Should what you buy be clearly defined?

241 posts Member
edited September 2017
5-300 shards is vague, and paying cash for a vaguely described service is borderline legal/illegal. If this is gambling it should be labelled as such. If not, then what you pay for should surely be clearly defined.

Should what you buy be clearly defined? 24 votes

Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
KameleonicDarthScottSthenosEddiemundieZapkaZapZapSpartan549KyJoe_CoolRedFlagDamba_BaCrazy_Old_Maurice09Max_Rebos_groupieElgordo_eeAfm007FierceRevanRynchenzoJerryHello 16 votes
No, you accept it as a gamble knowing statistically you will get 5-10 shards out of 300 most of the time.
Darth_cowboyDanTastix_1HuatimusPlooshBistan_LoverExarTheKunHskull55Wookie_Green 8 votes


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    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    I have paid around €200 in this game now, and most of that cash spent I believe wasted: the shards received bore very little difference to my progress. In most products sold or services rendered, what you buy is defined clearly. If you are taking a risk or a gamble, then that risk should be stated overtly.
  • Kameleonic
    241 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    Double post.
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    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    I second this post. I am looking for a better description in randomly generated store purchases and what will be dispensed. I have not made any purchases due to lack of certainty in return of purchase. I see the priced items have locked in values; I like that. So far no priced items have matched characters that I want. I would be willing to make purchases with more certainty of items bought.
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    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    Uncertainty is key: it must be labelled as such, GAMBLING.
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    No, you accept it as a gamble knowing statistically you will get 5-10 shards out of 300 most of the time.
    Because these packs are brought with crystals this is not technically gambling, i know you purchase the crystals with money. however you can also gain free crystals via certain aspects of this game so yes you are making a gamble, but you dont neccessarily need to use real money to obtain these packs, the packs that cost money have guaranteed rewards, so you know exactly what you are buying.
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    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    In a casino you spend cash to buy chips. The chips are used to play. That is gambling.

    I do not understand how anyone in their right mind could accept the blatant false hope of winning hundreds of shards, when statistically you have a 90% chance of getting only 5. Charging real money for the means to play to win and giving TINY rewards in return is simply disrespectful.

    For Honour. As soon as players discovered just how seriously expensive and hard it would be to get everything, people quit in droves. This game is NO different. It would take thousands and thousands of dollars to get maxed out characters in a short amount of time: for what? Digital images in a digital game that does little to nothing in your life. It's disgraceful business to not give greater reward to those who invest real money, and a lot of it.
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    Dangling an infestesimal chance at a 330 payout is shameful and only leaves me angry if the payouts every other time at least hit in the hundred area it wouldn't be so bad but almost constant 10,15 &20 point payouts is offensive
  • Options
    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    Dangling an infestesimal chance at a 330 payout is shameful and only leaves me angry if the payouts every other time at least hit in the hundred area it wouldn't be so bad but almost constant 10,15 &20 point payouts is offensive

  • Options
    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    "you accept it as a gamble knowing statistically you will get 5-10 shards out of 300 most of the time."

    How do you know you'll get 5-10 every time unless you go to the forums and see a post about them before it gets deleted, or get suckered into buying several?
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
  • Options
    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    And I won that argument: now clearly defined as it should have been a long time ago. And the truth is shameful. 69% chance to get 7 shards, then a massively sharp drop to 5% for 10 shards then decreasing further... Shameful.
  • Options
    Yes, the percentage chances of what you can get should be labelled clearly.
    As with all purchases it should state clearly what is being purchased.
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