


  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    ProximaB1_ wrote: »

    Actually people don't spend at the top. No need to with current arena rank system. Everyone takes turns. A shake up would make it competitive. Currently it dosent give Whales an advantage. If they shook up arenas regularly spending to get to the top would be beneficial.

    That's true only if the shake-up is randomized. The suggestion that this line of posts was responding to included using GP as a factor in forming the new shards. If you do that, the whales don't get an advantage because they'll just wind up facing other whales.
    Naraic wrote: »
    I wonder if the best idea would be graduate people at level 85 to a global shard. Have the top xk of all players get rewards above the current 1st place (growing slowly). If your shard has been diminished in numbers by graduates top place can be reduced progressively. Once you graduate into the global shard you start at the bottom and work your way up.

    Possibly instead you could have it that once you get a gear xii piece you graduate into the global shard.

    Possibly make it optional you can stay in your current shard as rewards fall as people hit 85k and graduate to the global shard.

    The problem with this is it makes people who started later feel like they can never catch up. The value of having arena shards based on starting date is that you are only competing against people who have been in the game as long as you have, and it creates the sense of a more level playing field. Getting to level 85 doesn't mean you've caught up - somebody who has been playing the game a year+ longer would still have a huge advantage (at comparable levels of spending) and people would feel like they could never close that gap.
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    Well yeah you can't segregate whales. I was mainly talking about any arena shake up. Any shake up would have to use similar start dates.
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    Any arena shake up is a bad idea. If you take people who are used to being at the top and shove them to the bottom. That isn't going to encourage them to spend more, it is going to encourage them to STOP PLAYING.

    I used to play a game called outwar. People kept asking for server mergers due to inactivity. The game finally ended up doing it to reduce costs... and the small amount of people actually playing the game dropped by 50%!!!!

    People think rearrangements are a good thing, but all they do is minimize the time people have invested, there is no actual gain for the majority of the population.
  • Options
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Any arena shake up is a bad idea. If you take people who are used to being at the top and shove them to the bottom. That isn't going to encourage them to spend more, it is going to encourage them to STOP PLAYING.

    I used to play a game called outwar. People kept asking for server mergers due to inactivity. The game finally ended up doing it to reduce costs... and the small amount of people actually playing the game dropped by 50%!!!!

    People think rearrangements are a good thing, but all they do is minimize the time people have invested, there is no actual gain for the majority of the population.

    I understand. Anyone thinking it'll make it easier to get top payouts would be disappointed. That being said playing against the same players for multiple years is just insanely broken. It's like a never ending game of Monopoly. I enjoy other aspects of the game but arena should just be demolished. The only reason anyone likes it is for the rewards. To do well in old shards you simply copy the most overused squad (not necessarily meta) and try to blend in. Anything outside the norm is attacked over and over simply for a change if pace. So you end up fighting mirror images of your team for months until another squad mirror squad arrives. You don't win because of anything other than a bad ai. Your mirror team dosent even need to be as good as others.
  • Options
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Any arena shake up is a bad idea. If you take people who are used to being at the top and shove them to the bottom. That isn't going to encourage them to spend more, it is going to encourage them to STOP PLAYING.

    I used to play a game called outwar. People kept asking for server mergers due to inactivity. The game finally ended up doing it to reduce costs... and the small amount of people actually playing the game dropped by 50%!!!!

    People think rearrangements are a good thing, but all they do is minimize the time people have invested, there is no actual gain for the majority of the population.
    I dont think you can generalize like that, at all. Have you ever read a book called “Mindset”? I think you, sir, have a fixed one.
    I wont bother explaning (seriously, read the book, its enlightening), but other people have a growth mindset, in which challenges are welcomed because they represent chance of growing.
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
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    @Ben_Sunwalker aye I thought people like you would shun me for this type of idea, glad to hear it :)
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
    I admire your optimisme, but that's an assumption. Maybe you're just optimistic about the shuffle idea because you feel like you have it bad on your current leaderboard?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    leef wrote: »
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
    I admire your optimisme, but that's an assumption. Maybe you're just optimistic about the shuffle idea because you feel like you have it bad on your current leaderboard?

    No, I dont feel like that at all.
    It’s just that it’s the same people playing against the same teams over and over, for spots that are previously set due to collusion.
    Theres not really competition, which I find boring.
    The truth of the fact is that I find collusion anti fun, and If a shard shuffle would mean less collusion for a while, great. Thats all.
  • scuba
    14121 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
    I admire your optimisme, but that's an assumption. Maybe you're just optimistic about the shuffle idea because you feel like you have it bad on your current leaderboard?

    No, I dont feel like that at all.
    It’s just that it’s the same people playing against the same teams over and over, for spots that are previously set due to collusion.
    Theres not really competition, which I find boring.
    The truth of the fact is that I find collusion anti fun, and If a shard shuffle would mean less collusion for a while, great. Thats all.

    How does shuffling change that? It takes no real time to find others on your leaderboard.
    It is still the same teams you will be fighting for the most part just a different name for the player.
    Collusion exists because of the bad design of arena where the only thing that matters is your rank for 1/86400 seconds.
    So to keep the same ranking reward system and stop collision they would need to "shuffle" every single day so then 1st place rewards is based on RNG (what rank you get shuffled into the new leader board) and spending on refreshes (how far you have to climb)
  • Options
    leef wrote: »
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
    I admire your optimisme, but that's an assumption. Maybe you're just optimistic about the shuffle idea because you feel like you have it bad on your current leaderboard?

    No, I dont feel like that at all.
    It’s just that it’s the same people playing against the same teams over and over, for spots that are previously set due to collusion.
    Theres not really competition, which I find boring.
    The truth of the fact is that I find collusion anti fun, and If a shard shuffle would mean less collusion for a while, great. Thats all.

    I totally agree with you here, however shuffling shards will not fix it imo. I doubt it will happen but I wish they would just do a complete overhaul to how arena works. For now though why not just play a team you enjoy even if it drops your rank? My alt account rank varies between 200-500 but its way more fun, lots of different squads to battle.
  • Ben_Sunwalker
    351 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    scuba wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
    I admire your optimisme, but that's an assumption. Maybe you're just optimistic about the shuffle idea because you feel like you have it bad on your current leaderboard?

    No, I dont feel like that at all.
    It’s just that it’s the same people playing against the same teams over and over, for spots that are previously set due to collusion.
    Theres not really competition, which I find boring.
    The truth of the fact is that I find collusion anti fun, and If a shard shuffle would mean less collusion for a while, great. Thats all.

    How does shuffling change that? It takes no real time to find others on your leaderboard.
    It is still the same teams you will be fighting for the most part just a different name for the player.
    Collusion exists because of the bad design of arena where the only thing that matters is your rank for 1/86400 seconds.
    So to keep the same ranking reward system and stop collision they would need to "shuffle" every single day so then 1st place rewards is based on RNG (what rank you get shuffled into the new leader board) and spending on refreshes (how far you have to climb)
    Yeah, I’m aware. Things would be interesting for a while, but Im sure collusion would still happen. So I agree, even though I like the idea of the shard shuffle, I recognize that it wouldn’t really solve anything in the long term.
    coollogic wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
    I admire your optimisme, but that's an assumption. Maybe you're just optimistic about the shuffle idea because you feel like you have it bad on your current leaderboard?

    No, I dont feel like that at all.
    It’s just that it’s the same people playing against the same teams over and over, for spots that are previously set due to collusion.
    Theres not really competition, which I find boring.
    The truth of the fact is that I find collusion anti fun, and If a shard shuffle would mean less collusion for a while, great. Thats all.

    I totally agree with you here, however shuffling shards will not fix it imo. I doubt it will happen but I wish they would just do a complete overhaul to how arena works. For now though why not just play a team you enjoy even if it drops your rank? My alt account rank varies between 200-500 but its way more fun, lots of different squads to battle.

    Oh, I have a lot of fun with my Jedi only squad (I know CLS isn’t tagged as one, but he’s a Jedi in my heart and he uses a lightsaber, it’s all good lol).
    I would just like to play against other people in the top spots, that’s all.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
    I admire your optimisme, but that's an assumption. Maybe you're just optimistic about the shuffle idea because you feel like you have it bad on your current leaderboard?

    No, I dont feel like that at all.
    It’s just that it’s the same people playing against the same teams over and over, for spots that are previously set due to collusion.
    Theres not really competition, which I find boring.
    The truth of the fact is that I find collusion anti fun, and If a shard shuffle would mean less collusion for a while, great. Thats all.

    Apparantly you do feel like that to a certain extent. A shardshuffle is just a temporary sollution to counter collusion with no guarantee it won't be worse on a shuffled leaderboard.
    As a player who has been on top of my leaderboard for ages, i agree that it's not very competative. (almost) everyone can beat everyone on offence, you just have to keep your team up-to-date and time your attacks in order to get top3 at pay-out. I'm reasonably sure i can reach #1 on any leaderboard out there, this isn't me bragging, it's just they way arena and arena battles are designed. The "difficulty" in arena is not the quality of your competition, but it's the quantity. I can't oversee all the consequenses a shardshuffle would bring with it, but i think it's reasonable to assume the quantity of competition will increase, thus making in "harder" to get top ranks during pay-out for nearly everyone involved. With "harder" i mean having to do more battles, not more difficult battles. Maybe you like that, but i think the majority of the top50 players wouldn't. I only mention top50 since collusion doesn't affect those outside of the top50.
    Also, how would the devs go about a shardshuffle? GW matchmaking has been an issue since day 1, so excuse me for not trusting the devs' capability as far as matchmaking goes. Any metric they can use is skewed in one way or another. Not to mention the logistics involved in merging/shuffling shards, it's a nightmare.
    Allongside with the other negative effects a shardshuffle would bring mentioned by others in this thread, i don't think the pros outweight the cons, not by a long shot. I think it won't fix anything, it will just improve the arena sitation for some, but make it worse for more players.
    Obviously i'm biased since i'm ranking top3 with relative ease, don't care much for arena so i'm fine with the way it is now and just collect my daily crystals. We don't collude much, we just respect eachothers pay-outs, no pre-determined spots during my pay-out, no agreements to lock eachother out or getting others to snipe enemies during friendly pay-outs. The players i share pay-out with usually just place themselves in the top5 and snipe from there (only one of them is on the chat), mainly because if you snipe from outside of the top5 you risk getting sniped back and end up with #6-10 rewards. GP from players inside the top20 ranging from 1.3m to 3m+ GP, i estimate the average around 2.4m GP. So yea, good chance a shard shuffle would make my situation significantly worse.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On
    I admire your optimisme, but that's an assumption. Maybe you're just optimistic about the shuffle idea because you feel like you have it bad on your current leaderboard?

    No, I dont feel like that at all.
    It’s just that it’s the same people playing against the same teams over and over, for spots that are previously set due to collusion.
    Theres not really competition, which I find boring.
    The truth of the fact is that I find collusion anti fun, and If a shard shuffle would mean less collusion for a while, great. Thats all.

    Apparantly you do feel like that to a certain extent. A shardshuffle is just a temporary sollution to counter collusion with no guarantee it won't be worse on a shuffled leaderboard.
    As a player who has been on top of my leaderboard for ages, i agree that it's not very competative. (almost) everyone can beat everyone on offence, you just have to keep your team up-to-date and time your attacks in order to get top3 at pay-out. I'm reasonably sure i can reach #1 on any leaderboard out there, this isn't me bragging, it's just they way arena and arena battles are designed. The "difficulty" in arena is not the quality of your competition, but it's the quantity. I can't oversee all the consequenses a shardshuffle would bring with it, but i think it's reasonable to assume the quantity of competition will increase, thus making in "harder" to get top ranks during pay-out for nearly everyone involved. With "harder" i mean having to do more battles, not more difficult battles. Maybe you like that, but i think the majority of the top50 players wouldn't. I only mention top50 since collusion doesn't affect those outside of the top50.
    Also, how would the devs go about a shardshuffle? GW matchmaking has been an issue since day 1, so excuse me for not trusting the devs' capability as far as matchmaking goes. Any metric they can use is skewed in one way or another. Not to mention the logistics involved in merging/shuffling shards, it's a nightmare.
    Allongside with the other negative effects a shardshuffle would bring mentioned by others in this thread, i don't think the pros outweight the cons, not by a long shot. I think it won't fix anything, it will just improve the arena sitation for some, but make it worse for more players.
    Obviously i'm biased since i'm ranking top3 with relative ease, don't care much for arena so i'm fine with the way it is now and just collect my daily crystals. We don't collude much, we just respect eachothers pay-outs, no pre-determined spots during my pay-out, no agreements to lock eachother out or getting others to snipe enemies during friendly pay-outs. The players i share pay-out with usually just place themselves in the top5 and snipe from there (only one of them is on the chat), mainly because if you snipe from outside of the top5 you risk getting sniped back and end up with #6-10 rewards. GP from players inside the top20 ranging from 1.3m to 3m+ GP, i estimate the average around 2.4m GP. So yea, good chance a shard shuffle would make my situation significantly worse.

    That was a great reply and it sure gave me food for thought. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
    However, since the situation is not ideal for a lot of people, what do you think we should propose? I different way of achieving rank, as proposed by scuba?
    Could work, don’t know. But I give it to you that a shuffle won’t solve anything, you convinced me.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I don't know man, my sollution is to give up on arena being fun. At times when metas shift it's fun to play, the rest of the time it's just a crystal dispenser. I'm fine with that.
    Since skill plays such a small role in this game, truly competative is pretty much impossible. The AI is intentionally bad, it's so bad that it overshadows team choice. strenght and even mod (dis)advantage to a certain extent.
    Sure, the battles are semi complex and you can definately form a team that does(n't) perform well, make wrong/right choices wich ability you use or who you target first etc. But it's all pretty basic stuff.
    I'm fine with highest rank achieved though, it's certainly more user friendly. Not sure if it would stop collusion, or make it worse. It would make it easier to not get targetted since others can't monitor the top10 all day long.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Initially reading this post I thought like others that changing up the arena shards will be a bad idea and would really just make things easier for people who have taken time away from the game(Catering to them), But after reading more responses here I have a new idea that I think would be alot more fun.

    If every day or every week our arenas switched up completely, not just moving a few people around but actually doing a whole arena mixup so people fight different people every day or every week however it should be segmented. That way there is very little chance of collusion and we would have a much more diverse time in arena.

    I see a few issues right off the bat that could use some ironing out like where do people start out in the leaderboard when it resets, and should these arenas still have 20k people or should it be much less? 5 fights a day may not be enough and fight timers could become even more bothersome. So with these questions in mind a week minimum might make more sense.

    This should probably be done only to arenas that have been around for more than a year cause it would most likely only hurt newer shards/leaderboards. Yet in general this would make arenas more fun to me and allow people to fight new opponents instead of having literally the same fights over and over every day against the same people who we already know everything about their team including their mods without even looking.

    Im weary to suggest something like this cause a good idea can very easily turn into a bad idea and this could end up feeling like tournaments but I guess I'm being optimistic today.
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    All these arena shakeup/shuffle/merge ideas seems like nothing more than a bunch of bitter people upset about not getting the better rewards like other people are.

    And the one excuse or idea that is funny to me is "people tired of fighting the same teams over and over". Well guess what? The meta report is what's used to determine the most effective tactic available squads and it is from all the server shards combine. In other words..even if there was a server shuffle or whatever you wanna call it doesn't mean you won't fight the same will fight the same teams..that's a FACT!!, it's just different people. The meta report is determined from all shards combined. So as far as the excuse of shuffling shards means you won't fight the same teams is really a **** point of veiw.

    A person like me can easily find my shard mates in one day by posting on these very forums and team up with my shard and form a payout alliance. No matter what new ideas you people come up with isn't gonna stop people that have been getting their best rewards from getting their best rewards. Nor is it gonna allow you to get better payout rewards. The only thing that will help you is to "better" your roster/mods/gear so you actually can beat people in the top 10.

    This whole argument sounds like nothing more than a bunch of spoiled,whiney,brats who want what others have...and since they can't get the rewards by progressing their roster and putting in the time and effort...they want EACG to make it easier for them.

    It's beyond pathetic.
    The world is watching as I take my last breathe.
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    Any arena shake up is a bad idea. If you take people who are used to being at the top and shove them to the bottom. That isn't going to encourage them to spend more, it is going to encourage them to STOP PLAYING.

    I used to play a game called outwar. People kept asking for server mergers due to inactivity. The game finally ended up doing it to reduce costs... and the small amount of people actually playing the game dropped by 50%!!!!

    People think rearrangements are a good thing, but all they do is minimize the time people have invested, there is no actual gain for the majority of the population.
    I dont think you can generalize like that, at all. Have you ever read a book called “Mindset”? I think you, sir, have a fixed one.
    I wont bother explaning (seriously, read the book, its enlightening), but other people have a growth mindset, in which challenges are welcomed because they represent chance of growing.
    Id love a shard shufffle even though I finish top 10 everyday - it would bring a lot of fun and competitiveness in a boring and colluded shard.
    Bring. It. On

    It's not a generalization. It is a true statement based on experience with many games like this.

    Firstly, the idea that you are going to bring anyone back to the game is laughable. People either come back or they don't (the latter is more likely), so once people are gone, they are gone.

    Most people that are in the "boring" situation of fighting the same people for years on old dead shards like getting their free rewards... that's why they are still playing. This will be the majority of players on older shards because more older shards will be mostly dead than very active. (numbers indicate this, so it is also not a presumption).

    Basically, you are responding as though this is an opinion, when it is really just the way things work in this type of thing. Arena mixups have NEVER gone over well in any of the dozen+ games I have seen try it.

    And for pete's sake people: THERE IS NO COLLUSION IN ARENA!!! Your morals are not laws, cooperation is not collusion. Mods already shut down one thread about it and warned everyone not to bring up the topic again. Quit saying it, quit thinking it. It isn't true and will only get you in trouble.

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    Honestly I agree with your sentiments, but incase you were speaking on my suggestion right above your comment, I was saying it would allow me to fight different people not different toons, I fully expect the teams to be almost the same.

  • Dread
    152 posts Member
    Am I (normal user) able to close a thread?

    Tired of seeing hateful/negative/assumptive messages on my thread.
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    Dread wrote: »
    Am I (normal user) able to close a thread?

    Tired of seeing hateful/negative/assumptive messages on my thread.

    Unfortunately we do not have that option
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
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    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
  • Sunnie1978
    2937 posts Moderator
    Closing thread per OP request
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