What's ahead 2018 - BH early in the year?

With DSTB now requiring BH, it seems obvious a rework is needed and probably planned. Below are some suggestions. Please note that only changes are developed below, in other words, it is only additions (if I do not mention an effect, it does not mean I am suggesting to remove it!).

In addition to this rework, I would love to see Bossk and Jango added as marquees, and Embo as a legendary. No suggestion for them here, I trust the devs will find great ideas with toons that start with a clean slate. ;)
At least cleanse and taunt would be appreciated, though...


- Adds +50% damage to thermal detonators

- Thermal detonators cannot be evaded or resisted

- Thermal detonators cannot be cleansed

Boba Fett:

- Increases dmg on basic attack by 30%

- Death from above: 80% chance to inflict damage over time (from 50%) + 35% chance to inflict burn for 2 turns

- Execute: 40% bonus damage per effect removed (from 30%), +10% base damage, if the target is not defeated and if Boba Fett does not have his unique, inflicts death mark (unpreventable) for 3 turns and gains 75% TM

- Leader ability: add plasma grenade in the description with same benefits than thermal detonator

- Unique: whenever Boba Fett loses his unique, he is revived with offense up and foresight for 2 turns


- Basic: +30% damage, 60% chance to gain evade up (from 45%)

- Thermal detonator: places a thermal detonator on each enemy and has 20% chance to add a plasma grenade (cannot be evaded or resisted) on each ennemy. The thermal detonator explodes after 2 turns. Plasma grenades explode after 5 turns, deal massive damage and inflict burn for 2 turns. Plasma grenades do not count as a debuff. Greedo gains 40% TM (from 40% chance to gain 25%)

- Leader ability: all scoundrels gain 15% chance to counter-attack and 50% critical damage. Zeta: adds +35% chance to counter-attack (to 50%), and +30% critical chance when attacking during an enemy turn. Counter attacks cannot be evaded and ignore taunts.

- Unique: Greedo has +20% critical chance (from 15%), +20% critical damage and 50% chance to attack a second time in case of critical hit (doubled if the target has a thermal detonator)


- Basic: 100% chance to inflict heal immunity (from 60%)

- Quick shot: adds +20% damage, 60% chance to inflict ability block (from 55%), 80% chance to inflict defence down (from 50%). Reduces TM of all enemies by 25% (cannot be evaded or resisted)

- Unique: +50% critical damage (from 45%), 25% bonus damage (from 20%). Zeta: +25% critical damage (to +75%), +50% potency, attacks cannot be evaded


- Basic: +30% damage. If thermal detonators are triggered by this attack, inflicts defence down (cannot be resisted) for 2 turns

- See what sticks: adds a +40% chance to add a second thermal detonator

- Electro-goggles: removes all buffs on main target, inflicts expose on another random enemy, 100% chance (from 50%) to gain 50% turn meter

- Unique: 20% evasion (from 18%). Zeta: when Zam evades an attack, she gains speed up for 2 turns. If she already has speed up, she gains offense up for 2 turns. If she already has speed up and offense up, she gains foresight for 2 turns. Whenever foresight expires on Zam, Zam regains 20% HP and 20% protection

Cad Bane:

- Basic: +15% damage, 70% chance to attack again (from 55%), each attack has a 60% chance (from 50%) to add 25% turn meter (from 15%). Each attack has 40% chance to inflict speed down

- Stun glove: deals physical damage and stuns the target for 1 turn (cannot be evaded or resisted), 2turns if the target is a jedi, and removes 50% TM (from 40%), 100% if the target is a jedi (cannot be resisted).

- Flamethrower (new ability, animation would show Cad using his rocket boots and using flamethrower from gloves on enemy team), CD 5: at 7, reads: deals physical damage to all enemies, with a 50% chance to inflict burn for 3 turns on each enemy and 50% chance to inflict heal immunity for 2 turns. Zeta: +50% damage, +15% chance to inflict burn and heal immunity, removes all turn meter on all enemies. Triggers all the thermal detonators.

- Leader ability: scoundrels gain 20% evasion and gain 25% turn meter whenever they evade an attack. Zeta: +5% evasion, evasion is doubled against counter-attacks. Exposes the attacking enemy whenever an ally scoundrel evades an attack, this effect cannot be resisted.


- Basic: 75% chance to call for an ally (from 60%), 40% chance to inflict evasion down for 2 turns

- Blast & smash: adds +40% damage, cannot be evaded. Inflicts speed down (cannot be resisted). If the target had less than 50% TM, calls an ally for assist. If the ally is a bounty hunter, the assistance deals +20% damage

- Mini-mine mayhem: +100% damage. 4 critical hits: ability block for 1 turn. 5 critical hits: confusion for 2 turns

- Grizzled veteran: whenever Dengar receives a critical hit, he gains defence up for 2 turn and recovers 10% protection. Zeta: Dengar deals +100% damage when stealthed.

Do not hesitate to comment / add suggestions.


  • Gawejn
    1131 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Cannot be cleansed is not good idea, best idea is to get rid of this stupid mechanic with thermal det from BH.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    I bet a separatist faction pass

    It potentially has the fastest way of growing the DS for this new DSTB

    With this faction pass we could see a rework of GG, more ships: droid fighter, tri fighter etc. and even a capital ship for the sep fleet.

    We could also see the release of more toons - B1 Roger droid, Droideka and even possibly Jango that could bolster the BH faction as well.
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    I don't understand these posts where people write out new stats and changes for characters for a rework, its never happened in 2 years, why would it happen now?
    I really doubt the creators are reading the forums and thinking " yeah those stats and changes look great, lets do that right away"
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    Of course they will rework BH in the near future. Most of us will spend the next month or so leveling, gearing and modding our current BH squad to deal with the OP Dark Side TB. Then in a month or two, they will rework BH and release 2-3 new ones that will be better than the ones we just geared, modded and leveled. Then we'll have to start again. WAI. See Ewoks, NS and Rebels for examples.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I like that IG88 rework. :)
    Where is my kitten General Grievous rework at!!??
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    if they want to grow DS they really need to go deeper than cannon adding more from KOTOR like the mandalorians as a faction and Calo Nord. Top that off with eventual legendary Revan and marquee Malak.

    I honestly believe they need a whole new game mode for ships similar to DS/LS battles to allow the growth of characters/ships that need to be farmed, if they make it ship centric and put some marquee character farming there it will make ships a lot more interesting and allow f2p a great way to farm, add refreshes and the whales will spend.
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    Cad Bane and Greedo need so much work.... they're so horrible. Then 88 without HK-47 is a little meh under BH.

    I still need to work on Zam and/or Dengar. Shards are not exactly falling from the sky, however.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Moved to correct sub forum.
  • gufu21
    335 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Thermal detonators on the whole aren't a great mechanic. But if I had one easy, quick suggestion for them, it would be to make the first detonator to explode cause all other TDs on that character to also go off. Better yet, get rid of the mechanic and just make TDs into AOE specials (though this might affect JE as well).

    Other bounty hunters I'd love to see (Bossk is a given, of course): 4-LOM and Zuckuss. Mira and Hanharr (from KOTOR 2).

    All the original ESB bounty hunters also had named ships. If they could add their ships in the game, it would instantly make them much more relevant and useful. (IG-88's value went way down with droid teams; Dengar's utility has also disappeared for many players.)
  • Options
    gufu21 wrote: »
    Thermal detonators on the whole aren't a great mechanic. But if I had one easy, quick suggestion for them, it would be to make the first detonator to explode cause all other TDs on that character to also go off. Better yet, get rid of the mechanic and just make TDs into AOE specials (though this might affect JE as well).

    Other bounty hunters I'd love to see (Bossk is a given, of course): 4-LOM and Zuckuss. Mira and Hanharr (from KOTOR 2).

    All the original ESB bounty hunters also had named ships. If they could add their ships in the game, it would instantly make them much more relevant and useful. (IG-88's value went way down with droid teams; Dengar's utility has also disappeared for many players.)

    I don't know what you mean by saying IG88 has lost value with droid teams. He is a staple of droid teams these days and always has been. JE has fallen out of favor for BB8, while B2 is to be replaced with Imperial Probe Droid. My droid comp is HK lead, with 88, B2, R2, and BB8. I can hit top 100 in Arena with my team and that's without having mega mods or any of them being g12 up against countless g12 CLS squads.
    Where is my kitten General Grievous rework at!!??
  • Options
    I don't know what you mean by saying IG88 has lost value with droid teams. He is a staple of droid teams these days and always has been. JE has fallen out of favor for BB8, while B2 is to be replaced with Imperial Probe Droid. My droid comp is HK lead, with 88, B2, R2, and BB8. I can hit top 100 in Arena with my team and that's without having mega mods or any of them being g12 up against countless g12 CLS squads.

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant to say that IG-88's value in the game has gone down because droid teams generally fell out of favor. That's awesome that you can hit top 100, but you've gotta admit that a top 100 droid team is very much an anomaly. On swgoh.gg, droid teams in the top 100 are basically 100% (https://swgoh.gg/meta-report/100/). Man, but more power to you if you're still getting droids to work for you.
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