Omega's the new pay wall?

With GW being ridiculous lee OP and Catina lvl9 the only other option unless fleet at 1500 how the hell am i supposed to farm


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    If you’re level 85, you get a free one every day just by doing all of your daily activities, plus possible drops on the ability mat challenge (3 attempts every Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday), ships ability mat challenge (2 attempts every Monday/Thursday/Sunday), omega battles (usually several times per month), capital ship upgrade missions (one time only, but still worth mentioning)
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    I am 85 and I do not get a omega every day also rng rapes me on abilities.I have more zetas then omegas
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    So the attempts =0-1 because terrible rng and I don't live in a make believe world where you get something for free everyday like an omega so 1500 in fleet currency is basically the only way
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    How are you not getting an Omega everyday? All yiu have to do is complete your Dailies
    I fight the good fight
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    I’d call you a liar
    I fight the good fight
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    They should at least reward omega battles with (1-)3 omegas for the last tier. One single omega as a reward for an "event" is ridiculous.
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    There is something suspicious with @TugBoat if he is level 85 , and he does complete his dailies, he def gets an omega per day.
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    ive done my dailies everyday since launch date and I sware I do not get a omega every day contacting swgoh right now.
  • GhostTruckin
    4020 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Fwiw, when you click on the last daily, which is the completed all daily activities, it opens and shows you the prize box contents, crystals credits and gear. But, the other items that you see when you scroll the list before claiming that activity, show the omega, and if you check your inventory count prior to opening, then after opening, you will see it go up by one
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    Just look at your rewards? Is there no one in it? Scrolled down? (The one for doing them all)
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    Guys no joke I'm not lying I have not been getting an omega for my dailies. Contacted ea the will be in contact with me in 24 hrs and I will repost
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    Good luck then, cuz that's awfully weird.
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    This has to be happening to someone else aswell it takes me **** near a month just to get ten
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    I have been level 85 for a long time. YOU DO NOT GET AN OMEGA EVERY DAY BY COMPLETING YOUR DAILIES.
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    Take a screen shot, and send it in
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    You absolutely do get 1 free omega a day for daily activities simply scroll down on the rewards BEFORE opening last activity box
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    Ermmm...... I do. Just checked and it's absolutely a reward. I probably get around 30 a week - enough to omega an ability once per day anyway.
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    Unless you record a video and show the omega count before and after I don't believe it
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    I've done a screenshot and would show but no idea how to. Really indifferent whether you believe me or not. Actually trying to help you as if no one got them the support ticket you've raised with EA will get nowhere. You want your situation to be unique so they can fix it.
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    SWGAMER6 wrote: »
    I have been level 85 for a long time. YOU DO GET AN OMEGA EVERY DAY BY COMPLETING YOUR DAILIES.

    Fixed to reflect an entire guilds experience
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    SWGAMER6 wrote: »
    I have been level 85 for a long time. YOU DO GET AN OMEGA EVERY DAY BY COMPLETING YOUR DAILIES.

    Fixed to reflect an entire guilds experience

    Well I'm telling you right now I do not nor have a ever received an omega every time I complete my dailies.
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    We're not doubting it but believe us when we tell you that we do!
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    Swgamer thank you so me and you are the only two people that don't get a daily omega? I will repost swgoh's response
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    TugBoat wrote: »
    Swgamer thank you so me and you are the only two people that don't get a daily omega? I will repost swgoh's response

    I know right? I have literally done my dailies every day for a long time now. I haven't zetaed or omeged anyone's abilities recently and I only have 3 omegas currently. If I recieved an omega every day I'd be swimming in them.
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    This is quite an amusing thread. On one side we have player claiming not receiving Omegas from completing their daily activities on the other side CHFC22 makes the outlandish claim to get 30 of them per a week.
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    Magulama wrote: »
    This is quite an amusing thread. On one side we have player claiming not receiving Omegas from completing their daily activities on the other side CHFC22 makes the outlandish claim to get 30 of them per a week.

    Was a complete guess... have never kept track as never been a problem! Whatever is the most you can get each week by completing dailies, challenges etc is the number I get.
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    Well now I'm wondering is this an RNG thing or are we supposed to be getting an omega everyday?
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    SWGAMER6 wrote: »
    Well now I'm wondering is this an RNG thing or are we supposed to be getting an omega everyday?

    No RNG.
    Everyone gets one per day for dailies.
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    SWGAMER6 wrote: »
    Well now I'm wondering is this an RNG thing or are we supposed to be getting an omega everyday?

    Should have one in the rewards for your daily activities completion.
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    it's possible to get up to like 28 omega mats week from challenges and daily completion reward. (leaving out possible drops from gw and cantina nodes 8)
    7 from completing daily challenges
    12 from fleet challenge battle (2 max per challenge x6 a week)
    9 from ability mats challenge (1 max per challenge x9 a week)

    the 7 from completing daily are/should be guaranteed drops rest is all a chance of drops so far as I am aware.
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