New Mace Ability

Since when does Akbar’s Sieze the Advantage not remove debuffs on the targeted ship such as defense down and target lock when Endurance is opposing capital ship? Is this new and I just missed it?


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    Target Lock cannot be dispelled if TIE Advance is on the enemy team.
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    Boba, JC, PLO Kloon, Ghost, Biggs.

    Any other ships that have the dispell block?
  • crzydroid
    7366 posts Moderator
    Sure you targeted the right ship?
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    Yup. Right ability, too. Advantage only went on 3/5 ships and the only target locked ship was JC right up front.

    If it happens again I will report it, up. If not chalk it up to user error or random wires crossed because...iPhone. Waiting for fleet to reset to test later.
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