Leader abilities persist in GW

Do you know if it is intended or not? If you kill the enemy leader in GW, in the next battle his leader ability will still be in effect. Seems pretty illogical.


  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    By next battle, do you mean if you use a second team on the same node? As the enemy tm and cooldowns remain, I'd say this is WAI. This is the whole point of GW.
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    Yes, was just curious that it's not a bug.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    crzydroid wrote: »
    By next battle, do you mean if you use a second team on the same node? As the enemy tm and cooldowns remain, I'd say this is WAI. This is the whole point of GW.

    That's not how it used to work though.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    By next battle, do you mean if you use a second team on the same node? As the enemy tm and cooldowns remain, I'd say this is WAI. This is the whole point of GW.

    That's not how it used to work though.

    Is it not? Well, don't know then.
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    I was just noticing this.its been awhile since I've seen it but on my last node, just Biggs and chirrut left and wedges leader ability is still in place. We know if this is on purpose?
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    Leader abilities always persist through death, and have always worked this way.
  • MrPosz
    127 posts Member
    Leader abilities always persist through death, and have always worked this way.

    Are you sure? I've noticed that if I face siths under nihilus and kill just nihilus then go again to this node siths dont have his lifsteal form his Leader ability.
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    I think there's some confusion here and please correct me if I'm wrong but, as I understand it, the leader ability persists within the same battle, however if you kill the leader and then your squad is killed, when you reenter that node you'd be up against the leader abilities (if any) of the character that was in the first slot. if that makes sense.
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    Leader abilities always persist through death, and have always worked this way.

    I appreciate it whenever we get answers from devs, but it t seems like these short answers are often causing more confusion.
    I was just noticing this.its been awhile since I've seen it but on my last node, just Biggs and chirrut left and wedges leader ability is still in place. We know if this is on purpose?

    Lead abilities will persist in battle, but they should not still be active in GW if you attack again after killing the lead toon. Which part of Wedge lead do you think was active? Seems like it would be hard to tell, seeing as Chirrut already has health steal and TM gain is very difficult to perceive in small increments.
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    Between the speed and consistent health gain it seemed like more health was being regrown than should have been. Even when there were no heal over time buffs present on Biggs. I may very well be wrong but it looked like the 2 characters were also gaining the extra health from defeating enemies. I honestly don't know and can't investigate more since it was a couple wars ago, but it seemed a little strange.
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    It was also weird that both guys stayed in their original positions, both in the topmost spots. I feel like they used to change spots to make a new leader. Maybe it was because neither character has a leadership ability?
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