Is it worth jumping guilds for General Kenobi?

Question as above
Feel like current guild isn't building quick enough towards haat


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    Depends on a few things...

    1) Are you satisfied with your guilds rules?
    2) Is your guild tackling NAAT in one day or less?
    3) Is your guild running Heroic Pit every other day?

    If the answer to any of these is yes then consider staying. If they are all no, then jump.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    1 yes
    2 close
    3 no
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    Plus I'm a top 3 contributor all the time
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    I know I jumped and it's great I just got my Han Solo to 7* and I'm a month or so I'll have General kenobi to 7*
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    In my own experience, I have a sense of loyalty. I also pride myself in being involved in a community where there is a mutual sense of growth. I’ve only been in two guilds. It took me a while to leave the first because there was no ambition to move forward and make changes. My current guild takes on a LOT of small players and allows people to go inactive - we recently made changes to keep open positions and it gradually fills up with consistently active people. We recently put Heroic Rancor on farm status, but not every other day. About once a week.

    My point is, if there’s a direction of progress and growth, it might be something worth sticking with, especially if you’re a bigger member of the guild. Having that defined position of leadership / setting an example of strength / seniority can be inspiring to others to grow in the same ways by learning and following suit with strategies that have worked for you.
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
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    Keep in mind... its a two way street.. if you want to join a guild doing HAAT 2-3 times a week, HRancor every other day... 35 stars + in TB... you need to be really active... all 50 members have to be active to maintain that level of raiding frequency... so dont leave something thats moving slowly in the right direction for instant HAAT rewards if you are not able to commit... you will get dropped if you are not producing raid tokens
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Lachm91 wrote: »
    Question as above
    Feel like current guild isn't building quick enough towards haat

    Yes! Held off for what seemed like months hoarding gear in anticipation of Rey 2.0, but now that she is at G12, I pulled the trigger and jacked my 7* GK from G8 to 12 and he is AMAZING.

    Do you have a good enough roster to hit HAAT? HAAT guild might not want you if you just want to free load. If you have no loyalty and want an awesome GK, leave your current guild.

    Don't listen to me though, I've been with the same guild since pretty much since guilds started, and they are AWESOME.

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    Lachm91 wrote: »
    Question as above
    Feel like current guild isn't building quick enough towards haat

    It depends on a few things. First of all if your guild cannot do haat then maybe you are still very new to the game. However it's never too late to get Kenobi.

    1. Do others in your arena shards have him? Do some scouting and check if the top 50 in your shards have him
    2. He is viable at 5 stars even for end game thus I would say the sooner you get him the better you will do in arena.

    He doesn't bring much raid utility so it depends on how much you prioritize arena

    3. Does your current guild achieve 30k raid tickets daily? If your guild can get those 30k then maybe stick with them. Haat isn't too hard nowadays and if your guild can do 30k a day that's gonna make it faster.

    I think it is worth looking for a more poweful guild for TW and TB aswell. Then again I know it's a tough decision
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    All poorly run HAAT guilds will recruit you but how long will you stay? Most well run HAAT guilds worth being in will want you to be worth more then just tickets. What are you bringing to the table? CHS, Hoth Bros, GV and CS are all toons needed to help contribute to your guild’s goals. I would suggest building yourself up so that you can chose the guild that best for you. Personally I prefer a guild that uses Discord, has rules that are consistent and people who are fun and helpful.
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    There's a difference between being loyal and playing with people who simply don't care. My guild also couldn't tackle HAAT months ago, but everyone listened when the leader/officers asked them to develop certain teams, listened when we were told what teams in which phase to use etc. After 2 failed attempts we asked a friend, who had deeper roster to help us out. He did about 16m dmg the first time, 8m the second time and by the third time we began HAAT with him in our guild he simply stayed and watched. So if you're at the point in the game where you're ready to farm HAAT but your guild is still struggling with the normal one -> yes move to another one.
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    There's a difference between being loyal and playing with people who simply don't care. My guild also couldn't tackle HAAT months ago, but everyone listened when the leader/officers asked them to develop certain teams, listened when we were told what teams in which phase to use etc. After 2 failed attempts we asked a friend, who had deeper roster to help us out. He did about 16m dmg the first time, 8m the second time and by the third time we began HAAT with him in our guild he simply stayed and watched. So if you're at the point in the game where you're ready to farm HAAT but your guild is still struggling with the normal one -> yes move to another one.

    I get loyalty but then again it's a competitive game
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    If you like your guild stay, if you don't join a Haat guild.
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    Well I just jumped out of a half inactive guild. I liked the active people in my former guild and it broke my heart to leave but we were not on the same page. I am a very active player seeking constant progression and they were mostly casually playing. I tried to push everyone forward but didnt really work. So I left. I like to be loyal but only up until the point it becomes hopeless.
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    I jumped to a new guild last march, when i joined it was just 600 tickets per day, but now im a top 10 haat raid scorer and i LOVE my general kenobi and raid han, if you arent super attatched to anyone in your current guild id look for a better spot...
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    Yes HAAT guild is a must
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    Yes gk is a must have, takes 5 months to 7* him.
    Find an alliance with several guilds and then as you progress u can move but still be with same group
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    I wouldn't say GK is a must have unless you want to run a full Jedi team.

    Yeah he is good in other squads but not the most important thing in the world.

    If you feel your guilds progress is slow though and wont be doing HAAT any time soon then you should move to a HAAT guild.
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    everyone here has forgotten about something else... kenobi is very good, but especially the rewards of an haat are so much better than the naat rewards...

    so if you are happy with your guild why not convince your people to merge with another naat-guild? we have done that at the start of tb... and now we have kenobi at 5* and the better rewards, about 10 stars more in tb, so much more raid-tickets, won 4 times in a row at tw, and all guild-friends are still here ;)
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    Revi wrote: »
    I wouldn't say GK is a must have unless you want to run a full Jedi team.

    Yeah he is good in other squads but not the most important thing in the world.

    If you feel your guilds progress is slow though and wont be doing HAAT any time soon then you should move to a HAAT guild.

    Gk is meta and has been most of 2017.
    He is for sure top 5 toon.
    He works in almost any sqaud, in my shard 45 of top 50 have gk.
    Almost none of those sqauds are jedi
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    Unless your best friends are in it, bounce to a new one. Plenty of top guilds out there will do rancor 2-3 Times a week and HAAT 2 Times. Usually the main thing is 600 energy a day. Past that, goal posts are go of 1.5 or so (usually flexible if you have the toons people need) and of course the toons that are needed for parts of the game (the light and dark TB toons). For the raids itself, our rancor is done in about 20 min and HAAT in maybe 2 hours, so it’s not like top guilds even need people to each hit a certain amount of damage. We really do them more for the gear than anything.

    And yes, GK is fun. But you also get lots of gear. And really even on rancor, participating in those regularly will beg you much more gear to level toons up.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Lachm91 wrote: »
    Question as above
    Feel like current guild isn't building quick enough towards haat

    You have to ask yourself are you happy with your progress in other areas.

    For example at the moment I'm in a guild that does heroic rancour 3 times a week. I can get top 10 in my guild. If I were to move I would be lucky to get top 40. When Im ready to do well in a heroic haat guild i will move but for now I am happy being top 10 in a heroic rancour guild.

    I can get 20 shards of raid han a week. I I move I could cut that to 3.
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    Haat, is everywhere now, you can find many guilds doing it that are not super strong.
    Take your current gp and multiply by 50.
    Then find a guild around that number and you will be with your peers
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    I don't feel like I've made many mistakes playing this game, but one of them for sure was staying in a guild holding you back because you like it.

    I'm sure you are probably going to enjoy your next guild even more if it is aligned with your level of competitiveness.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    It's worth jumping guilds for a more enjoyable gaming experience — whatever gives you that.
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    I stayed in my first guild too long. Now I am in one that runs HRancor and HAAT all the time. Plus we do very well in the TW, TB and DSTB.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Keep in mind that if you stay in your current guild, once you do start beating hAAT regularly, you are six months away from GK at 7* if you are raiding at full tilt (consistent 30k tickets, which I'm gonna guess your guild doesn't do)
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Viserys wrote: »
    Keep in mind that if you stay in your current guild, once you do start beating hAAT regularly, you are six months away from GK at 7* if you are raiding at full tilt (consistent 30k tickets, which I'm gonna guess your guild doesn't do)

    being top contributor does speed the whole process up quite a bit though.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    Viserys wrote: »
    Keep in mind that if you stay in your current guild, once you do start beating hAAT regularly, you are six months away from GK at 7* if you are raiding at full tilt (consistent 30k tickets, which I'm gonna guess your guild doesn't do)

    being top contributor does speed the whole process up quite a bit though.

    Do the math 2 raids per week at any rank is 12shards =48 per month
    If you are #1 extra 4 shards. Would take 12 raid at 1st place to make up for the one month of not doing haat.
    Not worth waiting
    Getting gk unlocked is the most time sensitive part. His gear is ridiculous hard, so sooner you get him unlocked and start gearing the better
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    I stayed with a relatively casual guild for a pretty long time even though I quickly outpaced the growth rate of the rest of the group. I liked the people in it and enjoyed the conversations. With the release of TB our guild began to shrink and it quickly became apparent to me that we were not going to progress any time in the near future so I wished them all luck and moved to another group. Periodically I check on them and I have not seen their overall GP increase since I left. I miss those guys and gals but I do not regret the move.

    Its all a question of what you want the game to be for you. If you are seeking to be competitive or remain more casual. That you have to answer for yourself.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Goober1_ wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Viserys wrote: »
    Keep in mind that if you stay in your current guild, once you do start beating hAAT regularly, you are six months away from GK at 7* if you are raiding at full tilt (consistent 30k tickets, which I'm gonna guess your guild doesn't do)

    being top contributor does speed the whole process up quite a bit though.

    Do the math 2 raids per week at any rank is 12shards =48 per month
    If you are #1 extra 4 shards. Would take 12 raid at 1st place to make up for the one month of not doing haat.
    Not worth waiting
    Getting gk unlocked is the most time sensitive part. His gear is ridiculous hard, so sooner you get him unlocked and start gearing the better

    it takes 13 weeks longer if you're 7 starring GK with rank 4/50 than with rank 1. That's more than a month. (assuming 2 raids per week)
    Save water, drink champagne!
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