In need of guidance (Update)

29 posts Member
edited January 2018
Character List:

When I started out I was told to focus Phoenix Squad, now I have them in a good spot. In hyper focusing Phoenix, I feel that I set myself up for failure. I don't have much access to the mod challenges to get the mods my Phoenix need due to lack of the required characters (I don't even have access to speed mods yet due to lack of power and level), and thus I am falling behind in GW and can tell that it is getting harder and harder to win. Because I am falling behind in GW, I'm not getting much in terms of credits and so it's harder to do things now. But now that I have them all 7* I'm not really sure where to go from here. I started working on Empire for a few days before a friend told me to work on getting Biggs and Wedge higher (I still am farming the shards to get Wedge currently 32/80, and Biggs is sitting at 4*)

I am in a guild that does a Rancor every other day. Last month we did 4* and now we're doing 5*. I'm able to push out 300-400k damage with my Phoenix team every time depending on where I come in at. ATT I am able to do anywhere from 100k-300k also depending where I enter from.

Arena I can easily get to 700, but after that it seems my Phoenix Squat falls off. Sometimes I'll get lucky and find a team that I can beat and pushes me to around 600.

My biggest struggle right now seems to be
- Credits
- GW
- Who I should be farming
- Who I should be gearing

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Post edited by Alryix on


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    Start prepping for a hero's journey. Farm a FO or Empire squad, then pick up the rest of the toons needed for CLS or RJT. In six months, you'll be reigning supreme in the leaderboards. If you can't be bothered to wait that long, try farming up a Rex lead squad. It'll require Thrawn, DN and either GK/Chaze to be effective, but it gets the job done. That's a shorter journey, for sure, but much less versatile and satisfying.
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    Watch this and do what he says -
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    Alryix wrote: »
    Character List:

    My biggest struggle right now seems to be
    - Credits
    - GW
    - Who I should be farming
    - Who I should be gearing

    Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    You need some scoundrels to get more xredits and training droids in heists.
    boba, lando, stHan for sure.

    As you already switched to Wedge and Biggs I suggest you start working on Leia and Old Ben.

    Eventually you will need the following thing:
    6 strong 7* Empire characters to get you R2D2
    6 strong 7* Rebels (Pheonix!) which will get you Palpatine and Thrawn (so you already have two strong empire character)

    Once you have R2D2, Leia, Old Ben and St Han you need to get Farmboy Luke to 7* in order to participate in the next CLS event.

    I suggest you start choosing what team you want to use now and in the future.
    if you have any 7* character at all try to change guilda and get in a guild that does heroic Pit, even if your scores are low you still get raid Han shards.

    Hope this helps you a little
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    First changes guilds for heroic raids. Look for a guild with 30k tickets where you can get top 20 in heroic rancour or look for a guild you can rank anywhere where you can do both heroic raids.
    Second can you clear a tier iii credit heist? If not level them up gear them up star them up. The credits will help you and they won't be a terrible second team for galactic war.
    Third Over the next three months build an empire team to 7 stars. Palpatine Thrawn (currently 5) should go to 7 Vader you need to keep an eye for in fleet store but achievements will help and two others. Tfp is awesome in fleet so go that way and royal guard can tank for you.
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    This game is not a sprint. You need to focus on a small amount of toons and max them out. Then move to the next. Don’t waste your resources. If you manage your resources carefully you should do fine.

    Yes. Never spread yourself too thinly. Pretty soon you will have many, many mediocre characters unable to proceed. Better to have around 10 solid, maxed-up characters that can fit in a variety of categories.

    What DeFekt said is correct. And pretty much what's in that video.
  • Alryix
    29 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    DeFekt713 wrote: »
    if you have any 7* character at all try to change guilda and get in a guild that does heroic Pit, even if your scores are low you still get raid Han shards.

    I have all of Phoenix but Sabine at 7* right now. Sadly they decided to take her out of the Guild store while I was working on getting her up

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    Swapping Guilds isn't an option for me as of this moment, I have multiple family members in this guild and we're all trying to achieve 85 before we head over to our friend's guild that is set at 85s only
  • Alryix
    29 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    DeFekt713 wrote: »
    You need some scoundrels to get more xredits and training droids in heists.
    Naraic wrote: »
    Second can you clear a tier iii credit heist? If not level them up gear them up star them up.

    Who is more of a priority for my cantina energy then: Lando or Wedge?
    Because I can only farm one with Cantina
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Alryix wrote: »
    DeFekt713 wrote: »
    You need some scoundrels to get more xredits and training droids in heists.
    Naraic wrote: »
    Second can you clear a tier iii credit heist? If not level them up gear them up star them up.

    Who is more of a priority for my cantina energy then: Lando or Wedge?
    Because I can only farm one with Cantina

    Can you clear tier iii credit heist with what you have?

    If not lando. You will need the credits to level people up. You see how you are level 72 and you have only 4 characters that high. That tells me you aren't getting rewards from credit heists and need the credits.
  • Options
    Alryix wrote: »
    [I have all of Phoenix but Sabine at 7* right now. Sadly they decided to take her out of the Guild store while I was working on getting her up

    Don't worry- Chopper will do fine for you.

  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    Alryix wrote: »
    Swapping Guilds isn't an option for me as of this moment, I have multiple family members in this guild and we're all trying to achieve 85 before we head over to our friend's guild that is set at 85s only

    Can your guild merge with another newbie guild in order to make heroic viable. Or can your friend send a mercenary who can solo hpit to your guild. The mercenary can lock in 10 shards a raid for raid han by finishing first and you can all get rewards from heroic raids.
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    My bad, thought I answered your question, guess I removed it while revising my post. Negative, I cannot clear T3 of Credit Heist
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Alryix wrote: »
    My bad, thought I answered your question, guess I removed it while revising my post. Negative, I cannot clear T3 of Credit Heist

    Then focus on your scoundrels and focus some more. When you are ready for tier iii it will be time to plan for tier iv (level 80+)

    The credits are essential.
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    We have a lot of inactives in the Guild as of right now, the admins are figuring out who isn’t playing and they’ve will be removed shortly. Even if our friends sent someone over, we’re having trouble producing the tickets to do the raid each day that’s why we do it every other day, some days we miss it. I’m sure once we remove the inactives we can get more active people and start clearing the Rancor more often
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    Your Phoenix isn't breaking down in arena/GW because they have hit their shelf life, it's because yours aren't geared or abilities maxed.

    Yes, you should pause them for a bit and put some gear into your scoundrels for Heist/Smuggling. Always make sure you can clear your highest available tier, and take them to 5* so they can eventually attempt final tier. But don't go crazy on their gear, Credit Heist is crazy easy.

    The biggest mistake you can make is endlessly chasing shards of new characters, and not putting any energy into gear for the ones you've already star'd. It's far better to have 1 strong team then 5 weak ones.
  • Alryix
    29 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Thank you all for the advice you gave me. A few days after I sent the message that I was unable to swap guilds due to various reasons, we abandoned that guild and my friend managed to get us all into the guild. I currently have 23/145 for Raid Han and get 5 everytime we do the raid (except for the first time when my Phoenix wasn't modded properly or geared), just a matter of time until I get him. I think Raid Han is going to be who I spend my Zeta on that I got for the Anniversary. Still deciding.

    I followed the advice y'all gave, with a slight deviation of spending 2 days of cantina energy and finished all my mod battles and now have access to everything. So I then farmed some mods and gave Phoenix better mods and now I am clearing GW everyday against teams that have 85s. Arena has gotten easier and I can often just auto a battle and win. I'm going to see how my Phoenix fairs against 7* Thrawn. I know I can get him 6*, 7* is a stretch but still worth trying.

    I have been trying to get my scoundrel team up and would like to know what a good scoundrel team is that I can use until I get Raid Han. I am 2 shards away from getting IG-88 and cannot get him until payout tomorrow, which sucks but what is 19 hours in a game that takes a month to get people to 7*.

    Here is my character list again:
  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    use Raid Han for the scoundrels even if he isn't starred.
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    HK666 wrote: »
    use Raid Han for the scoundrels even if he isn't starred.

    Unfortunately this isn't possible as I do not have him quite yet. Once he is unlocked he is being buffed up to holy hell, but I do not have him yet.
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    You already have 5 scoundrels, and 4 of them are 5* for credit heist. I’d get Cad Bane up to 5* and you’re set.
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    Kai_Mulai wrote: »
    You already have 5 scoundrels, and 4 of them are 5* for credit heist. I’d get Cad Bane up to 5* and you’re set.

    Unfortunately Cad Bane under performs and I don't want to spend resources on him until he gets reworked. I am replacing him with IG-88 ASAP. But due to him being linked with Squad Arena points, I might have to sadly work on Cad Bane :( Hopefully they rework him soon
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    Honestly, your probably pretty well covered as far as Credit Heist & Droid Smuggling goes, just get Cad Bane starred to 5* then go back to Biggs from GW. Lando, Boba & STHan can easily clear the events themselves given a bit of gear, you just need any other 2 to qualify.

    If I was in your shoes, I'd slap that zeta on Kanan instead of waiting for RHan. His zeta alone will likely get you into top 500 in arena, and it will be a long time before Raid Han is ready.

    Then I'd start looking ahead towards two specific goals. R2D2 and starting work on Tier 3 of the Ship Ability Materials Challenge.

    R2D2 will need 5 Empire characters. Continue gearing up Phoenix so you can get Palps and Thrawn as "freebies" (Kanan's zeta will help immensely with this, and likely save quite a few gear levels), start farming Tarkin from Arena, TFP from his Cantina node and Vader whenever you see him in Fleet. This will give you 5 Empire for r2, who also serve dual purposes.

    Tier 3 Ship Ability Mat Challenges get you zetas, for this you need a 5* Executrix(Tarkin) and 8 5* non-capital ships. Unlocking 5* Executrix requires 5 5* Dark Side ships. You've got a good start on Vader's, TF, & FOTF already, Slave1 is a no brainer since your Fett is 7* and has some gear, plus it's just a really solid ship. That just leaves you 1 short. Chose one that's in GW if possible, with a character you can unlock fairly painlessly.

    Unlocking 5* Executrix will be the harder part, access to tier 3 SAM Challenge will be easy with those 5 DS ships, plus Phantom, Ghost and Biggs ship should breeze through the challenge.

    Heading towards these 2 goals will improve every facet of your game, helping out your Arena rank(gearing Phoenix, zeta on Kanan), Fleet(obviously), raid scores, a solid DS squad for that side of the board/DSTB/TWs, earning you more omegas and a steady(but slow) flow of zetas, and get a major hurdle towards CLS out of the way.

  • Alryix
    29 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    If I was in your shoes, I'd slap that zeta on Kanan instead of waiting for RHan. His zeta alone will likely get you into top 500 in arena, and it will be a long time before Raid Han is ready.

    I'm still a ways away from hitting 82, so I figure by the time I hit it I'll have or be close to having Raid Han
    Honestly, your probably pretty well covered as far as Credit Heist & Droid Smuggling goes, just get Cad Bane starred to 5* then go back to Biggs from GW. Lando, Boba & STHan can easily clear the events themselves given a bit of gear, you just need any other 2 to qualify.

    I want to get the scoundrels for the CC challenge as well
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Alryix wrote: »
    Honestly, your probably pretty well covered as far as Credit Heist & Droid Smuggling goes, just get Cad Bane starred to 5* then go back to Biggs from GW. Lando, Boba & STHan can easily clear the events themselves given a bit of gear, you just need any other 2 to qualify.

    I want to get the scoundrels for the CC challenge as well

    For the CC challenge you only need the scoundrels at 5* fir the highest tier. With gear on your 3 main scoundrels (Lando, Boba and a tank) you will be alright. You only need to three star it once (use your best mods for this). After that you can sim it.
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