Daring droid T7 question resolved concerns remain!

21 posts Member
edited October 2017
Has anyone else noticed that enemies sometimes ignore foresight specifically R2's AOE I have been seeing this issue and that combined with the other disadvantages we come in to that stage with has made it nearly impossible to get through the event for me I am using gear 9 Palpatine, g9 Vader, g8 TFP, g8 Tarkin, and g7 Royal Guard and I breezed through the first six stages. (Edit) after getting all but royal guard (gear 7) to g9 with one at 10 I was able to complete the event it may have derailed gear farming for other toons but I am the proud owner of a 7* R2 that said the frustration was real.
Post edited by Pappywafflez on


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    Not a bug. R2 aoe cannot be evaded
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    Kalano wrote: »
    Not a bug. R2 aoe cannot be evaded

    Ok thanks I guess it's off to buffing every empire toon in the game to try every conceivable combo at gear 12. It's not something I look forward to, this is the kind of thing that sucks the fun out of this game. I understand difficult but this event at t7 seems a bit much, I thought the people who had been quitting the game over this, and similar issues must be exaggerating until I experienced it for myself.MONTHS OF INVESTMENT TOWARD SOMETHING ONLY TO BE MET WITH THIS LEVEL OF FAILURE IS NOT ENJOYABLE PERIOD.
  • HaenDuo
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Gear 12 ? I finished it barebones on a mix of g7 and g8 lvl 80. Just do it smart, take out han before you loose red guard. Than leia and mini Luke. Lastly ideally r2 and tanks but you might need to go around and kill chewie first if you can't land zap on him. Try using a strategy, instead of dmg. Palpatine, Vader and TFP really shines there, keep zapping, buff immunity and damage. Dont go Vader combo unless u have power up from Papa palpatine. Don't throw light saber unless u know u will kill. If u don't- restart. If you don't stun r2 and han,leia,Luke in a first round- restart. Took me abt an hour and a half of looking for a right RNG and stars alignment. If I did it u can do it
  • TVF
    36643 posts Member
    If you can't do it at G12 you're doing something very wrong.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    But did you do it with your mix of g7 and g8 before or after the reworks for raid han, old ben and princess? because I am losing tfp before I get a chance to go even once... every time
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    Same day as i wrote it
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    Palpating lead, Vader, Veers, Stormtrooper, Death Trooper. Kill Han, Lei, Luke, in that order and then go from there. Not the best team for it and took probably 20 tries but the order really helps.
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