Some updates that should be considered.

We’re all because we love Star Wars and have loved this game, but some things recently have really been taxing the player base and need to be changed. There are also somethings that have been done very well and we would like those to continue.

Things done well:

1. Communication has been much better between CG and the player base. A lot of forum posts are responded to.
2. The cadence at which you release New toons has been done very well. There is always something to build for and look forward to.
3. Reworks to factions have been good making the variety of toons very nice.
4. Zeta abilities, while very plentiful, are a nice addition to many of the toons.
5. New Ship Rewards

Things that could be improved:

1. Galactic War needs to be more of a challenge for higher level players and reasonable for the players growing. Broken node 12 serves no purpose.

2. Territory Battles need to be changed. We spend most of the day filling platoons made up of the same toons over and over to fight 3-4 very uninspiring Battles. Do away with platoons as a whole. They’re killing the game mode for the players. Figure out another way to incorporate the bonuses they give. Players are checking out at this point and not even participating. It’s a ton of work for officers and they’re starting to check out. We get the concept, but days of having to micro manage a guild takes its toll and the rewards don’t equal the work put in. Officers in most guilds that I’ve talked to hate it. They hate platoons and their bored with the battles. And frankly, the final battles are unfair to 90% of the player base. When your G11 team of Rebels or Resistance who’s modded exceptionally well doesn’t get a turn in the final phase of a battle, there is something wrong. It doesn’t make you wanna work harder, it makes you wanna quit. And players are doing that. I’ve seen more people quit the game in the past month than I’ve seen in the prior year. Also, add the retreat feature back into the battles. Give people a chance to try different things. This game is about problem solving and TBs is just button mashing. I know that’s not what you were going for.
3. Improve ships. Make a mode where we actually do something instead of the same battle over and over in arena. The challenges, other than the ability mats, are utterly worthless. Training droids are not needed as you get into higher levels. And they don’t payout anywhere close to what they advertise. The drop rates on the ability mats are atrocious. After reworking them, add a third challenge just like the toon challenges.
4. Overhaul the toon daily challenges. The ATC Gear Challenge is utterly worthless and there is no gear in there that’s even needed. The rest have only one or two pieces that are even used. When you have 2000+ pieces of a gear, it’s pointless to do the challenge. They’re a waist of time.

5. We need a new raid. The HAAT and the HPit have become quite easy for anyone who’s played for 6 months. HPit takes 6-10 minutes to do by one person. (I made a video of my team of 4 toons doing it in 7 minutes.) There needs to be some challenge. The new toons are great, but the raids weren’t built to handle them. When I am doing 22 million with 3 teams in an HAAT, that’s saying something and that something is we need a new challenge. May I suggest the Death Star and Endor combined raid? Toons and Ships. It’s a no brainer.

6. Give us the tools to manage our guilds for TBs and beyond. The daily ticket counter has been broken forever. Fix it. You’ve been asked over and over for this.

7. Allow new players to a guild to participate in the next phase of a TB. Why have them sit out for the whole thing? We have players quoting in the middle of TBs right now and we can’t bring anyone in to replace them. We have to sit on players that don’t hit ticket mins or follow rules because it hurts everyone in the guild if we get rid of them. It’s not working.

These are a few things I have noticed and comes up in my conversations. I’m sure people will elaborate and add on. I do hope you guys see this and they don’t fall on deaf ears. We’re losing players right now. I feel sorry for new players getting into this game as it’s not a game you can just pick up and play anymore. Not with TBs. Please, make it fun again.



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    I’ll add one more thing.

    FIX the AI, PLEASE! There is no reason that toons or ships that are inferior to yours should ever beat you. I have an all G12 team in arena. If a team of all G11s with worse mods, worse stats from top to bottom, less zeta abilities, and less Omega abilities can beat me, and has the same exact toons can beat mine, there is something not right here. Basically you have a broken game at this point.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Fix the AI. A 10-20% buff in stats is horrible. It gives bonuses that the team should not have and damage they should not do. Ships get synergy they should not have, bonus attacks and counters that players don’t get and other perks like Biggs calling in 5 ship assist attack to one shot a single target. Sure wish I had a Boba Fett that could taunt for a full turn also. And a command ship that could launch my reinforcements every turn like the AI does
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    A ship raid against the deathstar would be good, gets people investing in ships more and a new raid that isn't character based
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    More rebels. Not enough of them.
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    Your worried about galactic wars,half the star wars fan base can complete them,be careful what you ask for
  • scuba
    14111 posts Member
    8. Raise the individual cap by 50-100 for daily 600. This will help make up for those that are missing by 50 tickets or so. Shouldn't have to put in crazy amounts of effort to track people down
    9. When a raid starts out everyone on the leaderboard with a 0. Having to make up rules to fix a broken system is just not right.
    10. This kind of goes back to your retreat request for TB. Until you (CG) can figure out why the lockups and crashes occur make it so the characters used for that battle are not "consumed" until a victory or defeat occurs just like raids. Your code is broken and is affecting game play.
  • scuba
    14111 posts Member
    Platoons I think is the worst part of TB.
    There are "rebel" only battles every phase. Rebels are some of the best LS that many have
    And the majority gets **** into platoons.
  • Options
    Totally fallen out of love with TB already. Guild is finding them boring and long winded. Participation has already dropped from 100% week 1 down to 50% now. The whole platoon part and amount of micro management is just killing it for the guild. 24 hours for each phase drags the whole thing out to a very protracted long week and by day 2 no one cares anymore. A rethink is needed please. Oh and the way people have adjusted their requirements to recruit is just hillarious. Have 1.3 gp but looking for 100mil plus guild getting 35 to 40 in tb. Get real. But sadly this is what TB has introduced.
    Love the game. Detest TB
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    Platoons I think is the worst part of TB.
    There are "rebel" only battles every phase. Rebels are some of the best LS that many have
    And the majority gets **** into platoons.

    The platoon feature as a whole is terrible. There’s no strategy. There’s no fun in giving up your toons so you CAN’T actually play with them. It takes hours to get them filled as you have to ask the guild over and over for certain toons. You can’t complete missions, especially in the final phase, until they are done or people will use the toons you need in combat. They require the SAME toons over and over and over. Multiple instances of the same toon continue to persist in the same platoon and phase. Sometimes as many as 10 of the same toon are required for a whole phase. They constantly ask for the toons that people had farmed specifically to use in TBs. I.E. Phoenix Squadron. Platoons as a whole are horrible!
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    "When your G11 team of Rebels or Resistance who’s modded exceptionally well doesn’t get a turn in the final phase of a battle"

    Resistance? I just did 6/6 on p6 with g8 resistance, platoons were filled 2/6... And my mods are far far away from exceptional .. - Discord - Fahrius#1194
  • MattSidious
    64 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    My Resistance is G11-12 and I have had an instance with them in a phase 6 of a battle in phase 6 where they didn’t get a turn. It just went into an infinite loop of attacks from 5 green skull snow troopers. I literally didn’t get a turn. And I do 6-8 mil in HAAT with this team. Their mods are wonderful.
    Post edited by MattSidious on
  • xceejayx
    36 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    I agree 100% with all you said! I would give more ideas to improve the game...but what you adressed is much more important and need to be fixed quickly.I minimum need to at LEAST spend 2 hours/day on the game to do the bear minimum just to not get kicked out of my guild....which is pretty **** for a cellphone game. Everyone in my guild agrees....ships feel useless...i just DONT farm them all. You farm fhem first for zeta (which by the way has the worst drop rates EVER) and after that i just dont care rank 401....and i dont care...even with crystal rewards added...(top 20?...really????) Ships need a new mode for much needed rewards....i know they probably have the intention to add a game mode in the futur for hardwares..but right now no one cares for that... and TB.......oh my god TB....I think all was said in the thread. I dont need to add more ....
  • Jasonsufi
    16 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    TB rewards were and continue to be a joke factoring in the extreme amount of effort put into it. Payouts need to provide adequate compensation for the work done. That isn't happening right now.

    Fix platoons or remove it entirely. I don't mind sacrificing toons that, while at the right star level, wouldn't get past 3/6 because the gear grind is unrealistically difficult.

    Improved drop rates. Across the board. I'm far more likely to buy crystals for energy if I know the cost will be offset by rewards on a semi-regular basis. I rarely buy more than 1 refresh for normal and cantina energy which is just enough to get my 600.

    Here's what this game could learn from Pokémon Go: incredibly easy pay-to-play thresholds.

    When that game released, people were buy in-game currency like crazy, but at the $0.99 and $4.99 price point and Niantic was raking in money like you wouldn't believe. It was because the cost was offset by reasonable results, making the value for price incredibly worthwhile. This was a net positive for the players and developers.

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    TB are ripping our guild apart, rewards should be based on individual performance. Plus the requirements for platoons interfier with combat missions. Sort it out EA, we want to help you make this game better, not worse
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    Retreat in TB would be a huge improvement.


    1. Show who did battles. Just add it to the stat page. Just like total Tb points show total Tb battles

    2. Don’t erase logs until Tb is over.

    3. Don’t remove TB map until one hour after it is over.

    4. Don’t remove platoon data until after Tb closes

    5. Show ships when I look at others inventory

    6. Fix ship ai. It is just a dice roll. Just about anybody can beat anybody else.

    7. Give darkside a chaze or CLS type character or fix current ones. Jabba and Bibb Fortuna would be a great chaze equivalent. Give palp a zeta where “let the hat flow” recovers protection.

  • Options
    GreenArrow wrote: »
    Totally fallen out of love with TB already. Guild is finding them boring and long winded. Participation has already dropped from 100% week 1 down to 50% now. The whole platoon part and amount of micro management is just killing it for the guild. 24 hours for each phase drags the whole thing out to a very protracted long week and by day 2 no one cares anymore. A rethink is needed please. Oh and the way people have adjusted their requirements to recruit is just hillarious. Have 1.3 gp but looking for 100mil plus guild getting 35 to 40 in tb. Get real. But sadly this is what TB has introduced.
    Love the game. Detest TB

    I agree 100%... The novelty has already worn off and it's only the 5th TB... Furthermore what has really ruined the game is the abysmal drop rate on EVERYTHING from gear to shards... I stopped spending any money on the game because it's just not worth spending even a penny when you get 1 shard or piece of gear for every 20 sims... Really losing all interest in the game... It's a shame because this was once a fun game...
  • Options
    DDeVito wrote: »
    GreenArrow wrote: »
    Totally fallen out of love with TB already. Guild is finding them boring and long winded. Participation has already dropped from 100% week 1 down to 50% now. The whole platoon part and amount of micro management is just killing it for the guild. 24 hours for each phase drags the whole thing out to a very protracted long week and by day 2 no one cares anymore. A rethink is needed please. Oh and the way people have adjusted their requirements to recruit is just hillarious. Have 1.3 gp but looking for 100mil plus guild getting 35 to 40 in tb. Get real. But sadly this is what TB has introduced.
    Love the game. Detest TB

    I agree 100%... The novelty has already worn off and it's only the 5th TB... Furthermore what has really ruined the game is the abysmal drop rate on EVERYTHING from gear to shards... I stopped spending any money on the game because it's just not worth spending even a penny when you get 1 shard or piece of gear for every 20 sims... Really losing all interest in the game... It's a shame because this was once a fun game...

    That's because these developers are just greedy like there's no tomorrow. Charging $100 for characters packs for events? Lol... Then there's the $20 charge for each character thst were needed to unlock CLS during the event... Lol x 2...
  • Options
    Apparently my gw is broken I have not been able to beat node 6 in a long time I keep getting fully zeta g12 teams that destroy anything I throw at it. It's very agrivating and it's not like I have a terrible roster or anything my gp is just under 1.9 million, how does a vader that has 5k less power than my g 12 r2z2 one shot him something is wrong
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