New team, just started again

Right so i started again got geo soldier and qui gon in progress who do i need to farm from galactic war and squad arena to give myself a good starting team, and do i really need luminara or can i get someone else


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    Rebels team for sure for now(Either Phoenix, Wiggs Team) and concentrate more on Scoundrel for your Credit Heist and Training Droid Event
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    apparently i read somewhere you get a biggs at level 42 or something? is that right
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    also is wedge even viable for a starter team it says cantina 6f?
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    For sure get Ezra from cantina 2-b if you already have Qui gon going those with Jedi consular are the start of a good jedi team and farm old ben as soon as possible as well he makes a great tank and is accessible starting out at cantina 2-f both are useful later on and generally great investments! And as soon as you have the arena store kanan is farmable pretty quickly other than that fill in with your best toons. And to answer the question you don't need Luminara but she is a great early game healer that I would encourage starting out until you have Barriss!

    In short,

    QGJ (Lead)

    Old Ben (tank)

    Ezra (attacker)

    Jedi Consular (Healer)

    Kanan (tank)

    Hope this helps!
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    Right so i started again got geo soldier and qui gon in progress who do i need to farm from galactic war and squad arena to give myself a good starting team, and do i really need luminara or can i get someone else

    Both those characters are very outdated and you'd be better off following an updated guide:
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    Right so i started again got geo soldier and qui gon in progress who do i need to farm from galactic war and squad arena to give myself a good starting team, and do i really need luminara or can i get someone else

    For sure biggs from gw store (all the way to 7* imo), for arena either, leia, very good rebel or st han, good rebel and good scoundrel
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    Now fleet arena also pays crystals. So you if you want to min max then farm Boba>Fives/Chopper>Poe>Bistan(bistan even at g8 is extremely helpful for soloing rancor plus his ship is awesome also one of the easier to get rogue 1 for tb) from cantina store, Sthan>Tarkin>Kanan/Leia from Arena store, Biggs>save tokens for fast fleet progress>Zeb from GW store, JC and FOTP from hard nodes. I havent figured out the most efficient cantina path yet but so far I would suggest Lando to 5*> Tfp 7*> OB/Hera(I am not sure beelining for cls or a thrawn capital ship yields better rewards)>Wedge to 7*(he will be leading your arena for a few days then dumped to make room for cls)>Finn. From guild store farm luke sabine jyn and resistance trooper shards. From fleet store farm these ships as priority vaders tie itf fotf fotp shards vader shard till he is at around 60/100 fotp and wedge shards. Your starting arena should be lando lead boba sthan biggs jc(this will also be your gw team) jc will be around till wedge comes online then replace him with wedge. This team will give you premium payout for like 2 months in arena. In fleet your starting line up would be tarkin biggs fives itf fotf jc with boba wedge in reinforcements when you have vaders tie the starting line up would be vader ift fotp biggs fives with boba jc wedge in backup. You will want tie reaper in your end game fleet then the line up would be thrawn biggs vader fotf itf reaper with boba fives poe in backup. You can be end game squad arena competative with thrawn lead tarkin deathtrooper shoretrooper and the fifth slot filled by stormtrooper or director krennic. If you have make him lead and drop tarkin for stormtrooper. This is the fleet success to arena success path. But pure arena success would be cls lead r2 chaze dn. Pure arena chasing helps raids. Fleet+arena chase offers better crystals to make up raid teams and gearing faster. Currently fleet looks easier as most people will be chasing cls and raid teams while you can cement your fleet position. Chasing arena is tough as most whales will focus arena first.
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