Ship ftp release bug

So somewhere at the beginning of this year a rule was established that there would be maque events followed by staged releases of characters. To chromium/shard shop first, then made farmable in 4-6 week increments. This would also aply to toons that were already released behind paywalls. And surely everyone of those has found their way to my roster.... except ships.

The falcon came out along with the first ship release, cassian's uwing was supposed to be a tournament reward that got axed, way before maquee events were a thing, tie reaper and kylo ren's shuttle were available in buyable temp datacards for a while, and at the least 6 months later, none of these have found their way to nodes/guild store/fleet store/gw store... what the f guys. Is the rule broken? Or are ships just not something we get to have in that way. Don't think i need to explain how critical it is when not being able to complete a single fleet platoon squad in territory battles because every one of them needs a cassians uwing or tie reaper hurts your chances of getting more stars. You wouldn't believe the nerd-rage about this one in my guild. I doubt we are alone in that.

So when is this 'bug' getting adressed?


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    For the record, I am aware that this isn't technically a 'bug' perse.
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    I think that non Marquee ships aren't supposed to follow the release order
    My collection
    Sorry for my English :]
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    The character release cadence was after the release of those ships so technically it does not apply to those ships.
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    I was wondering when the ship building omegas will return. I haven’t seen any of them since it was announced in a newsletter that the missing material would be back. I have 5 ships that need 10 ship omegas each to upgrade their abilities; I currently have 4.
  • Pyrefly
    1254 posts Member
    The character release cadence was extended to cover ships, as well, but:
    • It only covers characters/ships released after the creation of the cadence.
    • It only covers marquee releases.
    • And like many, things...
    2a59b1a12f3522515452777b509e3951a17acae46eea66d80251638b8545ba85.jpg profile: Pyrefly -- Check out my Galactic Power Tables and my TB Phase Info Tables !!
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    The release cadence post stated that characters already released behind paywalls would soon be made available as well, something the devs have made good on. And still tie reaper, galcon and such are only available through fleet mega pack. Which is basicly a lottery known for being the single most expensive way to get shard shop currency.

    All that is fine, wouldn't that every other squad in fleet platoons requires 2 cassian's uwings, a falcon and a tie reaper.
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Cassian u-wing, tie reaper, and **** were never released via events which is what the current release cadence covers for ships.
    What about Ships?
    Ships released through the new event structure WILL have the same timeline as characters. Ships not released through the new event structure will be have a different release cadence. Further details regarding this latter group of ships will be revealed at a later date.

    Not sure when that later date is but I guess we haven't got there yet.
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    It's been over six months. Right now platoons waves the ships inaccessibility in our faces every week. I think it's time that this is adressed.

    Pointing out that according to the small print they never pinky swore to release this content doesn't change diddlysquat about that.

    Not releasing something and then requiring us to have it is a **** move.
  • Options
    Oh i see. :)

    Thank you!
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    Hey I got a date for you... They will be made farmable on 10/04/2017! ;)
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