Galactic War semi-fix?

219 posts Member
Hi, so for a few months now my final node 12 of GW has been broken and like so many others, I've faced extremely weak characters in the last battle.
Once or twice it looked to have rectified itself, and I actually had a decent fight at the end of it all, but on these occasions it always re-broke.
Now, for 5 GW's running, I've faced an unusual final squad. The squad has been identical, high level, purple geared. I've not taken the time to actually check out the mods or skill levels but they've been of a decent standard. Their synergy has been completely pointless though as you'll see. What's curious is that it's been the same 5 every single time:-
General Kenobi, Sith Trooper, Sun Fac, Royal Guard and Nightsister er...I'm gonna say Initiate, the tank-y one.
The Sith Trooper is pointless with no other Sith doing specials, and the overall team is a breeze to beat.
But they're at least high level and geared up now, and the fact that I've encountered the exact same 5 for several days running now makes me wonder if this is some sort of semi-fix to the issue of a broken last node, to make you at least have to slightly work for the GW victory?


  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    Or maybe there is this new team with that extra power you can face, try getting a piece of gear or 2 on your old top 5 and it will break again.
  • Ariella
    219 posts Member
    Guess that'd explain why no-one else in the guild seems to be experiencing it
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