Kit Fisto, Yoda Fister

Hark. All ye who doth doubteth our savior Lord Kittensformittens Fistopolous shall be stricken by ye olde foresight. For, it 'twas Fisto who doth sayeth to Yoda "you shall not foresight".

Ok, I can't keep up that. But really, advice for all you Yoda challengers, counter attacks save lives(or rather, ruin foresight on Yoda). And yes, IMO Kit is the most useful Jedi for this challenge as he can take a beating (and Yoda does hurt) and counter. Talking about stage seven here. Because, well, Yoda.


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    Hark. All ye who doth doubteth our savior Lord Kittensformittens Fistopolous shall be stricken by ye olde foresight. For, it 'twas Fisto who doth sayeth to Yoda "you shall not foresight".

    Ok, I can't keep up that. But really, advice for all you Yoda challengers, counter attacks save lives(or rather, ruin foresight on Yoda). And yes, IMO Kit is the most useful Jedi for this challenge as he can take a beating (and Yoda does hurt) and counter. Talking about stage seven here. Because, well, Yoda.

    Mines only 3 stars 5 shards away to 4 :(.

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    Dont understand anything. Maybe I should have english lessons again :|
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    He's saying use Kit Fisto for counters because Yoda will end up with perma foresight otherwise and lol 2 shot your team.
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    moongod wrote: »
    He's saying use Kit Fisto for counters because Yoda will end up with perma foresight otherwise and lol 2 shot your team.
    This, kinda. I was saying the first part in a joking way, but my main message is that the people who slam Kit for being a bad jedi(in game) underestimated his usefulness in this event. And that Kit is pretty much mandatory (IMO) for this event. Or Aayla(who seems rarer still). This whole event may be too chromium heavy to seven star tbh. Because Yoda is brutal at stage seven.

    Everyone saying that collecting the Jedi is the fight are wrong( at least in my experience). This event is brutal. Yoda is brutal. I don't know how f2p are going to complete it without the kind of rng that wins you a lottery (and then you can become p2p)
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    I can see Ima Gun Di also working in this situation for f2p ppl.
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    moongod wrote: »
    I can see Ima Gun Di also working in this situation for f2p ppl.
    I agree. But a seven star Ima isn't realistic for f2p IMO, moreover I just don't know if the lack of a speed or dodge leadership will allow for a team to rng through Yoda.
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    Has anyone used Ima Gun Di in level 6, 7? If so, what was the rest of the team and what was the experience?

    I have him at 5* and made it through the first 5 levels easily. Probably going to bite the bullet and keep farming the ugly ****.
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