QGJ Leader Skill Issue

317 posts Member
There seems to be an issue with QGJ's Leader Skill in the game. While it states that all Jedi allies are to get foresight at the beginning of each encounter and when an enemy is defeated, it seems that his allies are also getting it after they attack as well. They could have their foresight removed but as soon as they attack again, they have the buff again. Please fix this as it is definitely unbalancing the game.
#ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround


  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    I use zQGJ everyday and have not seen this. I bet you are seeing gk pass them foresight from his basic.
  • Options
    Yoda gets foresight on basic, he also can give it to all others with Battlefield Meditation.
  • Veritasum
    754 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    I think you'll need the video proof. Keep in mind that foresight is gained for 2 turns at the start of the match and after any unit is defeated (yours or enemy). Plus if there's a zYoda he can spread foresight to everyone. I think you're just seeing a lot of foresight and freaking out. Reevaluate the tapes.

    Edit: And if there's a GK he also gives foresight. Lots of foresight.
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    They gain foresight whenever any unit is defeated not just any enemy
  • Options
    General Kenobi can also give foresight to himself and a random ally with his basic.
  • Arcaver
    317 posts Member
    I've seen the effect with GK, but no, that's not what I'm talking about. I've only give against GK in QGJ's squad today. I still run into this issue every time I go against a squad of Jedi with him as a leader. Like if Anakin is in the squad, he'll get foresight again after having it dismissed without anyone being defeated. Like it's refreshing the encounter while still in the same encounter.
    #ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround
  • Drepd
    130 posts Member
    I have seen this a few times and wondered what was up. then I went and looked at their Yoda and he was like 260 speed. so I figure he is attacking so fast that his battle mediation is constantly resetting really fast.

    I also run zqgj and I just got zyoda. mine is only 236 speed but Its working similarly. you don't notice it as much when your teams are roughly the same speed. but when the other team is way faster than you it makes it appear that it's resetting. add in GK with an insanely speeded Yoda and everyone is almost perma foresighted
  • Arcaver
    317 posts Member
    Yoda gets shocked and stunned so he can't use his battle meditation and give everyone on the squad foresight. But I'd be like Ashoka on the squad, she attacks, then Barriss attacks and now Ashoka has foresight again. Their speed would just mean they get a turn faster than myself, but they shouldn't be getting foresight again until someone is taken out. But the issue is them getting it again before anyone does. I spend some time to build up my attacks so they all have debuffs so Nihilus and reduce the cool down of Annihilate. So it can go one or two rounds without someone dropping, that's how it got brought to my attention a while back ago. But it gets old when they shouldn't have foresight anymore, but they keep getting it. It's just as annoying as having a faster squad than the enemies on 8C in Cantina, but yet no matter how high my speed is, they always start first and take out one, if not two of my characters before I even get a turn. Dang sand people!
    #ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    Tbh, it's hard to believe you. Atleast until you show some proof.
  • PiffGuru
    773 posts Member
    Id say we really need a video to examine this,
    But one thing you just mentioned is that you use a sith team it seems with nihilus. Keep in mind that when Vader attacks with his basic he will hit through the foresight so it never actually goes away, That could account for what you are seeing but again we really need a video of this happening.
  • crzydroid
    7317 posts Moderator
    Yeah, post a video so we can see. For cantina 8-C, I put in Baze to soak up those first shots from the sand people, if you want to pm me your ally code.
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