The Road Ahead

Things seem a little quiet now that the fanfare surrounding Jedi Rey has died down, so i'm wondering what the devs have in store for us?

Yes, we've just had news about a new character and i'm sure lots of people are happy about that given he's a DS FO toon. However, for as many people who are excited there are as many, if not more people who aren't.

So devs what do you say? You got anything in store for us, a new raid? Get rid of challenge gear form raid rewards? New ships? and possibly the most intriguing question.....when will we get DARTH REVAN???

C'mon CG give us something to go on please. If i'm not mistaken the last road ahead post was in October 2017
@CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs


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    Agreed, we really need some “what’s ahead” news, been too long... new raid would be awesome, but also a ton of small to large QoL improvements (new tier of challenges, stun guns that matter in challenges, ...)
    And yes, Revan... want him so, so badly <3
  • Silverspawn
    11 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    It seems that the "What's ahead - Price for treason" is for the FO Executionner.

    Anyway EA/CG was in holidays like all of us i guess. Then let them this week for incoming news ;)
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    IMO there was too much stuff at the end of 2017. For example launching DS TBs in early 2018 would have been enough excitement. Personally I am hoping for many many QoL enhancements over the next months. There is more than enough content to work on already!
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    QOL and reworks are what I want to see. There are so many toons and factions that need a buff and it would be nice to see that happen more often.
  • TheDahkLawd
    1 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    We need ship battles like a death star raid to play more with fleets.

    Luke needs an x wing ship which makes sense. MOAR SHIPS PLZ!

    Geonosians need to make a comeback sometime.

    Bronzium packs need a purchase multiplier buy 25 at a time or something.

    Ship ability material omega which is never been farmable yet needed. Read this twice.

    Add/change some toons to cantina, galactic war, and arena many have farmed most if not all of those stores.

    And I need a raise cuz these ideas are $$$
    Post edited by TheDahkLawd on
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    What do we want?
    Ds reworks and more ds toons that will almost equal that of Ls toons.
    Qol improvements!
    More ships and more ship content!

    What will we get!?
    Silence. Toons taken out of stores with out prior notice. Typos. More toons to be platooned. I’m sure there’s an op rebel to throw in as well.
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    Antares wrote: »
    IMO there was too much stuff at the end of 2017. For example launching DS TBs in early 2018 would have been enough excitement. Personally I am hoping for many many QoL enhancements over the next months. There is more than enough content to work on already!

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    Richie7771 wrote: »
    Lmao! @Vinny_Vader_Vedi has obviously been playing a long time as well

    I have a dream- of 6 months full of DS bolstering.
    Palp zetas, Vader rework. More Empire pilots that will be great additions to a tarkin lead.
    Sep rework Bh rework. Tie defender, tie bomber. More old republic sith. I want it to be sooo ds that even big ds fans will come on here and cry “we need more rebels!”

    I’m obviously crazy. But on a serious note - look at the handful of ds toons that are considered “great” compare and contrast their farms compared to any Ls toons in arena rn.
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    Why do people keep insisting we need another raid. As it is we have no breaks with events and then raids.
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    I’m for a month long(January) Farm free time. I can’t imagine anyone outside of a millionaire or 2015 player lacking projects to work on at the moment...everyone just chill on new content and build up some omegas/zetas/holos/guns/ know a savings account.
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    A lot of good ships are hard node only. Nothing wrong with that. Grind them out.
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    I’ll bite on a new raid, but interests vary widely in this game....I’m sure well more than 50% of the player base has a full plate. Spend January on QOL if the employees need something to do....meanwhile I don’t feel anyone could have too much of everything...suppose Revan needs two(think vet style) toons to be released just to get him....more gear. I’m a jan 17 player and I can sympathize with the folks that started in the very beginning, but the game can certainly take a break to let the rest of us catch up month.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    I’d rather see actual movie characters like Padme, Hux, Jango Fett, a droideka, C-3PO, DJ, Holdo, and others before Darth Revan. Pretty much anybody from the movies would be better than that.
  • crzydroid
    7406 posts Moderator
    Richie7771 wrote: »
    @crzydroid so far you've been extremely helpful, but your praises will be sung even more if you could squeeze any useful information out of the devs regarding Darth Revan

    If I was able to squeeze out any such information, I wouldn't be able to tell you anyway. : )
  • Options
    What do we want?
    Ds reworks and more ds toons that will almost equal that of Ls toons.
    Qol improvements!
    More ships and more ship content!

    What will we get!?
    Silence. Toons taken out of stores with out prior notice. Typos. More toons to be platooned. I’m sure there’s an op rebel to throw in as well.

    "Typos" lol
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    My guild just completed our first hAAT last weekend, so we’re pretty pumped about that and obviously aren’t ready for a new raid, which would definitely be absurdly difficult. However, I would like to see a new raid at some point; we finish the rancor in about 15 minutes and we’re only about 67mil GP. I also would like to see some of the movie characters that aren’t in the game yet, but don’t see why we can’t get revan if we have nihilus. Would also really like Malak as well.
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    RandyMarsh wrote: »
    My guild just completed our first hAAT last weekend, so we’re pretty pumped about that and obviously aren’t ready for a new raid, which would definitely be absurdly difficult. However, I would like to see a new raid at some point; we finish the rancor in about 15 minutes and we’re only about 67mil GP. I also would like to see some of the movie characters that aren’t in the game yet, but don’t see why we can’t get revan if we have nihilus. Would also really like Malak as well.

    Congrats on HAAT. Get those gk shards!
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    Congrats Randy Marsh!!!
  • crzydroid
    7406 posts Moderator
    Moved to feedback.
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