About the ships and fleet arena

33 posts Member
edited January 2018
Dear Devs, while we have this limited amount of ships, target lock is the main game mechanics. Whether you win or lose depends on it. Target lock should not be chance dependant!
In the normal arena main skills (like fracture) can't be evaded or at least can be made more likely to hit with accuracy and potency mods. Please do the same in the fleet arena!

And several things I noticed during fleet battles:
1. Although at first it looks like enemy imperial TIEs dodge a lot more often, my TIEs sometimes also give crazy dodge series. There's not that much difference after all.
2. TIE advanced has catastrophically low potency. Its "I have you now" NEVER worked at full while I was using this ship, I usually got resists only. I think Devs don't like Vader much. Although computer uses this ship much more successfully.
3. It is extermely hard to inflict target locks without 100% chance abilities, but not for a computer on defence. For some reason it almost always succeeds.
4. Computer controlled FO TIE gains noticably more TM from attacks on target locked ships. It attacks like 1.5 times more often than my FO TIE. Vader's ship can't give him more TM as it is not an Empire ship. And noone else uses Bistan's ship. I must be missing something or is this a bug?
5. At the start of a battle enemy TIE can target lock my TIE ship and on its turn enemy FO TIE kills that ship with Strafe. I have never been able to do the same, even if I put offence up on my FO TIE and it crits.
6. Chimaera on defence can get 61000+ crits with tractor beam. I, in turn, can't usually even kill a ship with less than half health.
Post edited by Svyatosha on


  • Options
    Clear analysis, I fully agree.
  • Options
    All of this is working as intended. In lieu of creating a game requiring strategy, they figured it would be easier to just let the ai cheat. It is apparently working, since it doesn't stop anyone from playing.
  • Svyatosha
    33 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Hmm, in the forum interface I can see that this post got 2 replies, but I can't actually see and read them, why?
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    I suspect most of your complaints are really just a lack of understanding of the various ship's mechanics as well as how RNG works.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    I suspect most of your complaints are really just a lack of understanding of the various ship's mechanics as well as how RNG works.

    These are not complaints. I hoped for several replies to check which were encountered by others and which are just my subjective observations.
    OK, if your understanding is so great: what affects the damage of capital ships except their own lvl and pilot gear? Have you seen 61k+ crits from Chimaera tractor beam? I can't reach these numbers with 97% complete Chimaera.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    You are complaining that the AI succeeds at everything more than you do. But you're not providing context that can help explain why it's happening.

    Good luck.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    /sigh, /shakes his head
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member

    1. Just as I expected.
    2. I don't use that ability often enough to notice.
    3. My experience is different than yours.
    4. *shrugs*
    5. I can do that as well on targets with low basic health/protection. Ships like 5s' and Kylo's take more hits than this. Chimaera boosts crit damage and chance considerably. Calculated strike boosts offense on that attack. Maybe that's what you are seeing.
    6. How about you provide us with information about how high crits you get? Max and average. And compare those with enemy Chimaera hits. Your point doesn't make sense otherwise.
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