Beating GK Zarris (?)

Right before my PO a GK Zarris team takes first. Beating it would yield me a nice nr 1 every day, but even though i managed to beat him once last week, i cant seem to do it again. So, all tactical tips welcome!

His team GK Zarris R2 Thrawn DN, all g11ish with ok-good mods (r2 speed 257, just as mine).

My options:
G11 zR2 Zolo or Biggs
G10 chaze wedge

I have tried all combinations, with little success. The one success was with cls r2 solo wiggs.

So, which team to field, what tactics/kill order to follow? Others on my shard with similar gear and mods seem to have little problems, including with a wiggs chaze cls lineup, but clearly i am doing things wrong cause it doesnt work for me.

All help will be greatly appreciated!


  • crzydroid
    7312 posts Moderator
    Do you have Thrawn to fracture GK? If so, you use the crit immunity against them to take out the others. Just don't accidentally remove it with CLS special. Raid han will be of help...especially if you stun R2 and don't want Barriss to take a turn to cleanse it--that smokescreen hurts as much as taunt. Can use CLS special to remove tm from R2 as needed.

    I would focus on getting rid of Thrawn first, the Nihilus as you are able...don't know whether that's best though.
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    No Thrawn yet, and he typically cleanses r2 who then cloaks. I also think the key is keeping r2 under control. Might work but my cls is slower than his.. i suppose once i zeta ibat this will become much easier.
  • crzydroid
    7312 posts Moderator
    Without Thrawn a high crit AoE to give everyone crit immunity follow by clearing GK taunt will help...but then you need super hard hitters like Raid Han to counteract the crit immunity. Swapping in offense mods in place of any crit damage you have might work well there.
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    Stun R2, Stealth with yours, Buff immunity on GK, beat down Zarriss while she has crit immunity. Honestly with your current setup it won't be easy.. You could maybe try Cassian for healing immunity.
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    Have you a Darth Nihilus? He's really good against zbarris.
    My old team was GZ Zbarris Chase and DN, great against all teams. But now we have a lot of JTR in arena, so... times change and so must I hahahahaha

    Try to farm DN... he's great in a lot of teams.
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    Thanks for the advice, but i basically only have the 7 to chose from i said above. I am sure Thrawn will make this easy when i get him next month.

    A big problem i have is zarriss' cleanse: even though often others with less health are debuffed, she always seems to cleanse gk of his buff imm. Thats not WAI, is it?
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    DN lead with SA, EP, R2, your best tank. No crits, stuns galore, don’t even need the best mods.

    I beat arena GK/zarriss comps like that in TW(all mods, no tm advantage) with DN/SA(both g11 decent mods), EP(G10 decent mods), Dooku(g10, Decent mods), and SIT(g10 super tank mods). You will fall like a rock, but easy win.
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    My options:
    G12 CLS
    G11 zR2 Zolo or Biggs
    G10 chaze wedge

    I have tried all combinations, with little success. The one success was with cls r2 solo wiggs.

    As you have seen ("tried all combos, with little success"), trying to crit your way through a GK/Barris squad with the characters you list isn't going to work. Expand your options, or come to terms with not getting first place in arena.

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    I can beat any zBarriss and GK team with my droids :)
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    AnnerDoon wrote: »
    As you have seen ("tried all combos, with little success"), trying to crit your way through a GK/Barris squad with the characters you list isn't going to work. Expand your options, or come to terms with not getting first place in arena.

    Yeah well since there are others on my shard who run combos of these 7 and still beat him, I won't give up that easily!
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    Ok. Good luck.
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    AnnerDoon wrote: »
    As you have seen ("tried all combos, with little success"), trying to crit your way through a GK/Barris squad with the characters you list isn't going to work. Expand your options, or come to terms with not getting first place in arena.

    Yeah well since there are others on my shard who run combos of these 7 and still beat him, I won't give up that easily!

    Yes it's *possible*. Until recently I was running CLS, Han, Leia, R2 and GK. Had to fight lots of G/Z teams, and I was usually successful. The battles just take forever. Raid Han's special and Leia's would remove more health than they could heal, but Han's second basic hit would always heal the enemy a bit. I ran Han with well over 3k physical damage, and Leia had a bit more. It goes against common strategy (I think), but I would always kill GK first then take out the damage dealers, while controlling Zarriss as much as possible. The dps toons are usually squishy enough to kill even with Zarriss alive. It's risky though. Ideal situation is manipulating crit immunity to burn them down, but I didn't have Thrawn at the time so I just brute-forced it. Your mileage may vary :) good luck
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    AnnerDoon wrote: »
    Ok. Good luck.

    Well in any case my next alternative will be Thrawn, but hopefully it doesn't take that long to crack the code.
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