UK Guilds - Post in here!



  • HiImJoseph
    1 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Roux wrote: »
    Only just see this

    Nightangel uk part of David’s alliance

    Uk raid times but members from all over sitting around 70 GP with 30TB stars, same problems as most, lots of turnover since since TB started.

    Still looking for a new member? If so any chance you guys would have me...
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    Hi all XxMandalorianHuntersxX are now recruiting
    We are a newish guild looking for active members,
    You need to be at least level 45
    You have to be active
    You have to take part in raids
    If you are interested add my ally code which is 795-986-941.
    Also if your interested reply to this discussion/ send me a message I'll reply to everyone.
    All are welcome in XxMandalorianHuntersxX.
    We also currently have 15 members and 4.9+mil gp
    Discord chat link:
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    Anunaki Union (no, i don't know what it means either)

    85.5M GP, 36 TB stars.

    Currently looking for 2 members. My Line ID is seth1927.
  • zhtd17
    948 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    mortal separatists
    80M GP, 35* tb

    looking to replace one member
    add me on discord: zah#4141
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    Added you chaps to the list.

    We're looking for another person, we hit 35* last TB - open to doing mergers / team sharing. Get in touch.
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    UK is wack!
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    Cooncoon wrote: »
    UK is wack!

    Thanks for your insightful contribution
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    Dark Horror - 47 / 50 members
    GP 58mil / 27* in TB
    3 x HPit / week, 2 x HAAT / week - all 8pm UK time, 24 hour zero damage
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    hey all, I thought of making a recruitment server for UK guilds only, it won't be as crowded as the other recruitment servers because it's only for members looking for gmt timezone raids.
    there are guilds of different levels , so we can help each other by sending people who don't fit our requirements to other guilds.

    join this server:
  • Adoy_IdeJ
    310 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Fantastic thanks mate - that's a cracking idea! Will get our officers onto that server.
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    Dark Horror - 47 / 50 members
    GP 58mil / 27* in TB
    3 x HPit / week, 2 x HAAT / week - all 8pm UK time, 24 hour zero damage

    Added you to the list
  • Tazu
    32 posts Member


    Anarchy (in the UK)

    - 1 space available
    - 81.5m GP Heroic raid guild looking for players to participate in raids and join our TB team.
    - High achieving guild with longstanding and experienced members. All of us are Star Wars geeks. Duh!
    - Fun social guild. Mostly mature players, some with families. We enjoy a laugh and respect that life comes first (as opposed to death right? Surely that didnt come first?)


    - We are seeking level 85 members with a minimum of 1.4m GP. 600 tickets a day please.
    - Must install Line App. Add Droppermai / Djake / Tazuzoo. Find the app here:
    - Must have account with (it isn’t necessary to use it, we just need you to register so we can keep track of our guild’s progress for TB)
    - We expect players to own critical characters for TB (or at the very least, be aiming to get them asap)
    - We ask that people be team players and to be considerate.


    - Both HAAT and Heroic Rancor are on farm. Avg 3~4 runs each per week. 24 hour hold on all raids.
    - Raid times are held at UK 19:30~20:30 weekdays. Special HAAT 12:30 (noon) on the weekend for our global players.

    Drop us a line on Line app for a chat. Would be great to get to know you!
    Droppermai / Djake / Tazuzoo (on Line app)

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    Uk recruiting discord server for both guilds looking for players and players looking for guild, join up and let’s grow the community and help each other out
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    Very active UK guild seeking 1.2m+ GP players

    Currently 5 slots available

    * HAAT/Hpit

    * TB

    * Discord

    * Friendly and generous with donations

    Contact Guild leader on Discord - Bardan Proga#5946
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    @AlteredCarbon Can I join your guild? My guild has flopped in TW, only half the people taking part!

    This is my profile:

    I have an underage account as my son occasionally plays so therefore can’t communicate within the game. I have downloaded Discord but never used it so may need some help using it.
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    95 mil Guild

    Raid 7:30pm
    37* LS TB
    34* DS TB
  • Bobo_Gump
    216 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi ****_Gump here,
    The Mad HAATers are mostly from the UK! This is us:
    100mil GP, Player AVG 2.1mil GP.
    2x haat, 3x hpit weekly, 1 sith raid per week.
    Raids 12:00, 20.00, 22:00; 0:00
    LSTB 36 stars, DSTB 35
    TW win ration 12 to 4 ish!
    4 places left.
    LINE ID: bobogump
    Invite only. Min 1.5mil GP. Active daily and chatty!
    See you around kid.
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    We are the Malevolent Marauders, a Heroic Sith Guild. 139 million GP, on for 42 stars LSTB 44 stars DSTB. 50/50.
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    I know this is an old thread now, but it popped up in a search.... thought someone might still be lurking and be able to give some advice. Have recently started playing again after stopping for about 3 years. Finally got to 85 about a month ago and have been farming Phoenix and a Palp/Thrawn squad (all 7 stars now, mix of G9 & G10 with L15 mods) and working toward some other synergy squads. I'm at about 750,000 GP which is still fairly noobish when compared to the req's for almost all the guilds in this thread.

    I managed to get into a my current guild which I'll admit was a fluke as I'm too low for it really (and am being carried, I'll admit) and although I've switched guilds a few times to try and find a UK one, I keep ending up in US timezone ones missing out on raid activity. Can anyone suggest a mid level UK guild, or have space for an apprentice :-) ? Cheers.
  • GrandMasterToni
    3 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    Me and my buddy are looking for a UK guild. Swgoh accounts are and We are both approaching 2 million GP. Both very active, both very focused and working on gearing geos for WAT shards
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