zSavage O + zKylo = invincible?

1754 posts Member
edited May 2017
I can beat zSavage, but paired with zKylo, seems unbeatable in Arena. Suggestions?

Side note: zSavage must be hilarious facing zVader and his unending debuffs lol
Post edited by Rumpelstilzchen on


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    Yeah, but leaving a defense team with DN is not good. DN teams are easy to beat. I hunt them.
  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    I can beat zSavage, but paired with zKylo, seems unbeatable in Arena. Suggestions?

    Side note: zSavage must be hilarious facing zVader and his unending debuffs lol

    Funny how y zvader+boba wrecks zavage, I actually love to gouge him all those heal buffs and then execute 90k crit ^_^
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Guildy had his zYoda face zSO. After 10 mins on auto he gave up, neither could dent the other lol
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    Omeah wrote: »
    Yeah, but leaving a defense team with DN is not good. DN teams are easy to beat. I hunt them.

    I didn't say DN lead, only DN

    Oh ok, my bad.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    Seems like they have the same counter. So if you can handle one, why not both? Unless you are relying on shock for Savage.
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    My zavage has gone 1v1 against zylo and on auto after 3 minutes zylo usually wins. Long battles fought against fives with zody lead too
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Depends on the rest of your team. Obviously having Zylo helps, as he can heal block. Nihilus can also help, not only for annihilate, but also removing enemy Zylo's retribution or Zavage buffs. R2 is nice, as he can stun - especially if he's already dropped burning on them. Rex's basic helps keep their TM down.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Edited topic, my issue is facing zSO + zKylo.

    Side note: How is zSO in P1 against GG?
  • Eightys
    210 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Use Nihilus and Boba in your team, issue fixed.

  • vlad745
    181 posts Member
    Chaze GK plus some more offense done deal.
  • DarthBlartMC
    595 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    I timed out in arena facing Zavage against my Zavage and Zylo - 3 minutes of a slap fight
  • coeuss
    216 posts Member
    Boba, Vader and Nihilus are all issues for both of them, and without a cleanser, ability block and buff immunity can also be an issue. I have both and run both in arena, and they are not invincible for sure.
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    I running them both in my arena team, they are beatable since I don't wake up #1 every day obviously.

    Zylo is easy. Really, when played by AI, it's just Kylo. Stun him when he under 50%, use savage to overpower when 50%, healing block aswell. He's not your problem.

    Zavage is a nightmare. Yeah, when he under Zaul.. pff. So hard to kill. When you crit, he gain TM from Zaul, and from his passive. If he evades that's even worse. Took me 2minutes when 5v1 him. You have to get healing immunity on him all the time , or shock...

    Not under Zaul.. I don't see why you'll have a real problem, so just buff up your own team (that you didn't share with us). Eventually, he'll die. When getting TM only from passive, not biggie, and can kill easily with boba (even when offDown from zavage).

    DN lead CAN help. Cause you'll not crit with it. I don't think investing in Zader to beat him is good idea. First - he'll have as much HoTs as DoTs, and he put offdown on the Zader, he might not kill.him and just put you in more trouble. Boba is better idea, but need to know when to hit.

    But again, when not under Zaul, all you need is strong team, take all the four others without anything happen to your team, and you'll hit zavage until he's dead.
    1232 posts Member
    R2 can solo kylo with his basic. Perhaps try another character that stuns a lot to go with R2
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    Zader's cullling blade sorts out Zavage nicely. I ignore him til last, then blade him when he's lit up nice and red
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Yeah, but leaving a defense team with DN is not good. DN teams are easy to beat. I hunt them.
    Funny people say Zylo is good on offense but sucks on defense. But here we are.

    (I always thought Zylo was great on defense.)
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    Side note: zSavage must be hilarious facing zVader and his unending debuffs lol

    Zavage does look ridiculous when he "steals" all the dots from the other siths and they get replaced under Zader.
    Zavage basically can down himself from dots that he stole. But I was fighting zavage who was under DN lead.. He couldn't recover his health under hots.
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    Eightys wrote: »
    Use Nihilus and Boba in your team, issue fixed.


    So out of the all the characters we are forced to run one of these two?
  • Options
    Eightys wrote: »
    Use Nihilus and Boba in your team, issue fixed.


    So out of the all the characters we are forced to run one of these two?

    No.. You're not forced to. You can always use other characters.
    It's just easier to use Bobba or DN.

    I didn't use DN. Just play dots from Zader.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    U could also run zavage and zylo? ;)
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Savage is easy to stun, but DN is definitely the way to go.
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