother spending resources on this Event? I think I'm too far behind to achieve anything significant other than the bare minimum.

    People saying it should be easy enough to unlock R2 are talking about for those who have been playing for 6 months +. Somebody playing for 2.5 months shouldn't expect to be able to do this type of event unless said person is a whale.
  • Options
    I started just before mid-FEB 2017. I've got the average of average teams. Nothing too fancy or special.

    My "Empire" at this moment:
    -4* L60 Vader G7 (2 shards away from 5*)
    -4* L55 Tarkin G7
    -3* L54 RG G5
    -3* L56 TFP G6

    -2* L46 Snow G5
    -3* L40 Shore G2
    -2* L40 Magma G3
    -2* L40 Saxon G3
    -2* L40 ISC G1

    No one else close to unlocking, nor increasing their stars.

    Yes, laugh at the noob. Obviously Snow and below are just cannon fodder for GW.

    OK, we've got 8-ish days. I can easily level the bottom rabble to Level 60 and G4, and get Magma to 3*, without spending crystals by then. Maybe get TFP to 4*, if the Drop-Rate God is on my side.

    Unless I miraculously pull some full Empire Toons in the Bronzium card pulls.

    But it's said in other threads that it's should be easy enough to just unlock R2.

    Should I even bother spending resources on this Event? I think I'm too far behind to achieve anything significant other than the bare minimum.

    First of all you need to understand the way legendary events work.
    The characters that you get from them require 145 total shards to unlock.
    First stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 1*
    Second stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 2*
    Third stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 3*
    Fourth stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 4*
    Fifth stage - gives you 45 shards (This is where you are able to unlock him) Requires at least 5 toons at 5*
    Sixth stage - gives you 85 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 6*
    Seventh stage - gives you 100 shards. Requires at least 5 toons at 7*

    Looking at what you currently have I can't really tell if you'll be able to get 5 toons to 5* in 8 days, you need to calculate that yourself.

    I would however recommend that you get 5 rebels at 7 stars and get palps to 7 stars first, after that you have 1 toon less to worry about. Hopefully you'll also get Vader to 7 stars by the time the event returns and 3 more characters ^^.

    No way he can get Vader to 7 stars anytime soon. I started July of last year, have not missed a single day, and my vader is still only 6* roughly 25 shards in. Granted he can get sped up on farming vader through fleet shipments, but even that takes awhile as Vader doesn't show up often. (for me anyways)
    Where is my kitten General Grievous rework at!!??
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    It's probably going to work like Yoda and Palpatine. Just get 5 stars. If you're a high level player you should have those by now.

    If you aren't, you will by the next time. It's cool. Just relax.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Options
    Be very careful about banking on Magma as one of your toons. Yes, he is the easiest to 7*, but his gear requirements are nasty. Someone like Tarkin is signficantly easier to gear. You should consult when planning how to develop toons.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    I started just before mid-FEB 2017. I've got the average of average teams. Nothing too fancy or special.

    My "Empire" at this moment:
    -4* L60 Vader G7 (2 shards away from 5*)
    -4* L55 Tarkin G7
    -3* L54 RG G5
    -3* L56 TFP G6

    -2* L46 Snow G5
    -3* L40 Shore G2
    -2* L40 Magma G3
    -2* L40 Saxon G3
    -2* L40 ISC G1

    No one else close to unlocking, nor increasing their stars.

    Yes, laugh at the noob. Obviously Snow and below are just cannon fodder for GW.

    OK, we've got 8-ish days. I can easily level the bottom rabble to Level 60 and G4, and get Magma to 3*, without spending crystals by then. Maybe get TFP to 4*, if the Drop-Rate God is on my side.

    Unless I miraculously pull some full Empire Toons in the Bronzium card pulls.

    But it's said in other threads that it's should be easy enough to just unlock R2.

    Should I even bother spending resources on this Event? I think I'm too far behind to achieve anything significant other than the bare minimum.

    People saying it should be easy enough to unlock R2 are talking about for those who have been playing for 6 months +. Somebody playing for 2.5 months shouldn't expect to be able to do this type of event unless said person is a whale.

    This. These events are "long term goal" events. Some people have been playing for 17+ months. Not every event is meant for all players - or at least not to be completed by all players.
    They have to create content for those who have been playing for two weeks, two months, 6 months and a year and half.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    First of all you need to understand the way legendary events work.
    The characters that you get from them require 145 total shards to unlock.
    First stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 1*
    Second stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 2*
    Third stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 3*
    Fourth stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 4*
    Fifth stage - gives you 45 shards (This is where you are able to unlock him) Requires at least 5 toons at 5*
    Sixth stage - gives you 85 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 6*
    Seventh stage - gives you 100 shards. Requires at least 5 toons at 7*

    Looking at what you currently have I can't really tell if you'll be able to get 5 toons to 5* in 8 days, you need to calculate that yourself.

    I would however recommend that you get 5 rebels at 7 stars and get palps to 7 stars first, after that you have 1 toon less to worry about. Hopefully you'll also get Vader to 7 stars by the time the event returns and 3 more characters ^^.
    Liath wrote: »
    People saying it should be easy enough to unlock R2 are talking about for those who have been playing for 6 months +. Somebody playing for 2.5 months shouldn't expect to be able to do this type of event unless said person is a whale.
    Thanks a lot. I did notice I forgot to mention I'm a f2p in my post above.

    OK, like the Yoda Event recently, I managed to get 75/145. It looks like I'll achieve the same mark.

    I'm in no rush to get to the top. I'll get there eventually.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Options
    I started just before mid-FEB 2017. I've got the average of average teams. Nothing too fancy or special.

    My "Empire" at this moment:
    -4* L60 Vader G7 (2 shards away from 5*)
    -4* L55 Tarkin G7
    -3* L54 RG G5
    -3* L56 TFP G6

    -2* L46 Snow G5
    -3* L40 Shore G2
    -2* L40 Magma G3
    -2* L40 Saxon G3
    -2* L40 ISC G1

    No one else close to unlocking, nor increasing their stars.

    Yes, laugh at the noob. Obviously Snow and below are just cannon fodder for GW.

    OK, we've got 8-ish days. I can easily level the bottom rabble to Level 60 and G4, and get Magma to 3*, without spending crystals by then. Maybe get TFP to 4*, if the Drop-Rate God is on my side.

    Unless I miraculously pull some full Empire Toons in the Bronzium card pulls.

    But it's said in other threads that it's should be easy enough to just unlock R2.

    Should I even bother spending resources on this Event? I think I'm too far behind to achieve anything significant other than the bare minimum.

    First of all you need to understand the way legendary events work.
    The characters that you get from them require 145 total shards to unlock.
    First stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 1*
    Second stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 2*
    Third stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 3*
    Fourth stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 4*
    Fifth stage - gives you 45 shards (This is where you are able to unlock him) Requires at least 5 toons at 5*
    Sixth stage - gives you 85 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 6*
    Seventh stage - gives you 100 shards. Requires at least 5 toons at 7*

    Looking at what you currently have I can't really tell if you'll be able to get 5 toons to 5* in 8 days, you need to calculate that yourself.

    I would however recommend that you get 5 rebels at 7 stars and get palps to 7 stars first, after that you have 1 toon less to worry about. Hopefully you'll also get Vader to 7 stars by the time the event returns and 3 more characters ^^.

    No way he can get Vader to 7 stars anytime soon. I started July of last year, have not missed a single day, and my vader is still only 6* roughly 25 shards in. Granted he can get sped up on farming vader through fleet shipments, but even that takes awhile as Vader doesn't show up often. (for me anyways)

    Well that's either crappy rng or you aren't doing all the possible achievements :/ I had him 5* in November, in the end of January I finished getting him to 7* and since then I've probably converted like 30 shards from him. 6 months from now seems quite realistic if you ask me ^^
  • Options
    I started just before mid-FEB 2017. I've got the average of average teams. Nothing too fancy or special.

    My "Empire" at this moment:
    -4* L60 Vader G7 (2 shards away from 5*)
    -4* L55 Tarkin G7
    -3* L54 RG G5
    -3* L56 TFP G6

    -2* L46 Snow G5
    -3* L40 Shore G2
    -2* L40 Magma G3
    -2* L40 Saxon G3
    -2* L40 ISC G1

    No one else close to unlocking, nor increasing their stars.

    Yes, laugh at the noob. Obviously Snow and below are just cannon fodder for GW.

    OK, we've got 8-ish days. I can easily level the bottom rabble to Level 60 and G4, and get Magma to 3*, without spending crystals by then. Maybe get TFP to 4*, if the Drop-Rate God is on my side.

    Unless I miraculously pull some full Empire Toons in the Bronzium card pulls.

    But it's said in other threads that it's should be easy enough to just unlock R2.

    Should I even bother spending resources on this Event? I think I'm too far behind to achieve anything significant other than the bare minimum.

    First of all you need to understand the way legendary events work.
    The characters that you get from them require 145 total shards to unlock.
    First stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 1*
    Second stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 2*
    Third stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 3*
    Fourth stage - gives you 25 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 4*
    Fifth stage - gives you 45 shards (This is where you are able to unlock him) Requires at least 5 toons at 5*
    Sixth stage - gives you 85 shards - Requires at least 5 toons at 6*
    Seventh stage - gives you 100 shards. Requires at least 5 toons at 7*

    Looking at what you currently have I can't really tell if you'll be able to get 5 toons to 5* in 8 days, you need to calculate that yourself.

    I would however recommend that you get 5 rebels at 7 stars and get palps to 7 stars first, after that you have 1 toon less to worry about. Hopefully you'll also get Vader to 7 stars by the time the event returns and 3 more characters ^^.

    No way he can get Vader to 7 stars anytime soon. I started July of last year, have not missed a single day, and my vader is still only 6* roughly 25 shards in. Granted he can get sped up on farming vader through fleet shipments, but even that takes awhile as Vader doesn't show up often. (for me anyways)

    Well that's either **** rng or you aren't doing all the possible achievements :/ I had him 5* in November, in the end of January I finished getting him to 7* and since then I've probably converted like 30 shards from him. 6 months from now seems quite realistic if you ask me ^^

    Probably *** rng. I don't really go for the achievements like crazy and should note that I am also ftp. Theres 15 vader shards waiting for me once I complete cantina battles and the light and dark side hard nodes but we all know the infamous light side 9B node and I cant get through 9B on dark side either. For cantina, I cant get through 8B. Jedi Rey counter attacks for like 18K everytime I hit her and the other bosses hit just as hard except for maybe Talia lol.
    Where is my kitten General Grievous rework at!!??
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