Hold off on farming Hoth Scout and Soldier

Without knowing how long this event will last or if it will even return to Hoth after it finishes, there might not be enough time to farm these two to the point where they could be useful in which you will have wasted resources.


  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    I think this will stay forever like the raids
    My collection https://swgoh.gg/u/Hskull55/
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Its going to stay
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    This is not going to just be a one-time event. Everything about the structure and rewards that have been announced indicate it's basically a new sort of raid. It's true we don't know exactly how often we will be running it, but it will not be a one-time thing.

    That said, I don't think anyone should panic-farm HR Soldier or HR Scout. But saving up cantina currency to rapidly star-up HR Scout would be prudent. If HR Scout is useless in the end, you can spend those tokens on something else. HR Soldier will require a longer-term commitment. I wouldnt' be surprised if HR Soldier is the September login character, though. And there will almost certainly be a bundle.
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    I think Territory Battles will stay forever as well. Just not on Hoth. If they come back to Hoth then yeah it's worth the farm. If not then probably not unless you're close to finishing them now.
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    They would add a new place in addition to hoth, not take it away to be swapped out. Just like how we still have both raids. But even if they did what you said and changed it out for a new place, that would not be for a very long time. So you'd still get plenty of value from farming the hoth bros. Especially since scout is easy
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    This is terrible advice, man, come on.
    I mean, one thing is to say "hey dont panic farm, everything will be all right, if you cant complete their phase without them, just shrug and move on", but saying people shouldnt farm is just coo-coo.
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    Hmmm.. Advice isn't very solid, but I would totally go for TB having more than one setting!

    Imagine Hoth this month, then tatooine the next. Maybe the Ewok homeworld? I think TB could be adapted to have more than one playing field. Maybe in time :)
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    They would add a new place in addition to hoth, not take it away to be swapped out. Just like how we still have both raids. But even if they did what you said and changed it out for a new place, that would not be for a very long time. So you'd still get plenty of value from farming the hoth bros. Especially since scout is easy

    What do you base this on? This is not a "raid", so comparing it to other raids seems like a stretch.

    Suggesting that this is permanent and that CG wouldn't simply "move the goal posts" in a few months by having new "gate" characters that a hard farm only I think is almost more naive.

    Think about the past few months.

    Thrawn...needed Phoenix.
    CSL...needed 5 other characters (one of whom was only obtainable through 5 other characters).
    The various Assault Battles all use different teams. As do the Omega battles.

    I think it is far MORE likely that they will switch it after a while...offering high-priced, low value packs for mediocre "gate" characters" at each switch...rather than keep it the same and allow everyone to simply farm up the needed heroes at their leisure.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    My guess is, with each new location, you'll see some corresponding tweaks to existing toons (e.g. Hoth Rebels on Both, Geonosians/Separatists on Geonosis) and some new playable ones (e.g. Endor Rebels, Yavin Rebels).
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    They would add a new place in addition to hoth, not take it away to be swapped out. Just like how we still have both raids. But even if they did what you said and changed it out for a new place, that would not be for a very long time. So you'd still get plenty of value from farming the hoth bros. Especially since scout is easy

    What do you base this on? This is not a "raid", so comparing it to other raids seems like a stretch.

    Suggesting that this is permanent and that CG wouldn't simply "move the goal posts" in a few months by having new "gate" characters that a hard farm only I think is almost more naive.

    You have to think of it from a developer perspective. They've put a lot into not only Territory Battles in general, but this Hoth map specifically, both in development time (special missions, special effects; e.g. ion cannon, etc) but also beta testing time.

    I can see them adding another map, but I can't see them throwing out the Hoth map. If anything it would be some sort of rotation. But to put that kind of development and testing time into it to throw it out 3 months later?

    No, it's here to stay.
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    I agree with OP. DON'T farm them. (My guild, please ignore this post and carry on with your farms) B)
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    Relax guys I didn't say don't farm at all. Just wait until we know more. If I was guessing I would think there would be a rotation of territories with Hoth being in there but who knows at this point.
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    I'm not sure if they'd put so much time and resources into something that's gonna be short-term. We'll find out I guess, but I've already put so much effort into HR Soldier the past couple of weeks so might as well finish it up. I'm at 43/85. HR Scout I have in a good place because I farmed him to do the EP event.
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    It might be like jawas and the AAT raid.... They might get a bonus, but you do not NEED them

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    Territory Battles are not short term... Territory Battles in specific places.... Who knows. There's value to them to putting it in a new place every time. They can make a new required character(s) and watch everyone go crazy so who knows
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    Vice_torn wrote: »
    It might be like jawas and the AAT raid.... They might get a bonus, but you do not NEED them

    I was thinking this too. We simply don't know enough yet to warrant a panic farm.
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    Vice_torn wrote: »
    It might be like jawas and the AAT raid.... They might get a bonus, but you do not NEED them

    I was thinking this too. We simply don't know enough yet to warrant a panic farm.

    ^actually we do know
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    Yeah ... this is really bad advice. Keep farming your Hoth Rebels, if you don't have them.
    And when you are done with them, don't forget about Lobot, Ewok Scout, FOTP, FOST, and Urorrur'r'r. You should always have a hard-node only character on the farm. Use it to fulfill your dailies.
  • Krovv3n
    71 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    This is a new permanent game mode like Fleet, not a temporary event. Horrible advice from the OP dont listen to him.

    Can this thread just be deleted?
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    Hskull55 wrote: »
    I think this will stay forever like the raids
    LOBOTION wrote: »
    Its going to stay
    They would add a new place in addition to hoth, not take it away to be swapped out. Just like how we still have both raids. But even if they did what you said and changed it out for a new place, that would not be for a very long time. So you'd still get plenty of value from farming the hoth bros. Especially since scout is easy

    I'm pretty sure TB's will have a weekly or every other week frequency, rotating locations like they do with omega/assault battles and legendary events. Each location will require certain toons, and new toons to be unlocked via missions and introduced into the new store.

    So let's say we have 4 maps introduced this year, there will be 4 characters given to us somehow like hoth han, 4 characters unlocked like hoth leia, and four characters in the store like hermit yoda. People will have to choose what character to buy first from the store, hopefully adding some variety to GW and Arena.
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    I think Territory Battles will stay forever as well. Just not on Hoth. If they come back to Hoth then yeah it's worth the farm. If not then probably not unless you're close to finishing them now.

    How are we going to max out Leia without it coming back? That would take 50 guild members completing 6+ of the special missions. Not likely to happen
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TB is going to be around foreva!!

    Yes they may try to rotate the actual location later but each map will still require your "whole roster" which has been stated many times. At worst you will be better off with a more complete roster. If they go that route.
  • SeeeD
    141 posts Member
    Without knowing how long this event will last or if it will even return to Hoth after it finishes, there might not be enough time to farm these two to the point where they could be useful in which you will have wasted resources.

    It will return. 100%
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    I think any character that is not in any shops or cantina and only available from a hard node should be farmed, especially since it's only a 12-energy node. Even starting now one might get enough to unlock or tier up Hoth Rebel Soldier to what's required by the time TB starts, especially if you get some bronzium pack luck.

    But while I have both HRS at 7* (soldier as of earlier this week... B) ) I'm not gearing or levelling-up too much until I know more, and that's faster anyway.
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    Pffft hold off on a long farm
  • StarSon
    7493 posts Member
    There is a lot of bad advice floating around on this forum, but this is some of the worst I have ever seen. We know for a fact that the Hoth Brothers are required for various missions in the Hoth Territory Battle, so why wouldn't you farm them? Especially Soldier, who will take a full year to complete?
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    Even if they never do Hoth again they'll do other Territory Battles and you'll use them for that, too. You might not need them for a Special Mission or whatever, but you'll use them regardless.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • MCThr33pio
    275 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    First, like many have said - this is not going to be a one-off event, but more likely a guild raid style event, meaning either the guild will accumulate tickets to begin them ( after the original launch ) or it'll be a regular ( my guess would be monthly ) event.

    Second, it sounds like they'll probably have SOME kind of utility in this event, but nothing crucial to finishing it.

    So yeah, go ahead and farm them, but don't worry about whether you've got them by launch or not - it probably won't matter all that much.

    ( Now watch them be crucial for the Ion Cannon mission lol )
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    I'll say this, though--I've used both in the past (at 4* long, long ago) and still couldn't tell you which is which. I think the Soldier taunts and the Scout stuns?

    Gonna open the game and see if I'm right. (Spoiler: haha no.)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    I'm going to disagree. The event will stay, permanently or it will show up intermittently, which means you'll need both Hoth soldiers eventually. So farm them now, and they may be useful the first time around. If not, they'll be ready for round 2 or 3 or whenever. I'm prettt sure the event will be here to stay like a raid though.
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