Platoons 1-4 are the exact same for TB in phase 1

This has got to be a bug, right? Exact same toons for 4 platoons in p1?


  • Options
    We had this happen too...
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    This has been flagged as a bug and sent up to our team for review. Thanks!
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
  • scuba
    14105 posts Member
    You haven't heard.. contrary to what all those videos said of wedge led rebels or R1 squad being great for TB that is if you don't want to fill platoons.
    If you want to fill platoons then you have to do battle with Jedi, Ewoks, clones or the bottom of the barrel rebels like Lobot.
    Platoons need 20+ Wedge's or R1 or Hans or Phoenix you know any of the decent rebels.
    If you were thinking this TB was your rebels against the empire well.....
  • scuba
    14105 posts Member
    So I decieded to compare for Phase 3 today
    both territories have duplicate platoons (platoon 1 in the middle territory is duplicate of platoon 1 in lower territory etc.)
    to add to that platoon 1 and 2 are the same platoon 3 and 4 are the same

    I didn't want to embed 12 images so here is a link to the gallery
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    So I decieded to compare for Phase 3 today
    both territories have duplicate platoons (platoon 1 in the middle territory is duplicate of platoon 1 in lower territory etc.)
    to add to that platoon 1 and 2 are the same platoon 3 and 4 are the same

    I didn't want to embed 12 images so here is a link to the gallery

    Not only are the duplicates within the 2 land based platoons (middle is the same as bottom)

    We now have the exact same platoon assignments from Phase 2 and Phase 3. What the &*($#@ is going on??

    This really needs to be fixed. Like with a hotfix. Now
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    edited September 2017
    Pretty sure all platoons are the same as at least the last two phases, including ships.

    It sucks because ours needs no fewer than 22 of Baze Malbus. Never thought I would miss all the Lobots and Paos and Bodhis from last time...
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Forward Trench Mission today has the exact same characters in the exact same slots for platoon 1 and 2. Since both require 2 lograys, which we don't have I noticed it. I think our platoons are the same as yesterday as well, but I wasn't really paying attention.

  • Options
    Same for us. Platoons are identical to yesterday in placement(platoon number) and requirements. Really taking away from the randomness aspect :(
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    @CG_Kozispoon Forward Trench Mission has Platoon 1, and 2 with the exact same required characters in the same spot. They are also exactly the same as Platoon 1 and 2 for the Outer Pass Mission platoons.

    Platoon 3, 4 and 5 are all exactly the same also across Outer Pass and the Forward Trench Missions.

    Platoon 6 is the same for both, Outer pass, and Forward Trench Missions.

    I think it may have been the same yesterday, as platoon 1, and 2, caused us to need a total of 8 lograys yesterday, and today, which we have been unable to fill.

    I hope this extra information helps.
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