Bug with Shipment Times


Shipment times appear to be in 6 hour increments. However, I have often noticed them being off and in some cases off by a lot. Sometimes it's just 15 min off, sometimes it's hours off. An example would be yesterday and today. Yesterday, shipment refreshed sometime after 1am and refreshed again right at 7am. Today, shipment refresh rate was 3.5 hours off at one point. It's not a display issue because the shipments don't refresh when expected. Can the team instead consider providing players with 4 free refreshes instead of these 6 hour refreshes so that we can decide when we get our shipments? This makes the game a lot more considerate of player time and quality of life. Thanks.


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    It has a weird mechanism. If you are logged into the game when the timer runs out, it starts a new one immediately. Otherwise, it only starts a new one when you log in.
    I also discovered today that the timers for regular shipments and cantina/GW are separate, which is even more annoying.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    This log in refresh would have to be intentional because it's the only thing in the game that functions this way. It is odd and seems counter productive.

    Would like to hear a response from @CG_AaronNemoyten?
    Profile: Keaven
    Guild: Fear The Boot
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    I have been summoned!!!!

    Umm... I'll look into this.

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    I have noticed this as well...I have gone to bed around 11 with the timer at 2 hrs or so...when I wake up in the morning it starts at 6 hrs...so basically I only get three refreshes a day instead of 4...I have even tried closing the app before midnight, and starting after... The timer stays on the current countdown instead of refreshing for the next day.
  • Keaven
    1099 posts Member
    I have been summoned!!!!

    Umm... I'll look into this.

    Thanks Aaron :smile:
    Profile: Keaven
    Guild: Fear The Boot
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    Because of vacations, I think we're probably not going to have an answer about this until next year.

    Sorry about that!

  • Keaven
    1099 posts Member
    Because of vacations, I think we're probably not going to have an answer about this until next year.

    Sorry about that!

    No problemo. Don't expect immediate results, greatly appreciate the reply. :smiley:
    Profile: Keaven
    Guild: Fear The Boot
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    Okay, this is something we'd like to change but it's not easy right now. We are evaluating a lot of other potential changes to shipments (under the hood stuff) for a future release, and this will be included in that if and when we do it.

    We're talking at least six weeks down the road.

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    As others have mentioned, right now once the shipment timers expire they only reset right away if you are online, otherwise they don't reset until you login next. Would be great if this would get changed so that they reset every 6 hours period - hate having to either set an alarm for the middle of the night to wake up for 2 minutes to open the app and refresh my shipments, or lose one of my shipments for the day :smile:
  • Keaven
    1099 posts Member
    Okay, this is something we'd like to change but it's not easy right now. We are evaluating a lot of other potential changes to shipments (under the hood stuff) for a future release, and this will be included in that if and when we do it.

    We're talking at least six weeks down the road.

    Awesome news. Thanks for the info.
    Profile: Keaven
    Guild: Fear The Boot
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    Just curious as to whether this is still being considered? Although not directly related it is rather irritating that the game ignored daylight savings time for all the users impacted. It would be nice if you could make the refreshes and Arena times consistent.
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