Galactic War Sucks

What is currently wrong w/ the Game Developers and algorithms they’ve put in place for the GW? This use to be one of my favorite parts of game, but are now pointless, infuriating, and absolutely impossible. They might was well not put any achievements under GW as it’s been impossible since they did the update earlier this year.

Neither my Guild nor myself has been able to win one is several months. My top two or three teams as always knocked out w/ the 6th or 9th phase, and that’s w/ constant restarts. I'm facing opponents that are top 50 or 25 and I'm around 300 plus. This SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

…It is so maddening I'm not spending another penny until they get this fixed.


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    Galactic War is amazing!!!!

    Sorry... just trying to bring balance to the force.
  • Globuhl
    751 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Yes it’s bad. The fact that only one team makes it possible to win consistently shows that it’s broken to its core. We should be able to win with many different teams.
  • Iyaoyas
    120 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    I finally broke my node 12 again, so I’m happy with GW. Just wish there was some diversity in the teams. Hate fighting chaze, R2, GK, CLS and crew over and over again.
  • StarSon
    7465 posts Member
    Globuhl wrote: »
    Yes it’s bad. The fact that only one team makes it possible to win consistently shows that it’s broken to its core. We should be able to win with many different teams.

    There are several teams that can clear it consistently, but actually that shouldn't be the case. It was meant to test your depth of roster. You should have to used 7 or 8 teams to clear it.
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    Do you prefer the 111 waves of snowtrooper in the TB ?
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    Moved to Feedback/Galactic War.

    Look around in the other threads of the subsection, you'll see several good strategies and advices on the way to plan your GW, as well as TM & cooldowns management. Just because you and your guild don't beat it, doesn't mean that most of the players don't.
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    What's the team that can beat it???
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    My squad is stacked and by the last two lvls I'm wiped out
  • StarSon
    7465 posts Member
    What's the team that can beat it???

    zFinn Resistance, zCody Clones, zeta'd First Order, Gar and Imperial troopers can call clear GW. Droids can clear most of it.
    My squad is stacked and by the last two lvls I'm wiped out

    If you are struggling, try to game the system a bit. Use the first two nodes to preload TM on a couple teams, and then use a different team. Before I had resistance I preloaded a few teams, then ran Droids until they died (around node 10 or so) and then ran cleanup with the tm loaded teams.
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    Ambassador wrote: »
    Moved to Feedback/Galactic War.

    Look around in the other threads of the subsection, you'll see several good strategies and advices on the way to plan your GW, as well as TM & cooldowns management. Just because you and your guild don't beat it, doesn't mean that most of the players don't.

    @Ambassador This is such a tired response to an issue devs either don't see or won't acknowledge. I've stopped griping about it, as the griping is pointless. I grind through my 11 nodes and go on my way now. GW is not meant to test your entire roster. If it were, it would be structured in such a way as to do that (limit the number of times you can use a toon, match your toons at their own gear levels, not your top gear level). It currently tests the following.

    1) do you have a geared resistance team?
    2) do you have geared versions of CLS / GK / Thrawn and/or the appropriate meta-counter?
    3) do you have three arena viable teams, modded appropriately?

    That's all it effectively does (and this is for me, everyone's experience varies depending on where they're at with their own roster). My Node 12 is routinely from someone who is in the top 5 in arena (I can see them on, has almost double my GP, and makes my best speed mods look like I play this game in molasses. How +400 composite speed on a team tests anything other than the frustration level of your player base is beyond me. For the love of the game, acknowledge the problem.

    In fact, let's issue a developer's challenge - beat my GW 3 days in a week with my roster. That would be great to see.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    What's the team that can beat it???

    zFinn Resistance, zCody Clones, zeta'd First Order, Gar and Imperial troopers can call clear GW. Droids can clear most of it.
    My squad is stacked and by the last two lvls I'm wiped out

    If you are struggling, try to game the system a bit. Use the first two nodes to preload TM on a couple teams, and then use a different team. Before I had resistance I preloaded a few teams, then ran Droids until they died (around node 10 or so) and then ran cleanup with the tm loaded teams.

    Agree with zFinn Resistance, don't know about zCody Clones or Gar ... but zeta FO has no protection regen or healing and will run out of juice. They are very good, but cannot do the whole table themselves.
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    Ambassador wrote: »
    Moved to Feedback/Galactic War.

    Look around in the other threads of the subsection, you'll see several good strategies and advices on the way to plan your GW, as well as TM & cooldowns management. Just because you and your guild don't beat it, doesn't mean that most of the players don't.

    @Ambassador This is such a tired response to an issue devs either don't see or won't acknowledge. I've stopped griping about it, as the griping is pointless.

    They have acknowledged it. They have said several times it is WAI.
    In fact, let's issue a developer's challenge - beat my GW 3 days in a week with my roster. That would be great to see.

    You are not supposed to be able to complete it 3x/week.
    StarSon wrote: »
    What's the team that can beat it???

    zFinn Resistance, zCody Clones, zeta'd First Order, Gar and Imperial troopers can call clear GW. Droids can clear most of it.
    My squad is stacked and by the last two lvls I'm wiped out

    If you are struggling, try to game the system a bit. Use the first two nodes to preload TM on a couple teams, and then use a different team. Before I had resistance I preloaded a few teams, then ran Droids until they died (around node 10 or so) and then ran cleanup with the tm loaded teams.

    Agree with zFinn Resistance, don't know about zCody Clones or Gar ... but zeta FO has no protection regen or healing and will run out of juice. They are very good, but cannot do the whole table themselves.

    I stand corrected then. Don’t have them myself, but have heard others say it works. I suppose that’s what I get for just taking their word.
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    EP lead Sith do quite well too. I find I can clear it with just that one team two or three times a week.

    Mostly I preload my droids, Clones, Sith, Jedi, and Rebels. Each has its use. I try to rotate in a few key toons like Boba and STH (he's not part of my Rebel team) when I can.

    And voila, I've involved 25-30 toons in GW. And have no problems clearing it. Seems like a good test of my entire roster.
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    I involve 111 characters in GW ... just that my entire roster gets smoked by all the CLS meta teams. If you do not have the counter to the power creeped cash grabbed madness teams you arent going to finish all the way to N 12.
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    @StarSon Is this you?

    How many times per week do you finish GW? Broken node 12? Broken node 11? It's pretty disingenuous to tell us that we're not supposed to finish GW when I'm confident looking at that roster that you do.

    The reason I think it's broken is because I used to finish GW regularly, every day, for months on end. Since TB and G12, Node 12 has become an exercise in futility. The lack of consistency around the experience leads me to believe it is not functioning along the terms of the original design and it is part of the game that has not kept up with the evolution of its other aspects. Which is all fine. But please, please, don't tell me that the intent is to have only 11 nodes be completed and offer 12. Why would you bother?
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    Galactic War is amazing!!!!

    Sorry... just trying to bring balance to the force.

    Ha ha
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    Just took on node 12 again for fun - lost one team softening up 11, arena team was in decent shape, thought it was worth a try. Ran into this guy:

    Looks like he's been at it awhile. It's laughable how stupidly overmatched my roster is. I have nothing resembling a chance. The math just doesn't work out. How anyone could defend this as remotely enjoyable or playable is beyond my understanding of human nature.

    And to say that 'you're not supposed to finish it every day' is ridiculous as I look at at least 10 members of my guild who have cleared 36 or 24 nodes. It's a dumpster fire for some of us, plain and simple.
  • StarSon
    7465 posts Member
    @StarSon Is this you?

    How many times per week do you finish GW? Broken node 12? Broken node 11? It's pretty disingenuous to tell us that we're not supposed to finish GW when I'm confident looking at that roster that you do.

    The reason I think it's broken is because I used to finish GW regularly, every day, for months on end. Since TB and G12, Node 12 has become an exercise in futility. The lack of consistency around the experience leads me to believe it is not functioning along the terms of the original design and it is part of the game that has not kept up with the evolution of its other aspects. Which is all fine. But please, please, don't tell me that the intent is to have only 11 nodes be completed and offer 12. Why would you bother?

    @cannon_fodder yes, that is me. I finish GW every day, and do 3 for the activity every week. I have a broken 12, not an 11, though I think I'm close since my 10 has been getting harder.

    I don't think it is disingenuous, the point is you need a deep roster to finish it every day. I had to actually focus specifically on a deep roster for a few months before I could finish reliably when I first started, and then sometime last summer I actually had a couple days every now and again that I couldn't finish. Since I got Resistance up and running, it hasn't been an issue.

    Not sure how long you have played, but GW is 100% not supposed to be finished every day, per the devs of the game. The game around it has changed, while GW has not been changed in over a year, because for the devs it is a lose/lose, so they leave it alone (though I do wish they would at least switch to the new power ratings). And you would bother because eventually your roster will be deep enough that you *can* finish every day. As it stands, I could use a completely different team on each node and still clear it every day, simply as a function of time playing.

    Trust me, I know it is frustrating, but at some point you get over the hump, and it's just a thing you spend 10 minutes on every day.
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    I agree with StarSon,
    It has been said many times, that it is not intended to be beaten daily, but yes, once you have certain teams and or a deep enough roaster, it is completely possible to clear it daily. Can I clear each node with a different team ? IDK, that might be a bit more challenging, and something I honestly might try.
    Yes, Resistance does make the overall chore of GW much easier, but it is not the "only" team I run, I equally run my Arena team, Zeta FO team ( fyi, it use to be able to full clear GW, can not any longer, but is great against certain teams in there :P ) even ran my Pheonix team for a while, trying to learn different ways of using them in TB. DN lead teams, also can do well in GW.
    But again, this is going to come down to the size of your roaster, and where your focus has been in terms of your collection as to when you are going to be clearing it every day. If people want the short easy answer to clearing it daily, you already have heard it. Get Zeta Finn and gear up a Resistance team, and you are going to clear 95% of the nodes with that team with zero issues. The 5% left, you can reset and try a different order with Resistance, run a different team to soften them up and make the other team blow their CoolDowns, or run a different team and beat it. But in a nut shell, there is the easy answer.
    GK+Zarriss can pretty much them start to finish as well StarSon, for your list of teams that can do a full clear.
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    @Darklin_Sil I just want a fair shot at clearing it, which the matching algorithm currently does not give me. It's an unreasonable expectation on my collection to assume, even at full health with no attrition from nodes 1-11, it could contend with one of these teams (my last three node 12s)

    That's all. This is why I say it's broken. This isn't 'testing' anything. Just too much health + protection + speed + regen + kit +++

    Could I modify my current plans to put one in place that allows me to clear GW more frequently? Surely. Is it my choice to focus my resources on other parts of the game? Absolutely. Should I have to make that choice - I'm not so sure. As a customer, I would say probably not.

    I used to love GW, even with it's repetitiveness. Currently, for me, it's an exercise in futility or frustration. If I were a game designer, this isn't the sentiment I would want my players to have from one of the features that I've developed.
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    I understand your frustration mate, honestly I do.
    Let me ask you this then, do you take part and enjoy TB ?
    If the answer is yes, then simply put, having that same zResistance team there ( which if you are playing TB, and you want to help out your guild ) is going to be a huge advantage. Or in other words, something very much worth farming and getting. Gw check, Haat check, TB check, Arena ( well if you are that much into them ) check.
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    Appreciate the response and this is exactly the conclusion that I've come to - I'd much rather be spending my next zeta on my arena team and really wanted to start farming some Dark Side characters (can't remember the last time I had a targeted DS farm), but it appears that will have to wait for viva la Resistance.

    It makes sense on so many levels, I just really wanted to farm what I wanted to farm for once in the past three or four months ;-) Thanks for the input!
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    The game very much works in cycles.
    Not more then six months ago, anything light side was being crushed by Zual and his crew. Now, it is light side running everything. By the looks of it, NS will be really changing things up possibly,
    Equal farming of light and dark side characters is important yes, building a deeper roster is important, but when you started the game late, it is harder to catch up on it all, that is with out even looking at the mass release of characters in the last few months as well. With the new movie less then two months out, I am going to expect more releases come the new year.
    I use to be stressed and tried power farming against people that have been playing for a full year more then myself. In the end, just do what you can do. I brought up TB, because if you are in a guild, it is something you want to be working towards, to help the guild out over yourself. If you are not, I would not worry about things then, and just farm what you want to farm. We know dark side TB is coming at some point, so what you farm now in the dark side, probably will be helpful to you then.
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    Why don't these forums have an upvote feature so the devs see how many agree with the well-argued points here.

    GW is overly hard, so is TB.
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    They use to have it ( I think anyways, been a while )
    And it is not that I do not think they are not hard or challenging, but I view them more as end game for something to do. Both are very much intended to test and push your roster, give you a reason to continue to play, and improve your characters. If they did not, people would just quit once they maxed out.
    In time, I hope they will address GW to where skills are factored into the power rating, that should solve a lot of the problem that many hit.
    TB, is new, the later phases are tuned for G12 gear, and specificly made teams. As well as having a large roster to fill all the CM teams, SM teams, and Platoons. Sure it is going to be hard atm, it has not been out for more then two months yet. If it was a breeze, then again, people would not have a reason to upgrade or keep farming things.
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    Couldn't agree more on TB - it should be something to strive for, for everyone. I can see how people burn out of this game over time, or just end up with nothing left to do unless you have a need to collect everything. Overall, I think it's a really well done game, just have some issues with GW :-)
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    Are u people getting water on these gw sucks threads cause they seem to be multiplying daily. Hate to see what happens if u feed them after midnight.
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    They’re already gremlins. You need to fight them with sunlight or fire.
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    GW needs a revamp especially for matching.
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