Double Drop Woes

4 posts Member
edited December 2017
I find it really annoying how double drops are put out to prep for an up coming event and it is an absolute fail. I ran 40 Sims using a couple thousand crystals + and I received 2 character shards from the Vet Chewbacca node. This is just ridiculous and unfair, double drops should increase the amount of shards earned but I was getting nothing. Before the double drop event I was averaging 2-3 shards for every 4 sim tickets used.

Has anyone else had this issue during the double drop event?
Post edited by Ambassador on


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    Sorry, no. I was able to finish getting them up to 7*s
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    here we go again...
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I went through about 15-20 sims on the Vets and got nothing either. Not one shard. I just put it down to bad luck but it is pretty brutal. The double Cantina points helped soften the blow.
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    It may not be anything, but don't sim the nodes in one big bunch. I sim 2-3 at a time and watch the shards climb. Vet Chewie is 7*, and Vet Han is half way to 7*. Also as a side note. If your spending thousands of crystals to farm them, once you get to a certain point just spend the crystals on their shards in the store. It's guaranteed that way. So instead of spending a couple hundred crystals hoping to get a few shards, just spend 680 to get 8. Hang in there, the drop rates aren't bad, but don't expect to get 80+ shards on 5 refreshes
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    795 energy at 4 sims at a time got 28 shards today.
    Yesterday 1100 energy I got 42 shards
    I don't see how u could only get 2.
    You got very unlucky
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    dont sim all at 1 time. do 2-3 sims

    in my case i can see that Solo drop rate 1.5-2 times lower than chewie, so i did my best to farm him to 7* during double drops.
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    I did 20 yesterday and got 14, did 20 today and got 14 (oddly enough) all in a row. Subsequent spends have been fine as well.
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    I got 14 vet chewie shards out of 10 sims at once like 10 mins ago
  • skywhopper
    451 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I felt I had good luck with double drops. But doing the math just now I had just about exactly my expected luck. I needed something like 31 more shards for Han and 40 for Chewie when double drops started.

    Over the two days of double drops I spent 1900 crystals -- 6x100, 4x200, plus preloading 2x200 from the day before double drops. Plus 48-ish hours of energy and the two bonus energy boosts. So that's about 1770 energy total. At 16 energy per sim, that's 110 sims. Supposed shard drop rate is 33%, so you'd expect to get a shard drop 36 times in those sims, but since it's double drops you should end up with 72 shards.

    Which is just about exactly how it turned out. It was a little frustrating... I had what felt like great drops to start and got Han up to 99/100, then switched to Chewie. Today I finished up Chewie and had enough for four sims left, and hadn't even done the second 200 buy, so I thought, hey I can just do a few sims and get that last Han shard... I spent the four sims I had, and then I was like, well, I had already budgeted this 200, right, so let's do it, and I simmed 7 more times, one at a time, and got nothing! But I was at 14 cantina energy, so I wait for it and sim again. Again, nothing. 12 in a row with no drops! But then a few hours later I had enough energy again so I simmed one more time and got it.

    In other words, RNG sucks, but over time it probably balances out. Sounds like you had a bad run of it. Sorry man.

    (FWIW, I usually sim cantina nodes 5-at-a-time, which is the totally unscientific method recommended by John from the Galactic War Report podcast. I think it "works" because since the drop rate is 33%, 5 at a time is _almost_ guaranteed to drop at least one, and so long as you get one you feel okay about the world. If you just sim three, you'll notice a lot more times you don't even get one shard. But if you do more than five, then getting one will feel like a letdown. So do five at a time, not because it actually increases drop rates, but because it will fool your brain into giving you good feelings instead of bad feelings--most of the time.)
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    Last time, I got 19 shards the day before double drops and 10 shards the first day of double drops.
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    I sim all at same time - 7 or 8 attempts at a time in one swoop. I've been getting 3-5 drops per run (so 6-10 per refresh with the 2x). Today was 8,8,8,6,8 on the 5 refreshes.

    OP you just had incredibly terrible bad luck if you used thousands of crystals and got just 1 drop.
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    I find it really annoying how double drops are put out to prep for an up coming event and it is an absolute fail. I ran 40 Sims using a couple thousand crystals + and I received 2 character shards from the Vet Chewbacca node. This is just ridiculous and unfair, double drops should increase the amount of shards earned but I was getting nothing. Before the double drop event I was averaging 2-3 shards for every 4 sim tickets used.

    Has anyone else had this issue during the double drop event?

    If you were getting those kind of drops before you can't really complain.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    I have been getting reasonable drop rates (compared to what is expected) with the double nodes.

    From my experience though if I do a 20 sim and get really poor rng then I don't do another as it is likely that one will be poor too and comeback to it later. I did 60 sims once on something a a month or 2 ago and got 3 total shards, and since then I am convinced that the rng is not entirely independent for each sim. RNG seems to work more in clumps.
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    popcorn time I like mines with butter.
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    We need guaranteed drops not just double drops. Double of zero is still zero.
  • Shadeslayer7
    355 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    The drops have been normal for me but they are doubled. I think it's funny how people complain about everything in this game. They aren't going to just give out double drop unless they are needed be happy about it and shut up
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    I would rather see frustrated players voice their complaints than see someone tell them to shut up. This place exists so that people can discuss the game, and that means a ton of different opinions. As long as they aren’t making personal attacks, people should be free to complain here if they want.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    dad2my3 wrote: »
    I would rather see frustrated players voice their complaints than see someone tell them to shut up. This place exists so that people can discuss the game, and that means a ton of different opinions. As long as they aren’t making personal attacks, people should be free to complain here if they want.

    shouldn't people also be free to respond to that however they like though? As long as they aren't making personal attacks obviously. It's not like that actually prohibits anyone from complaining.
    For the record, i also think everyone should feel free to complain. Still doesn't mean those complaints aren't open for criticism, wich i also think every should feel free to express.
    (in a perfect world the complaints and the critisism would obviously both be a little more civil, but it's the interwebz)
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Zagrey wrote: »
    dont sim all at 1 time. do 2-3 sims
    I guess that is the true randomness of shard drops. I Sim all at once and had better luck than 2-3 at a time. Lol
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    I guess I’d rather see someone write, “I disagree because...” rather than, “Shut up.” Let’s have a conversation. Express yourself and explain why you disagree. Don’t just try to stop the conversation by telling someone to shut up because you refuse to listen to their opinion.
    20 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Over 800 energy spent and 2 shards, maybe this should turn into a thread about the all around pathetic drop rate. Like going 3 months without a single zeta drop, the drop rate is a joke in this game.

    Only sim 3 at a time before anyone says that kitten.
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    2 days and they're finally 4*, yay me
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    Double drops this time around was not all to great because it was not global. The global double drops that happened on the 2nd anniversary, my luck was insane; I got 17 ezras out of 10 sims from cartine. Howev wer this time I got 1 rey sxavenger version from 5 sims.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Yusef wrote: »
    Double drops this time around was not all to great because it was not global. The global double drops that happened on the 2nd anniversary, my luck was insane; I got 17 ezras out of 10 sims from cartine. Howev wer this time I got 1 rey sxavenger version from 5 sims.

    to the best of my knowledge this event was global and it's impossible to get 1 shard during double drops.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    I think they mean the double drops were not everywhere in-game like on the Anniversary.
    I need a new message here.
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    Well, I’ve had so so luck, but......I got my first omega ever from cantina....didn’t believe they dropped regardless of what other players have said. Not calling anyone a liar, just didn’t think it would ever happen for me.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Kept track so far on double drop time:

    With 2100 crystals spent on refills plus natural energy... I got a total of 88. Vet han (50) and chew (38) shards on 119 sims split evenly between the two, simmed 2x at a time.

    That means 44 of my 119 sims dropped a shard: 36.97%. Not bad for me. :#

    Good luck, and don't give up hope.
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    I've gotten about 114 shards so far from double drops. It's worked out to about 40% x 2. I'm very happy.
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    If u are only getting 2 shard with 800 energy use keep at it. U average out eventually. Also keep complaining if it makes you feel better.
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    Anyone who spent under 500 energy doesn't have enough data to make fair assessment on drop rate.
    I spent around 2500 energy in the 2 days of dbl drops this time.
    Had some good streaks and some not so good.
    Just kept plugging away.
    Got about 75 shards in the 2 days for maybe 3000 Crystal. Way cheaper than shipments at 8 shards for 640 Crystal
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