Too time consuming?



  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member

    Leave GW as it is... as was mentioned above you dont need to do it all in one sitting

    Personally its my favourite game mode.. enjoy the challenge and strategy required and im a Jan 2016 player who has completed just shy of 6k gw battles

    If GW gets shortened amount of content massivley goes down.. Pit is down within 20mins.. yes HAAT takes longer but its not everyday.. rest of the game is just simming
  • Options
    My account is less than a year old. I have three separate teams that faceroll GW in less than fifteen minutes. Git gud, and get Resistance.

    Please. You're not the only one who can do GW in 15 minutes. Get over it.
    This is me on I'm not looking for advice on completing GW. It's boring, repetitive and a time sink. 3 GWs on guild activity day. When content was an issue, it was required. Now and in the near future? I think it should be shortened at the least or reworked in some way.

    Congratulations. I didn't say I was the only who could do that. If a less-than-fifteen-minute investment daily is too much, what exactly do you have time for?
  • Zeuschild35
    124 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Recently I do experiment in gw: I use the exactly same team like the AI. Very funny and challenging. I call them mirror matching. Just because I felt the same like the OP.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    GW has become boring yes, but try get phoenix to gear 8 7* and auto the first couple of nodes, that helps a lot :D

  • Byakuya
    392 posts Member
    Its only time cobsuming taking 5mins to take out chaze. Nerf chaze
  • Azraelrulez
    1908 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    My account is less than a year old. I have three separate teams that faceroll GW in less than fifteen minutes. Git gud, and get Resistance.

    Please. You're not the only one who can do GW in 15 minutes. Get over it.
    This is me on I'm not looking for advice on completing GW. It's boring, repetitive and a time sink. 3 GWs on guild activity day. When content was an issue, it was required. Now and in the near future? I think it should be shortened at the least or reworked in some way.

    Congratulations. I didn't say I was the only who could do that. If a less-than-fifteen-minute investment daily is too much, what exactly do you have time for?

    Lol, git gud?
  • Options
    You're not obligated to finish gw everyday. No one is making you. There are plenty of us who enjoy it. We're looking for more to do, not less. Just stop playing it everyday!
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    There are enough sustain teams out there that can auto most of GW that I fail to see this as a problem for a long time player. I auto through every node except 9 and 11. Occasionally 6 will be an issue. But at absolute worst there are only three battles I actually have to do manually. Some days the whole thing can be done on auto. I let it auto while I'm doing something else, and walk by occasionally to tap rewards/next battle/auto until I'm at one that requires my attention.

    GW might be a problem early. I hated it for quite a while. But after a year in the game it should be a non-issue.
  • Options
    Didn't want to add anything to posts like the one I replied to abovr but seems some of you are mad at me that I think 15 minutes is too much.

    Your situation might differ but my scenario: have to fight arena, anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes or more if I'm holding off a sniper. Around the same time for fleet. My guild does raids regularly, around 5 in a week apart from a bonus one every other time. 30 to 60 minutes for that. That's an hour to 2 hours 5 days a week. Then heists, events etc.

    Now, to go back to my OP, new territory battles are coming in. Most likely, it'll be a time sink too. If it is, GW in its present form is not something I'll be looking forward to. Like I said, it's become stale. 8 nodes which everyone can breeze through, 9 or more for some with broken nodes 11 and 12, 2 to 4 hard nodes at the most depending on aforementioned broken nodes.

    For someone still not getting the point, remember how everyone clapped because the boring and easily doable challenges got simmable? GW is that for me, easily doable and boring. 15 minutes? Yes, so were the challenges.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    The 2 Heist should also be simable when 3 starred, it's a complete waste of time.
  • Options
    Please don't. GW is my favourite part of the game. I can't wait to do it everyday. I wish it was harder and longer. It's the only game mode in the game that we get to play regularly. Why do you even play the game if you don't want to play the game?
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Didn't want to add anything to posts like the one I replied to abovr but seems some of you are mad at me that I think 15 minutes is too much.

    Your situation might differ but my scenario: have to fight arena, anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes or more if I'm holding off a sniper. Around the same time for fleet. My guild does raids regularly, around 5 in a week apart from a bonus one every other time. 30 to 60 minutes for that. That's an hour to 2 hours 5 days a week. Then heists, events etc.

    Now, to go back to my OP, new territory battles are coming in. Most likely, it'll be a time sink too. If it is, GW in its present form is not something I'll be looking forward to. Like I said, it's become stale. 8 nodes which everyone can breeze through, 9 or more for some with broken nodes 11 and 12, 2 to 4 hard nodes at the most depending on aforementioned broken nodes.

    For someone still not getting the point, remember how everyone clapped because the boring and easily doable challenges got simmable? GW is that for me, easily doable and boring. 15 minutes? Yes, so were the challenges.

    There is no reason it should require 15 min of your time. As I said. I might not even be in the same room with my device while battles are being autoed. It might require 5 min of my actual attention on a bad day. It's already nearly "simmable." I would expect it to get easier.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Didn't want to add anything to posts like the one I replied to abovr but seems some of you are mad at me that I think 15 minutes is too much.

    Your situation might differ but my scenario: have to fight arena, anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes or more if I'm holding off a sniper. Around the same time for fleet. My guild does raids regularly, around 5 in a week apart from a bonus one every other time. 30 to 60 minutes for that. That's an hour to 2 hours 5 days a week. Then heists, events etc.

    Now, to go back to my OP, new territory battles are coming in. Most likely, it'll be a time sink too. If it is, GW in its present form is not something I'll be looking forward to. Like I said, it's become stale. 8 nodes which everyone can breeze through, 9 or more for some with broken nodes 11 and 12, 2 to 4 hard nodes at the most depending on aforementioned broken nodes.

    For someone still not getting the point, remember how everyone clapped because the boring and easily doable challenges got simmable? GW is that for me, easily doable and boring. 15 minutes? Yes, so were the challenges.

    There is no reason it should require 15 min of your time. As I said. I might not even be in the same room with my device while battles are being autoed. It might require 5 min of my actual attention on a bad day. It's already nearly "simmable." I would expect it to get easier.

    one could argue that if it's auto-able, it should be sim-able.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Didn't want to add anything to posts like the one I replied to abovr but seems some of you are mad at me that I think 15 minutes is too much.

    Your situation might differ but my scenario: have to fight arena, anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes or more if I'm holding off a sniper. Around the same time for fleet. My guild does raids regularly, around 5 in a week apart from a bonus one every other time. 30 to 60 minutes for that. That's an hour to 2 hours 5 days a week. Then heists, events etc.

    Now, to go back to my OP, new territory battles are coming in. Most likely, it'll be a time sink too. If it is, GW in its present form is not something I'll be looking forward to. Like I said, it's become stale. 8 nodes which everyone can breeze through, 9 or more for some with broken nodes 11 and 12, 2 to 4 hard nodes at the most depending on aforementioned broken nodes.

    For someone still not getting the point, remember how everyone clapped because the boring and easily doable challenges got simmable? GW is that for me, easily doable and boring. 15 minutes? Yes, so were the challenges.

    There is no reason it should require 15 min of your time. As I said. I might not even be in the same room with my device while battles are being autoed. It might require 5 min of my actual attention on a bad day. It's already nearly "simmable." I would expect it to get easier.

    one could argue that if it's auto-able, it should be sim-able.

    That's true, however I bet it looks better for their data when my iPad had the game open for the amount of time it took to do it even if I was folding laundry the whole time.
  • Options
    Please don't. GW is my favourite part of the game. I can't wait to do it everyday. I wish it was harder and longer. It's the only game mode in the game that we get to play regularly. Why do you even play the game if you don't want to play the game?

    Why do you even care if I "play the game if I don't want to play the game?"

    Oh, GW is my favorite, I wish it was.... Newsflash, your favorite doesn't mean it's everyones. I play the game because I like it. I do GW even though I don't like it because it is important for progress in the game I like.

    Another thing, you wish it was harder and longer ie you want a rework? Read my posts, I want a rework too. In fact just read my original post instead of just jumping in with variations of "don't play".

    PS. I think you're playing a different game than me anyway since GW is the only regular game mode in your game. In my game, we have lots of regular modes. Unfortunately some are repetitive, stale and not challenging in any way at all. Some have sim options to dull the repetition, some don't.
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    @JacenRoe, so your argument against any changes like simming etc is that it can already be autoed? So, in your opinion, pressing the auto button 12 times is better than pressing sim 12 times?
    Look, some like it because they find it a challenge. More power to them. Some like the distraction during commutes or such. Good for them. They atleast make sense.
  • Ambassador
    1653 posts Member
    But in the challenges, DS/LS/Cantina nodes, you face the same squads every single time, so it's easy to consider that, if you beat it once without losing anyone, you'd be able to beat it every single time. On the contrary, GW's teams change. Whether it's through new characters appearing, new abilities (omegas, zetas, etc), different team compositions, we face a great variability. It's difficult to consider that we would never find a team comp we could not beat - or not with the first squad. And if you improve your top 5 characters, you risk facing stronger teams, that you may have more difficulty beating. So, where to draw the line of being able to sim ? When you beat the whole of GW with twelve different squads without losing anyone ? It's not clear-cut for me, so it shouldn't be simmable.

    On the contrary, for Credit Heist and Smuggling Droids, I agree a possibility to sim them would be appreciated.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    @JacenRoe, so your argument against any changes like simming etc is that it can already be autoed? So, in your opinion, pressing the auto button 12 times is better than pressing sim 12 times?
    Look, some like it because they find it a challenge. More power to them. Some like the distraction during commutes or such. Good for them. They atleast make sense.

    Not everyone can auto it. Early on it's a major challenge, and the devs have said they want it that way. Since it gives solid rewards, and is meant to be a challenge, and is constantly evolving in difficulty, and isn't effortless for the majority of new players then I think it's totally different than a static daily challenge that I can auto with one toon for garbage rewards.

    I think expecting a GW sim button is totally unrealistic. It's not reasonable to expect the devs to parse out the whales, and people who have been at it for 18 months plus, and find it easy/repetitive to give them a sim button. If anything I would expect them to try to make it harder. As I said, they have repeatedly said they want it to be hard. The devs totally ignored a 9,000 page hate thread that resulted after they jacked up GW difficulty last June/July. So all that said if you're one of the fortunate few who can blitz it so quickly then I'd find something else to complain about. Otherwise they might make it worse.
  • Azraelrulez
    1908 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    @Ambassador, good points. I personally think less nodes would also do the trick. The 1st 5 nodes, why are they even there? Isn't 1 easy node enough? Why can't they lump the rewards from the 5 into 1? Early game development, they needed to stretch it out. Now?

    Edit: please just vote here.
  • Ambassador
    1653 posts Member
    @Azraelrulez Well, the first five nodes are useful for building up TM, for those who don't beat the latter nodes too easily... or for those who want to try different squads. I like to try my new squads on GW, to get the grasp on them while I develop them, like I've done with the imperial Troopers, Phoenix, Sith, etc, and am now doing with Resistance.
    And even when simply using them to build TM for my big squads, it doesn't bother me. I take maybe what, 5 minutes to do the six first nodes on manual ? I often do it during the cooldown between Arena battles, or challenges, or at work between different files or waiting for my printer to finish.
    But OTOH, I like GW. I still face challenging node 12 teams, to it sometimes is a head-scratcher to find the right combo to beat it, and I'm often frustrated when I still have 90% of my competitive squads untouched at the end. :wink:
    Also, remember that every month sees a new batch of players (or a batch of new players ?), not everyone is at the same page.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Didn't want to add anything to posts like the one I replied to abovr but seems some of you are mad at me that I think 15 minutes is too much.

    Your situation might differ but my scenario: have to fight arena, anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes or more if I'm holding off a sniper. Around the same time for fleet. My guild does raids regularly, around 5 in a week apart from a bonus one every other time. 30 to 60 minutes for that. That's an hour to 2 hours 5 days a week. Then heists, events etc.

    Now, to go back to my OP, new territory battles are coming in. Most likely, it'll be a time sink too. If it is, GW in its present form is not something I'll be looking forward to. Like I said, it's become stale. 8 nodes which everyone can breeze through, 9 or more for some with broken nodes 11 and 12, 2 to 4 hard nodes at the most depending on aforementioned broken nodes.

    For someone still not getting the point, remember how everyone clapped because the boring and easily doable challenges got simmable? GW is that for me, easily doable and boring. 15 minutes? Yes, so were the challenges.

    There is no reason it should require 15 min of your time. As I said. I might not even be in the same room with my device while battles are being autoed. It might require 5 min of my actual attention on a bad day. It's already nearly "simmable." I would expect it to get easier.

    one could argue that if it's auto-able, it should be sim-able.

    one could argue an auto-ed fight can be lost, a sim-ed one not. :tongue:
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Options
    PoederAmon wrote: »
    I use the first nodes to experiment with new comps and use the harder nodes for my almost ready arena teams. If I'm in a hurry I use resistance zfinn. Takes me about 20 mins a day and gives me something to do when in the bathroom, stuck in traffic or bored on the couch. They can leave it like it is.

    I am more bored with getting top 3 in hAAT, which is also more time consuming...

    This is exactly what his issue is.

    30-60mins a day was fine early in the game's life, when there were 2 tables & arena. Since then Ship Arena, 2 different raids, and (soon) Territory Battles have been added. They each require somewhat similar chunks of time, so while a 60min GW run has shrunk to 20mins, it's still significant... especially on x3 GW day.

    How can you have three GW in a day I can only do it once a day
  • Azraelrulez
    1908 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    PoederAmon wrote: »
    I use the first nodes to experiment with new comps and use the harder nodes for my almost ready arena teams. If I'm in a hurry I use resistance zfinn. Takes me about 20 mins a day and gives me something to do when in the bathroom, stuck in traffic or bored on the couch. They can leave it like it is.

    I am more bored with getting top 3 in hAAT, which is also more time consuming...

    This is exactly what his issue is.

    30-60mins a day was fine early in the game's life, when there were 2 tables & arena. Since then Ship Arena, 2 different raids, and (soon) Territory Battles have been added. They each require somewhat similar chunks of time, so while a 60min GW run has shrunk to 20mins, it's still significant... especially on x3 GW day.

    How can you have three GW in a day I can only do it once a day

    The day before guild GW day, when Guild light side day is running, don't start GW after restarting. You can enter and retreat the 1st node to complete your daily activities. Then complete that GW on the next, that is Guild GW day. Restart and finish the next GW. After midnight, you'll get another restart, that'll be your 3rd GW for the day.

    It all started when raids were new and we wanted to maximize guild currency for ourselves. That habit stuck and, after all, this game is about maximizing resources.
  • Options
    leef wrote: »
    Gavstar wrote: »
    especially on x3 GW day.

    Trying to explain to my Guild Leaders/Officers to cap the GW battles to 24... they're luke warm on it..
    Its a player choice to hit 36 or 24... each to your own i guess.

    Just to be clear, your guild leaders have nothing to gain or lose, whether you do or don't do GW. Only the energy you spend contributes to the guild currency. Doing GW 3x or any guild activity contributes to your personal guild currency.

    That said, the urge to complete/ attempt everything in the game is shared by many, going by the complaints of difficulty of various events and such. That's why I'm requesting that some kind of changes be implemented. Too much content is not necessarily bad but it has to be fresh and innovative.

    Keep in mind that some players think GW is the most fun game mode in the game. I'm one of those people, 6000+ nodes cleared and counting.

    How about simming GW?
    Pre-reqs: finish gw achievement & broken nodes

    Even if it takes just 15 minutes, its getting annoying... Everyone that finished the gw achievment can attest to that...

    ding, 15 minutes is still too long. people with jobs are trying to play this game. arena and raids take enough time. either make it 4 battle long or make it sim-able. please?
  • Sairiki1
    188 posts Member
    I also think the GW is a waste of time atm. It's too boring and you get too often the same groups combinations. If you don't do it each day you will lose a lot of money and currency.
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