Seriously? Do none of you have families or lives?



  • Wolf_359
    45 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Phase 2 is the one going on during Thanksgiving, and you have 24 hours to do it (and it can be completed on Friday). Everyone just looks for things to complain about. You can probably complete it on auto, since you say you are a high end player and all. Or just skip it if you can’t spare a few minutes. Is it that big of a deal if your guild decides to take a star or two less for the TB because you would rather spend every possible minute with your family? Will you complain about GW and everything else that still “has to be done” that day?
    Thanks for being that guy Bulldog1205!

    I’m sorry, I just find it hilarious when people complain about having to play a game. It’s a game. If you don’t want to play then don’t play. Missing 1 day isn’t going to kill you. I’m personally glad I’ll have more to play on a day I get off from work.

    How long have you been playing this game? I think your point of view is incredibly naive. Sure you're talking about one day but he's talking about the aggregate of time of events and features of SWGOH. The original posters point is this:

    The game is structured so in order to advance at the top end of the game you have to be in a guild. If you want the best rewards -- and the best rewards are not that great to be honest -- you have to be in a good guild. If you are in a good guild you have requirements such as doing your 600 everyday. In order to be efficient in getting your 600 you have to play within the designated times to get your free energy. You can't just get on in the morning or in the evening and do all your requirements and then not worry about the game the rest of the day. This is a design decision to keep you in the game longer so you have more opportunity to spend money.

    TB is a whole new ball game. The magic number is 41+ stars. That's pretty much what most guilds are shooting for. So now you have to make sure you have the right teams and you have to take time to plan your character upgrade strategy. And now that we have the 41 stars on farm they introduce DS TB and TW and they plan on adding a ton of characters the next few months so you have something to use for DS TB. Furthermore, you have to make sure you have the right characters to get 1st in both arena and fleet so you get those crystals, because even if you spend money on the game, every crystal helps. And if you want to stay top in arena, it means that you pretty much have to participate in every legendary event. And why do you have to do all of this? Because in a top tier guild, the other people in your guild are counting on you and if individuals don't perform up to expectation you get kicked from the guild or your best people leave your guild to go to some other guild who are performing this way.

    The in game chat sucks so pretty much everyone in a guild should be using some 3rd party chat program such as discord, slack, line, etc. So you are spending time in the game and you have to monitor developments in your guild chat since participation in your guild chat is a requirement.

    Don't even get me started about being a guild officer and making sure everything runs smoothly in the guild.

    So this "game" just turned into a job. And who wants to work two jobs.

    And for those people out there who are going to jump into the thread and say things about casual game play, some people aren't wired that way. Why do something if you aren't going to do it to the best of your ability. For us being mediocre isn't fun.
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    Wolf_359 wrote: »
    Phase 2 is the one going on during Thanksgiving, and you have 24 hours to do it (and it can be completed on Friday). Everyone just looks for things to complain about. You can probably complete it on auto, since you say you are a high end player and all. Or just skip it if you can’t spare a few minutes. Is it that big of a deal if your guild decides to take a star or two less for the TB because you would rather spend every possible minute with your family? Will you complain about GW and everything else that still “has to be done” that day?
    Thanks for being that guy Bulldog1205!

    I’m sorry, I just find it hilarious when people complain about having to play a game. It’s a game. If you don’t want to play then don’t play. Missing 1 day isn’t going to kill you. I’m personally glad I’ll have more to play on a day I get off from work.

    How long have you been playing this game? I think your point of view is incredibly naive. Sure you're talking about one day but he's talking about the aggregate of time of events and features of SWGOH. The original posters point is this:

    The game is structured so in order to advance at the top end of the game you have to be in a guild. If you want the best rewards -- and the best rewards are not that great to be honest -- you have to be in a good guild. If you are in a good guild you have requirements such as doing your 600 everyday. In order to be efficient in getting your 600 you have to play within the designated times to get your free energy. You can't just get on in the morning or in the evening and do all your requirements and then not worry about the game the rest of the day. This is a design decision to keep you in the game longer so you have more opportunity to spend money.

    TB is a whole new ball game. The magic number is 41+ stars. That's pretty much what most guilds are shooting for. So now you have to make sure you have the right teams and you have to take time to plan your character upgrade strategy. And now that we have the 41 stars on farm they introduce DS TB and TW and they plan on adding a ton of characters the next few months so you have something to use for DS TB. Furthermore, you have to make sure you have the right characters to get 1st in both arena and fleet so you get those crystals, because even if you spend money on the game, every crystal helps. And if you want to stay top in arena, it means that you pretty much have to participate in every legendary event. And why do you have to do all of this? Because in a top tier guild, the other people in your guild are counting on you and if individuals don't perform up to expectation you get kicked from the guild or your best people leave your guild to go to some other guild who are performing this way.

    The in game chat sucks so pretty much everyone in a guild should be using some 3rd party chat program such as discord, slack, line, etc. So you are spending time in the game and you have to monitor developments in your guild chat since participation in your guild chat is a requirement.

    Don't even get me started about being a guild officer and making sure everything runs smoothly in the guild.

    So this "game" just turned into a job. And who wants to work two jobs.

    And for those people out there who are going to jump into the thread and say things about casual game play, some people aren't wired that way. Why do something if you aren't going to do it to the best of your ability. For us being mediocre isn't fun.

    Sounds like you aren’t having fun anyways then. Some us play the game because we like all of that stuff. If you don’t like playing hardcore and spending time, and you don’t like playing casual and not being competitive, then why are you playing at all? The point of all of this is to have fun. And yes, I absolutely agree with you that being mediocre isn’t fun. But why do you think you can not spend much time playing and be better than mediocre. That doesn’t sound like a fun game to me.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Cancel Thanksgiving.

    Done and done.
    I need a new message here.
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    Then don't play that day. Plus not a holiday for all of us. That is a US only holiday. It's a game. life takes priority over that.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Sounds like you aren’t having fun anyways then. Some us play the game because we like all of that stuff. If you don’t like playing hardcore and spending time, and you don’t like playing casual and not being competitive, then why are you playing at all? The point of all of this is to have fun. And yes, I absolutely agree with you that being mediocre isn’t fun. But why do you think you can not spend much time playing and be better than mediocre. That doesn’t sound like a fun game to me.

    I'd agree more with you if the game had always been this way, but the game has been changing, and much more demanding of time commitment than it was when I began a year and a half ago. It is difficult to pull away when so much time, money, and energy has been invested, plus people feel a sense of commitment to their guild.
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    Did something change that I'm not aware of? There isn't a TW during the Thanksgiving holiday. And there was already a TB scheduled, it just got changed from LS to DS. So... where's all this extra time needed?

    Whiners gotta whine, I guess.
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    AnnerDoon wrote: »
    Did something change that I'm not aware of? There isn't a TW during the Thanksgiving holiday. And there was already a TB scheduled, it just got changed from LS to DS. So... where's all this extra time needed?

    Whiners gotta whine, I guess.

    And trolls gotta troll. But hey, you're likely in a 35* TB guild, so of course it doesn't matter to you.

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    They heard us with the time sink guys. Don't be so shortsighted!

    1. GW difficulty has decreased dramatically, I have fully auto'd both of mine since the update.
    2. Challenge timers are 75% shorter.
    3. Combat Missions have been shortened from 6 waves to 4 waves, which is 33%.

    Plus everyone I have talked to from the TW beta says it is really simple and doesn't take long at all.
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    So, this is probably news to CG and EA.. but the vast majority of high end players in the game, the ones who spend ridiculous or less ridiculous sums on this game, all have families and lives they need to lead outside of playing the game.

    The imminent drop of both DS TB and TW, all mind you, on the holiday weekend, where 99.99% of us have families and kids to spend it with, is a real kick in the teeth.

    You guys are making it impossible for folks to want to spend any time on a mobile game that going back a year or more, had no such ridiculous time commitments. In effect, you're shooting yourselves in the foot, making what should be fun into a chore, and players are leaving in droves. More and more every day.

    I'm far from a casual player. Quite far even, but it's getting to the point where even the most committed are getting sick of the increasing time commitments. With TW imminent and 1 day breaks, literally 9 out of every 10 days are committed to something in game. It's too much. Too much for guild officers coordinating events, too much for even players to have to spend so much time and effort, just to play a mobile game.

    Do you guys really have 0 consideration for quality of life or does it just appear that way? Being based in Sacramento, I'd think everyone at CG would have similar considerations or does that only apply to the employees who also want to enjoy a 4 day weekend?

    Busy people stay away and let us enjoy. Do not be jealous of our old age fun.
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    Everyone is forgetting that the devs need your hard earned money To provide for their families because this game is their job. Gaming is a service. Those who provide a service deserve to get paid.
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    Everyone is forgetting that the devs need your hard earned money To provide for their families because this game is their job. Gaming is a service. Those who provide a service deserve to get paid.

    If they provided a better service, they would get more money.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    not to ruin the party, but for the past few big content releases have been on US Holiday Weekends, and they have major bugs, but the devs can't fix them because they are on the holiday weekend and not at the office.
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    I love all the content, keep bringing the events and new content. Best mobile game right now.
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    Everyone is forgetting that the devs need your hard earned money To provide for their families because this game is their job. Gaming is a service. Those who provide a service deserve to get paid.

    Paying for things isn’t the problem the problem is the game is demanding more and more time. I’m fine with paying for something I like and I have. However when it starts feeling like a job and consuming more and more time... Well the result is that I feel less and less like paying. Which at some point may become a problem for the devs. I liked how this game was before Tb. New pay to win character at least every month and one new raid a year. Decent imo. Then we get Tb and the talzin/wicket events and tw...

    I don’t mind buying enough crystals to refresh a node to farm a character but to force me to get a character through an event that’s gonna take me 27 months? That’s near impossible.... or in the terms of mobile games... several lifetimes away. And the chance of the game still being around in 27 months? Well I think you can figure out where I am going.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Kyleslater wrote: »
    Everyone is forgetting that the devs need your hard earned money To provide for their families because this game is their job. Gaming is a service. Those who provide a service deserve to get paid.

    Paying for things isn’t the problem the problem is the game is demanding more and more time. I’m fine with paying for something I like and I have. However when it starts feeling like a job and consuming more and more time... Well the result is that I feel less and less like paying. Which at some point may become a problem for the devs. I liked how this game was before Tb. New pay to win character at least every month and one new raid a year. Decent imo. Then we get Tb and the talzin/wicket events and tw...

    I don’t mind buying enough crystals to refresh a node to farm a character but to force me to get a character through an event that’s gonna take me 27 months? That’s near impossible.... or in the terms of mobile games... several lifetimes away. And the chance of the game still being around in 27 months? Well I think you can figure out where I am going.

    Also, if they want my money, they need to release a product that isn't buggy, and stop lying to their consumers about what they can and can not do.
    I've spent in the past, but a couple whales in my guild have vowed to stop spending after DS TB, which might have been the most buggy thing they've ever put out.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    Everyone is forgetting that the devs need your hard earned money To provide for their families because this game is their job. Gaming is a service. Those who provide a service deserve to get paid.

    The issue is? The devs don't get the money. Most of it goes to the parent company and big execs. Devs are on a salary commensurate with the position, and probably little to 0 incentive package.

    The huge cash grab isn't keeping the devs employed, it's maximizing EA's profits short term, because there is no long term view in business these days, it's all about grab as much as you can as fast as possible, and EA's stock price reflects the general sentiment about these "Big Business" practices.
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    You can play as much or as little as you choose to play. Time commitment is not, in my opinion, a reason to lighten up on events. Events are one of the ways you can tell the game is still active and kicking. If you don't have time to play the event, don't waste 100 hours trying to get 7* Thrawn.

    That doesn't mean they shouldn't shorten the time necessary for outgrown content. The GW change was great. They should add the ability to open multiple Bronziums, etc. Challenge timer lessening was much needed. While CLS has been annoying to see so many of in arena, having him available to make Rancor completion quick and easy has been nice.

    Play events when you choose to, or don't. TB phases run all day long, so fit them in when you wake up or go to bed. No big deal. Auto phases if you don't have time to fight them.

    The problem comes when players have two strong desires: The desire to play the game less, and the desire to max your free rewards from the game. These are two conflicting desires that you'll have to work through personally, sorry. But they shouldn't give me nothing to do just because you want nothing to do.

    The biggest problem the game itself presents, imo, is the arena payout time. That's the one place where they don't give you a good span of time to complete the content. Events tend to give you a whole day. Territory Wars and Territory Battles give you a whole day. Raids technically give you time, so it's really your guild's strength that determines how fast you complete them.

    But the arena? You have to play at a specific second of the day to get your rewards.
  • KN9990
    35 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Yeah I was saying in my guild that EA/CG must think we're all teenagers. Lol. Some of us were busy cooking big meals! It was a terrible day to launch ds tb! Another one of my guild mates had a six hour drive to see his family. Not to mention the game (football). Too much going on. The timing was bad.
    Post edited by KN9990 on
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    Thanks for being that guy Bulldog1205!

    I’m sorry, I just find it hilarious when people complain about having to play a game. It’s a game. If you don’t want to play then don’t play. Missing 1 day isn’t going to kill you. I’m personally glad I’ll have more to play on a day I get off from work.
    Yep it is quite crazy out of all the complaining on this forum the time commitment is one I don't understand I literally everyday run out of things to do in the game. Most of those complaining about time in the game spend a lot of time on the forum post multiple times

    The op was complaining about the timing being on Thanksgiving.
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    KN9990 wrote: »
    Thanks for being that guy Bulldog1205!

    I’m sorry, I just find it hilarious when people complain about having to play a game. It’s a game. If you don’t want to play then don’t play. Missing 1 day isn’t going to kill you. I’m personally glad I’ll have more to play on a day I get off from work.
    Yep it is quite crazy out of all the complaining on this forum the time commitment is one I don't understand I literally everyday run out of things to do in the game. Most of those complaining about time in the game spend a lot of time on the forum post multiple times

    The op was complaining about the timing being on Thanksgiving.

    Yeah, I was complaining about the timing being on Thanksgiving, and I could add more stuff about how back to back events requiring coordination and time from guild officers with literally no time to do any player swaps (for people leaving or joining the guild) , without losing out on rewards for these multi-day events sucks in general.

    That coupled by the fact that the new rewards system can't seem to send out in game messages with rewards attached only helps illustrate the point, that maybe we shouldn't be scheduling massive multi-day events back to back.

    0 time off from a 0 pay job makes it a chore rather than a fun game. A year ago it was a game. A little stale perhaps, not a lot of new content, but a game nonetheless. Currently, it feels like a full time second job without even holidays off, except for the people responsible for fixing the various broken pieces (CG). Sure, they all get time off, nobody else does.

    I don't begrudge anyone having time to be with their family. Neither do I begrudge anyone who writes software, develops content, or releases content. I begrudge the pacing and artificially induced senses of urgency and generalized commitment level required to play the content as fast as it comes.

    I'm in the #1 guild in the game, which is Team Instinct, for those of you clueless folks, and expect to enjoy and excel at all of the content, but the pacing could be slowed down just a touch.

    The 4 day break between TB runs was great and gave much needed relief from the chore the game has become.

    That gap didn't need to be filled and the pacing should be scaled back a couple of notches. Doesn't seem an unreasonable position, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion on the topic, however ill-informed it may be.

    Missing a day of these full guild events is a problem. It hoses 49 other people who didn't miss.
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    Just wait maybe they'll give us level 90 for Christmas
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    Money. Money. THEY. Money. Money. WANT. Money. Money. MORE. Money. Money. MONEY.
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    At least add more connection between players. Add an open trade market. Allow more than two sentence at a time communication between guild members. Add open communicating and trade of over stock. The shard shop is useless and a waste of excess shards. Introduce more connection and functionality.
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    KN9990 wrote: »
    Thanks for being that guy Bulldog1205!

    I’m sorry, I just find it hilarious when people complain about having to play a game. It’s a game. If you don’t want to play then don’t play. Missing 1 day isn’t going to kill you. I’m personally glad I’ll have more to play on a day I get off from work.
    Yep it is quite crazy out of all the complaining on this forum the time commitment is one I don't understand I literally everyday run out of things to do in the game. Most of those complaining about time in the game spend a lot of time on the forum post multiple times

    The op was complaining about the timing being on Thanksgiving.

    I know this is late but are u aware that thanksgiving is celebrated in one country and the game is played in many? Should they not shedule when other countries have big holidays that we don't? Yeah and still it took little to no time from work, kids and cooking dinner I baked two cakes and barbecued and fried a turkey and still played the game. Since u are in the #1 team in the game maybe that is where your time sink lies. Lastly the answer your ? I have a life w kids even grandkids( it's weird seeing that) friends and work and like anything u enjoy still find time to play the game.
  • Options
    KN9990 wrote: »
    Thanks for being that guy Bulldog1205!

    I’m sorry, I just find it hilarious when people complain about having to play a game. It’s a game. If you don’t want to play then don’t play. Missing 1 day isn’t going to kill you. I’m personally glad I’ll have more to play on a day I get off from work.
    Yep it is quite crazy out of all the complaining on this forum the time commitment is one I don't understand I literally everyday run out of things to do in the game. Most of those complaining about time in the game spend a lot of time on the forum post multiple times

    The op was complaining about the timing being on Thanksgiving.

    I know this is late but are u aware that thanksgiving is celebrated in one country and the game is played in many? Should they not shedule when other countries have big holidays that we don't? Yeah and still it took little to no time from work, kids and cooking dinner I baked two cakes and barbecued and fried a turkey and still played the game. Since u are in the #1 team in the game maybe that is where your time sink lies. Lastly the answer your ? I have a life w kids even grandkids( it's weird seeing that) friends and work and like anything u enjoy still find time to play the game.

    One country, but it's the country where a majority of their players are, and where a majority of their income is from. I also agree it was possible to make time, but I personally got yelled at for being on my phone.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • KN9990
    35 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    KN9990 wrote: »
    Thanks for being that guy Bulldog1205!

    I’m sorry, I just find it hilarious when people complain about having to play a game. It’s a game. If you don’t want to play then don’t play. Missing 1 day isn’t going to kill you. I’m personally glad I’ll have more to play on a day I get off from work.
    Yep it is quite crazy out of all the complaining on this forum the time commitment is one I don't understand I literally everyday run out of things to do in the game. Most of those complaining about time in the game spend a lot of time on the forum post multiple times

    The op was complaining about the timing being on Thanksgiving.

    I know this is late but are u aware that thanksgiving is celebrated in one country and the game is played in many? Should they not shedule when other countries have big holidays that we don't? Yeah and still it took little to no time from work, kids and cooking dinner I baked two cakes and barbecued and fried a turkey and still played the game. Since u are in the #1 team in the game maybe that is where your time sink lies. Lastly the answer your ? I have a life w kids even grandkids( it's weird seeing that) friends and work and like anything u enjoy still find time to play the game.

    That wasn't me posting about kids and grand kids and being in a top guild, that was the op.
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