SWGoH Abbreviations Guide

150 posts Member
edited September 2017
In SWGoH there are many abbreviations and I thought we need a list of them all for all the new people or older players who forgot. Please note this is a WIP. Let's start now!

SWGoH = Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes


LS = Light Side or LSB = Light Side Battles
DS = Dark Side or DSB = Dark Side Battles
PvE = Player vs Enemy (npc) - LSB, DSB, CB or MB
PvP = Played vs Player - SA, FA or GW
SA = Squad Arena
FA = Fleet Arena
GW = Galactic War
MB = Mod Battle
TB = Territory Battles
HAAT = Heroic AAT Raid
OB = Omega Battles
AB = Assault Battles


CS/CBS = Cantina Shipments/Cantina Battles Store
GS = Guild Store
SAS = Squad Arena Store
GWS = Galactic War Store
MS = Mod Store
GES = Guild Events Store
FAS = Fleet Arena Store
**** = Shard Store


JC = Jedi Consular
CS P1 = Clone Sergeant Phase 1
CW Chewie = Clone Wars Chewbacca
LS FB = Luke Skywalker (Farmboy)


ES = Ewok Scout
EE = Ewok Elder
CC = Chief Chirpa
Zirpa = Zeta Chief Chirpa


NS = Nightsisters
Daka = Old Daka
Ventress = Asajj Ventress
NI = Nightsister Initiate
NA = Nightsister Acolyte

Han Solos

Raid Han = Han Solo
ST Han = Storm Trooper Han
CHS = Captain Han Solo
VS HS = Veteran Smuggler Han Solo

Post edited by StitchagoFTW on


  • Options
    DN = Darth nihlus
    DT = Death trooper
    DK= Director Krennic
    GMY = Yoda
    HY = Hermit Yoda
  • Kevern_Zaksor
    894 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Not only characters but game elements too:

    P1-P4: Phases 1-4, usually of HAAT
    HAAT: Heroic AAT raid
    SA: Squad Arena, not to be confused with Sith Assassin (AKA PVP- player versus player)
    FA: fleet arena
    PVE: player vs. enemy, like the LS/DS/Cantina battles
    GW: Galactic War
    TB: Territory Battles
    TP: toilet paper
    GP: Galactic Power, usually for either your whole roster or your whole guild
    TM: turn meter and TMR: TM reduction
    CD: cooldown (also critical damage, use context)
    AoE: Area of Effect, attacks that hit every opponent
    CD: critical damage (also cooldown, use context)
    CC: critical chance
    Prot: Protection
    WAI: working as intended
    IBAT: It Binds All Things, a CLS zeta-able ability
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
  • Options
    DN = Darth nihlus
    DT = Death trooper
    DK= Director Krennic
    GMY = Yoda
    HY = Hermit Yoda
    Not only characters but game elements too:

    P1-P4: Phases 1-4, usually of HAAT
    HAAT: Heroic AAT raid
    SA: Squad Arena, not to be confused with Sith Assassin (AKA PVP- player versus player)
    FA: fleet arena
    PVE: player vs. enemy, like the LS/DS/Cantina battles
    GW: Galactic War
    TB: Territory Battles
    TP: toilet paper
    GP: Galactic Power, usually for either your whole roster or your whole guild
    TM: turn meter and TMR: TM reduction
    CD: cooldown (also critical damage, use context)
    AoE: Area of Effect, attacks that hit every opponent
    CD: critical damage (also cooldown, use context)
    CC: critical chance
    Prot: Protection
    WAI: working as intended
    IBAT: It Binds All Things, a CLS zeta-able ability

    Thanks for the ideas. Still adding to it.
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