What's Up With These Ewoks?

Am I imagining things, or did they raise the difficulty level of the T1 Forest Moon event?

Last time I finished it, losing only my Royal Guard from an Empire squad. So, 2*. But this go around, I'm getting ABSOLUTELY crushed. And my squad power is much, much higher now.

Just me?


  • BryGuy2k
    198 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    RNG. Murder bears are tough. Make sure to time your AOEs for the waves with the skulls.

    For reference in the 3rd tier a skull scout can almost one shot a g11 Vader with 5 dot mods.

    So scale that bad for the previous tiers and you have one of the hardest events (second to the separatists one)
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    It seemed the same for me this time around, except for the final phase of the bonus tier. Chirp, EE and a couple of the deadlies went before any of my team, killing 2 outright. I've never had that happen before, but it could just be a case of low TM from phase 7. Another one of my guildmates noted the same thing.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
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    Seems all RNG. I just auto'd em all as usual.
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    Meerava wrote: »
    Seems all RNG. I just auto'd em all as usual.

    LOL. Video or it didn't happen.
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    BryGuy2k wrote: »
    Meerava wrote: »
    Seems all RNG. I just auto'd em all as usual.

    LOL. Video or it didn't happen.

    Don't need video. This is an easy auto battle with built up rosters. I auto'd it as well.
  • scuba
    14111 posts Member
    Zoj wrote: »
    Am I imagining things, or did they raise the difficulty level of the T1 Forest Moon event?

    Last time I finished it, losing only my Royal Guard from an Empire squad. So, 2*. But this go around, I'm getting ABSOLUTELY crushed. And my squad power is much, much higher now.

    Just me?

    Of course it is. They inflated/changed Squad power calculation since the last time it was run.
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    all tiers with 3 stars.. team: hk47 (l) ig88, ih86 r2 and EP
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    Depends on your speed really. I toyed around a bit today and used HK 47, LG 88, LG 86, R2 and K2. It was a lot of fun as it was different from the usual zader Ep stuff.. Auto btw but all g11 except k2 was g8.
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    Same did all 3 tiers with GV, Snow, Shore, Storm and Death troopers at gear VIII
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    Said it before, I'll say it again. Snowtrooper is MVP on the Forest Moon. Use Snow's AOE to clear the low-health, high damage Ewoks, fill everyone's turn meter. He has the potential to solo the whole event, but pair him up with Tarkin, Palpatine, TFP, Vader just to be safe. Or run Veers and a full trooper squad, if you can.
    Overwhelming Assault
    Deal Physical damage to all enemies and gain Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. For each Critical Hit scored, reduce the cooldown of this ability by 1.

    Assault Training
    Snowtrooper gains 30% Turn Meter whenever any unit is defeated, and other Empire allies gain half that amount. While Snowtrooper is active, Imperial Trooper allies have +20% Critical Damage.
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    With snow trooper or hk led team it's pretty much a walk in the park. I struggled with it last time, but this time I got snow trooper leveled up and it was easy. Didn't even have mods on a couple ppl.
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    No way! This HAS to be a glitch! I have 3 stars on tiers I &II but now I can't get past stage 4 on tier I. The two Ewok Elders revive each other so fast that it is impossible to complete regardless of what squad I bring. When the difficulty level gets this high, the fun level plummets.
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    Synric wrote: »
    With snow trooper or hk led team it's pretty much a walk in the park. I struggled with it last time, but this time I got snow trooper leveled up and it was easy. Didn't even have mods on a couple ppl.

    See? This guy knows. Snow doesn't even have to be the one defeating the enemy. Just being on the team adds massive speed to everyone. I promise, bring SnowT along and supercharge your team.
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    15flounder wrote: »
    No way! This HAS to be a glitch! I have 3 stars on tiers I &II but now I can't get past stage 4 on tier I. The two Ewok Elders revive each other so fast that it is impossible to complete regardless of what squad I bring. When the difficulty level gets this high, the fun level plummets.

    Use SnowT to apply Ability Block to Elders, stop them from reviving each other.
    Assault Shock Troops
    Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn.
  • Azphat12
    34 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I used Zader, Snowtrooper, EP, K2so, and Thrawn. All gear 7/8 except K2so is g9. Just fracture the elder, ability block the other. Kill the skulls asap if revived, and kill the skull one with the most TM.
  • Globuhl
    751 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Palpatine (L), Zader, IG-88, R2, Tie Fighter Pilot and that went smoothly (bonus level). I remember I struggled with that one but, somehow, I got through it without major trouble. I recently put some additional potency on Vader and that helped ability blocking those elders a lot. Palpatine hit G11 recently and also got some potency. My IG-88 got his mods changed for the best too and my TFP was as useful as it ever was. Love this toon.
  • Plirus
    11 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I three starred 1st and 2nd levels today for first time. Was defeated multiple times trying different combinations.

    EP (L) - 7* - G8 - speed 164
    Zader - 7* - G11 - speed 161
    GMT - 7* - G8 - speed 166
    TFP - 7* - G9 - speed 226
    RZDZ - 7* - G10 - speed 186

    I think RNGesus just smiled on me this day. I had to use heal/defense buff a few times along the way. Haven't tried bonus level yet.

    Edit: Tried bonus, didn't three star it, but I did beat it this time. Everyone survived to phase 8, but EP went down pretty early and I had R2 soaking most of the damage so he dropped midway.
    Post edited by Plirus on
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    It says recommended lvl 75 and g8, that's not even close. From the posts here it looks like lvl 85 and g11 would be more appropriate.
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    It says recommended lvl 75 and g8, that's not even close. From the posts here it looks like lvl 85 and g11 would be more appropriate.

    This, I can't even do teir one with gear 10 Vader, gear 10 EP, gear 8 GMT, gear 8 mamartrooper, and gear 7 R2
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    I 3* all the challenges with an imperial trooper team. Veers(l), magmatrooper, Snowtrooper, Stormtrooper, and EP. All g8/9 and level 81. I have 30 speed arrows on all of them, but not crazy speed secondaries. It's all about using Snowtrooper and the other aoe's at the right time. I often just used basics on the phases that did not have skulls. I used basics with only 1/2 enemies left so I would have my powerful abilities ready for the next phase.
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    Snow trooper level 8 palp L9 Vader L11 r2 L 8 gmt L9 finished all three
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    EP (l), vader, tfp, veers, R2

    Barely 1* tier 2, but 3* on the bonus tier, I dunno what gives. Wonky event.
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    For me I used

    EP Lead gear x
    Zader gear x
    TFP gear 9 6*
    shore trooper gear 9 6*
    Tarkin gear 9

    Cleared bonus tier with 3 stars. The elders are the dangerous ones, save your specials for them. ability block them. do not be too anxious to use force crush, because vader basic can ability block too. I stack tarkin's firepower for stage 4 and eight so it does a lot of damage and tm removal. The moment any bears are revived, kill them hopefully fast enough to do elders damage.

    Maybe your royal guard doesn't taunt fast enough since it requires someone to be 50% health, and that can be dangerous if RNG screws on you.
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    I cleared tier 1 first time ever today, then it took me a few tries to clear tier 2.

    The difference? I got Snow to G8 and Omega-ed his special, plus I was able to add R2 this time.
    (Vader-g8(L), EP-g10, R2-g9, Snow-g8, RG-g8)

    3 stunners, 4 AOEs and a Gatling gun (Snow) :smiley:

    (Load up Snow with crit chance mods or secondaries)
  • scuba
    14111 posts Member
    Synric wrote: »
    With snow trooper or hk led team it's pretty much a walk in the park. I struggled with it last time, but this time I got snow trooper leveled up and it was easy. Didn't even have mods on a couple ppl.

    See? This guy knows. Snow doesn't even have to be the one defeating the enemy. Just being on the team adds massive speed to everyone. I promise, bring SnowT along and supercharge your team.

    I had to test this out. I wasn't having issues beating it. I swapped out ShT for my G8 Snowtrooper... Wow made it even easier
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    scuba wrote: »
    Synric wrote: »
    With snow trooper or hk led team it's pretty much a walk in the park. I struggled with it last time, but this time I got snow trooper leveled up and it was easy. Didn't even have mods on a couple ppl.

    See? This guy knows. Snow doesn't even have to be the one defeating the enemy. Just being on the team adds massive speed to everyone. I promise, bring SnowT along and supercharge your team.

    I had to test this out. I wasn't having issues beating it. I swapped out ShT for my G8 Snowtrooper... Wow made it even easier

    Oh yeah.
    That's why reading the forums are a great way to stay ahead. I heard people's advice here and focused on Snowtrooper last time the event was around. Cleared it all and 3* all of them. Mostly due to SnowT.
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    I still got 3 stars so I don't think so and this time I didn't have the royal pillarbox to taunt whenever my other people got low I had general grievous (mistake) instead ... Yay for health reductions ...
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    Nothing better than seeing my g11 Vader get 40k'd by an ewok
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    Ewok Scout's midichlorian count is through the roof...he is the Chosen One and he *will* bring balance to the Force...
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    EP g9
    Vader 10
    Tfp 11
    Tark 11
    ShT 11

    3* everything no problems
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