A few bugs

1. General Kenobi sometimes gains foresight out of his turn, which is a pure cosmetical effect, i.e. the buff is displayed, but GK can be hit as normal.
2. Savage Opress dispels debuffs from a random Sith with his Brute ability the moment he's killed by Annihilate ability.
3. Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter goes back to stealth if he was stealthied before his auto-taunt.


  • crzydroid
    7365 posts Moderator
    Was GK stunned? Stunned characters can't dodge, so they can be hit with foresight.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    Was GK stunned? Stunned characters can't dodge, so they can be hit with foresight.

    It seems I missed this in patch notes. When was it implemented?
    Anyway, I can't see a way for GK to get foresight in the middle of his turn while being stunned and not under QGJ lead and without Yoda or R2D2.
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    As for Sun Fac's starfighter, if the duration of the stealth is longer than the duration of the taunt, (ie - it lasts until the end of the triggering enemy's turn), then once it expires, stealth will still be on there and will work again.
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    Devs can say this mechanic is unique and intended, of coz. All other tanks do not regain stealth after taunt.
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