Zeta Heist?



  • Moicaliss
    992 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Fatzke wrote: »
    Instead of the useless omega "events" (1 omega as reward), since we get enough from the dailys and challenges, this would be a great change.

    [ X ] vote for Zeta events !

    Useless omega challenge? Getting enough? You're clearly a new 85 player...

    As example; I'm currently building my troopers squad
    Around 15-20 omega per toon: 5x15= 75
    Veers zeta: 13 omega 75+13= 88 omega
    While i need 20 zeta
    Trust me i'll have my 20 zeta way before i get 88 omega
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Well, I'm not drowning in omegas, but already omegad 25-30 toons. I only focus on important ones, I don't omega everyone.

    But selling us this as an "event" with only 1 as a reward was my point.
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    Fatzke wrote: »
    Instead of the useless omega "events" (1 omega as reward), since we get enough from the dailys and challenges, this would be a great change.

    [ X ] vote for Zeta events !

    lol you are doing something wrong then. I got 5 Characters. It takes me around 2 weeks to get 20 Zeta mats, it's harder for me to get 20 Zetas mats than 2 omegas. I have tried multiple times where I was low on Omegas when I had enough Zetas.
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    It's hard for you to get omegas? You know that we get one omega for finishing all dailys every day? And I'm doing something wrong? :D

    Beside the daily reward and the challenges we also can obtain them in the cantina battles and in the fleed store (yeah, low droprate nur possible), so at least the omega events once or twice a month should be changed in zetas, that's all I'm saying. Or they should change the reward to 3-5 omegas or something.

    The proportion just seem strange in my opinion, since we can get easily get at least one per day, usually more.
    Post edited by Fatzke on
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Don't worry about the Zeta vs. ship shards, yes atm you have to choose, but if the Data mining is correct we will get ship nodes to farm from, and I believe it's just around the corner
    You will still have to choose between selected ships and Zeta though in Fleet Shipments
    About the gear have some patience and farm it like before Fleet Shipments was a thing
    I do however feel that Zeta is going to slowly for some, and are quite annoyed by the "you just have to take top 10 every day" for some that's impossible as they can't get their ships at competiple state due to RNG, I have my main account that does Okay, but on my alt ftp account I'm struggling to get up to #200, the x4 speed have definitely made a whole lot more players to play ships
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    We need a gear heist well before we should get a zeta heist. If you want zetas faster, then throw all your resources into unlocking the challenge and spend all of your fleet currency on zetas.

    If you want all the cool characters and ships from the fleet store and all the zetas, then go ahead and spend more money. This is a strategy game about making tough choices, not having everything you want right away
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Since some new characters come with up to 2 zeta abilities, having extra ways to get them doesn't sound like a horrible idea. Pretty sure after they're done milking ships we'll see new challenges that offer zetas.

    For now there aren't many great ones anyway aside from Chewie.
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Ztyle wrote: »
    Don't worry about the Zeta vs. ship shards, yes atm you have to choose, but if the Data mining is correct we will get ship nodes to farm from, and I believe it's just around the corner
    You will still have to choose between selected ships and Zeta though in Fleet Shipments

    So this will may be part of the upcoming big update? Do you have any source/ link to those infos maybe?
    Post edited by Fatzke on
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    As others have said, I see no problem with the current way of getting them. I ignored zetas for about a week just like I did mods until I saw they were game changing. I immediately only invested in DS ships, now I auto the zeta challenge and I'm 4 away from my 4th zeta. Completely F2P. Zeta are meant to be a slow grind, and honestly it's not half as bad as gear.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    A guildie of mine looked at the files and discovered this line
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    There is a zeta heist 3 times a week: Ship Abilities Challenge.

    I would be down for an Omega Heist tho lol
    Travelling through Hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy!
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    There is a zeta heist 3 times a week: Ship Abilities Challenge.

    I would be down for an Omega Heist tho lol

    A heist should guarantee one. Anyone who's done the challenges long enough knows how that goes.
  • Sleek_Viper
    345 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    There is a zeta heist 3 times a week: Ship Abilities Challenge.

    I would be down for an Omega Heist tho lol

    A heist should guarantee one. Anyone who's done the challenges long enough knows how that goes.

    Exactly and that is why there should not be a zeta heist. Anyone who has invested in ships could tell you that. If you want a guaranteed drop just buy them out of the Fleet Shop.
    Travelling through Hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy!
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    There is a zeta heist 3 times a week: Ship Abilities Challenge.

    I would be down for an Omega Heist tho lol

    A heist should guarantee one. Anyone who's done the challenges long enough knows how that goes.

    Exactly and that is why there should not be a zeta heist. Anyone who has invested in ships could tell you that. If you want a guaranteed drop just buy them out of the Fleet Shop.
    I've invested in ships with a max star fleet and would like to see better ways of getting zetas beside buying them in the shop.

    They can't get any more money out of me to put towards getting zetas. That's the kicker. Once enough people are in my situation they'll come up with other ways to obtain them that can require spending, whether it's refreshing a challenge with crystals or starring/gearing some toon that no one uses.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    How you go about what you buy in the fleet store has a rather large impact on your performance ingame. Forced choices like that are a good thing imo.
    Personally i farmed too many blueprints that were also available in the GW store because i wanted to unlock the zeta challenge as soon as possible. I could have had my first zeta toon sooner and could have had higher starred fleet store exclusive ships if i had just planned things a bit better. tbf, i thought the zeta droprate from challenges would be higher.
    Anyway, choices like that could give you an competative advantage. Just handing out everything to everyone leaves little room to be "better" or "worse" in this game than your competitors. I also must admit that i enjoy trying to do things as efficiently as possible, not just for the competative aspect.

    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    About no. Zeta are so easy to acquired. Just buy them from fleet shop. I have already vader, maul, cody, sid, 5, savage. I'm f2p, didn't buy any ship card at all, just ship from GW. I'm top 100 (sometimes 50) on ship arena, which mean i get 1400 ship currency/daily, so roughly 5 zeta/week whitout challenge....

    Well so u farmed zetas every day.. Well dont u needed sf,rex,cody,echo,vader,gg,zam, and all other p2p characters? Well u must have been either p2p and got those toons or your roster is undeveloped like a jan 17 shard dude. Im now done with all those former p2p toons and got my first zeta. Well my ships are unable to participate in zeta challenges . And i have to farm them in fleetstore. Dont tell me u end up with a bunch of zetas and all the cool toons and ships
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    About no. Zeta are so easy to acquired. Just buy them from fleet shop. I have already vader, maul, cody, sid, 5, savage. I'm f2p, didn't buy any ship card at all, just ship from GW. I'm top 100 (sometimes 50) on ship arena, which mean i get 1400 ship currency/daily, so roughly 5 zeta/week whitout challenge....

    Well so u farmed zetas every day.. Well dont u needed sf,rex,cody,echo,vader,gg,zam, and all other p2p characters? Well u must have been either p2p and got those toons or your roster is undeveloped like a jan 17 shard dude. Im now done with all those former p2p toons and got my first zeta. Well my ships are unable to participate in zeta challenges . And i have to farm them in fleetstore. Dont tell me u end up with a bunch of zetas and all the cool toons and ships

    Most of those characters also went into the guild shop, where there isn't nearly as much competition for useful things. And right now, nobody needs GG. :P
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member

    So we are supposed to choose between getting certain ships or characters that can only be had in the fleet store, or get zetas.

    Yes. Just like everybody else.
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    U had plenty if time to farm ship and toons need from fleet store. Ships were unlocked at Lvl 60 you cant start earning zetas Lvl 80 that's at least 2or 3 stars months of play. Instead of farming vader and boba and naul ship you should have leaned toward GW ships and the TIE and Geno soldier and Spy ship Im lvl 78 been playing since Jan of 17 I have my AAT Arena an Raid teams all 7 star 5 gear 9 10 gear 8. I didnt run after all my favorite toons i looked over the toons picked the ones I could farm out of the shops. I avoided 80 shard to unlock toons. When I get to lvl 80 i will have all my toons and ships so I can focus on zetas only in the fleet store
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    U had plenty if time to farm ship and toons need from fleet store. Ships were unlocked at Lvl 60 you cant start earning zetas Lvl 80 that's at least 2or 3 stars months of play. Instead of farming vader and boba and naul ship you should have leaned toward GW ships and the TIE and Geno soldier and Spy ship Im lvl 78 been playing since Jan of 17 I have my AAT Arena an Raid teams all 7 star 5 gear 9 10 gear 8. I didnt run after all my favorite toons i looked over the toons picked the ones I could farm out of the shops. I avoided 80 shard to unlock toons. When I get to lvl 80 i will have all my toons and ships so I can focus on zetas only in the fleet store

    You do realize that many people were already level 80+ when ships were first released, right?
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    If you farm gear on fleet store, you don't get any zetas.
    Even if you just pick up shards for one or two premium ships (like vader's atm) and one or two toons (like chirrut/grievous) when they appear and you ignore gear, you won't be able to buy zetas.
    So you get that average 1 zeta every 2 weeks from challenges.

    It's shards progress vs. gear progress vs. zeta progress. And that's a pain.
    I'd like a level 80+ zeta tier on omega battles to reward players who have actually geared the required toons past g6 lvl 30 or whatever you need for the omega reward.

    I like this idea, plus Omega Battles come around not that often, it wouldn't be a big restructure tot he game would it?
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    They do this 3 times a week.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    They do this 3 times a week.

    What Omega battles? 3 times a month is more like it.

    What if there is a specific Omega Battle that comes once or twice a month that has the 80+ recommendation to obtain zeta?
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