should i re-roll

((one can skip the whole middle of this text where I just explain my roster..the title is my question))

i hit leveI 50 recently& keep thinking about starting over...
--i made soo many mistakes in the early game.
-Like spending my Ability Material level-up octagon things on my mediocre characters
that I don't use.
Like Ewok Scout,,Clone Sargent,,Nightsister Acolte,,Snowtrooper,,Resistance Trooper,,Royal Guard & even The Jawa & Teebo & Ashoka I leveled really high ((3 + 4 stars & Vl gear..only to not use them past 3 stars.
(lately I decided to level TEEBO up cause his main attack devastates oponents turn-meter)
& Ahoka cause I need her for Yoda..

--I worked Very hard to get Palpatine, Qui-Gonn,,Savage Opress,Asajj,, IG86,,Luminara,
-My only characters I won from the free bronz fata thing is Cpt Phasma & Teebo..(I think everyone mighta gotten Teebo & Ashoka)..

-My best roster/chgaracters are--(In order)
-Greedo-58-Vll- i won him early as he was my 1st 350 crystal reward(well 30% in shards. but Greedeo OWNS! he double attacks every critical & is hands down my damager. his grenades are awesome at level 6.. but his health is mediocre and sometimes I cant afford to keep him in I need 3 stars..

#2-Talia-56-vll- I just leveled her as her main attack became a life saver after she leveled. she only gets hurt in galactic war matches.

-3Jedi Consuar,,Luminara,& leaders are either Chewbacca & usually Capt Phasma..

-next tier is led by Palpatine,,Qui Gonn,,Asaj Ventriss, Savage Opress,,iG86, and whomever..

---now that I explained my roster. and **** off whomever read this far = its getting hard as hell to level lately despite me only missing only 3 days of daily activities in a 5 weeks...4-5 weeks..

* I suspect its cause I wasted soo many gear items & upgrade attack materials on mediocres..
--I also don't spend real money. I haven't yet & its tempting atleast once a week but is suspect that's why ive enjoyed the game so much..

--have you started over or thought bout it?


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    If you switch gears and start farming the more popular options, you will be behind on your server. If you start over and get a fresh server, you would probably enjoy it more.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    go to and upload a screenshot of your Squad. Also upload a screenshot of the rank board.

    What is your rank? when did you started the game?
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    Tell ya what. Early on I was watching Youtube and checking this forum. Still made a ton of mistakes on my main acct. Started an Alt acct and spent 5 bucks on Dooku or Veers or Savage. Got General "good for absolutely nothing" Veers (witch I am still **** about by the way as the devps offered just Dooku early on, but I digress) the 5 bucks was still worth spending for the xtra shards and 500 crystals which I used to go from the mid 2500's to the top 5 on the first day with Arena recharges. Have never left the top 20 since then.

    I would highly recommend getting another acct and spending the 24.99 on the Droid pack and the 4.99 on the Dooku lottery pack (which again SUCKS BIG ONES EA that it even has to be a lottery, but I digress again) maybe you will get lucky and nab Dooku for the early to mid game stuff.

    If you want to go straight F2P, it is more difficult to compete now IMHO thanks to blood sucking Greek Gods that created the world in which we find ourselves, but hey they are capitalists and I can relate somewhat. Advice is this:

    You need to do several things to be competitive.

    1.) Don't assume that you are going to be the only one on the new server that has some background in the game. There are others that have knowledge, sometimes deep knowledge, and don't underestimate them.

    2.) Go for Genosian Soldier immediately and don't even bother moving past node 1A until he is 7*. Once he is 7* then move to 4E and start working IG86

    3.) Farm Poe right out of the gate in Cantina Shipments and get him to 5* and then switch to QGJ and get him to 7*

    4.) Forget about getting Yoda, just don't even bother.

    5.) Farm Darth Sid right out of the gate in Areana Shipments and don't stop until he is 7*. You can go after Eath Koth or IG 88 depending on who is on your server. If you have a pesky Droid stack with Poggle at the lead then Koth.

    6.) Farm IG86 in Light and Dark battles ASAP.

    7.) Farm Dooku shards in Dark and Light battles ASAP

    8.) Farm IG86 till 4* in GW shipments and then switch to Luminara until she is 4* and then unlock Poggle

    9.) The team you want to run ASAP is Sid (lead) QGJ or POE, Poggle, GS, IG86 or Luminara. That is of course you have remained F2P and didn't by the Droid pack. If you bought the Droid pack then build up IG88 out of Areana Shipments, IG86, GS, unlock Poggle ASAP and use as lead with HK, Dooku or Sid rounding it out. Since you have HK already run him until you want to replace him.

    You will be in the top 10 for a long time until the meta changes again and you need to shift.....
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    I say start a new one, but maybe keep playing the other. It's fun to play knowing exactly what you're doing, being competitive and going for certain teams you want to play, buying energy refills instead of chromium packs etc...

    I have a launch account that I have tons of characters and spent almost all my crystals on chromium packs... I'm 70 and it's still fun to play and you could always still focus on certain teams to really compete, I pretty much stay in the 500-1k range in arena because I'm spread too thin... everyone has level 70 7 stars and I'm using stuff in the mid 60s 4-5* a couple 6 stars. Most my competition in the 500-1k range is still nearing on ~70/7 stars but I can stay there with what I have, and I could always move up if I really focus on a team.

    I started a new account half focusing on an easy to farm arena team to stay competitive and also on a team I want to play that will take a while to flesh out, and I've been staying mostly in the 10-50 range in arena while building another the team I'll switch to. Also I'm grinding on hard to get characters that I'll have eventually and just playing smart, spending my crystals on refills and focusing on certain characters and gear.
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    @Hauzer I've been wanting to try playing a second account on iOS. Do you know if that's even possibly? Have only found info about google play.
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    I couldn't tell you as I've been playing on Android. Check the options in game, I can just switch accounts there or use a guest account. If not you may have to change to another Game Center account or a completely different Apple account on your phone through iCloud...
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    If u have made too many mistakes I highly recommend u reset and make a new account and start from there.

    On iOS go to settings then game center. Click on Apple ID then sign out. Make a new Apple ID and go to the game. It will reset and u have to play the tutorial over again.
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    this is stupid in my opinion.. you loose a lot..
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    @Hauzer and @Reyia thanks for your replies. Just want to see if I can climb the arena ladder a bit more and get more crystals than on my current account. Keep getting stuck at ~ 40 - 60. I can always beat every opponent, but will always get bounced down to 100 so I can't get higher :/ bad defense I suppose, but it's quite hard to keep up with folks that get 500 crystals a day.
    Anyway, cheers!
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I don't see a point in starting over in this game. We are still basically in beta where many characters will be getting updates. Who knows, maybe your evoke scout will see a buff next and he will be the next FOTP. Starting over means grinding to the current meta, which could be different in a month once you get those characters. Are you going to restart each meta shift? Just keep playing and you will be fine.

    Edit: plus RG is getting a huge buff tomorrow so you are already part way there with him.
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    -I expected 4-5 responses and A sthe Human Torch would say "Flame On"..

    ~Well I decided to go for it and start over.(I explain in a sec)

    ---What a day. I tried 3 different times to research and different ways to do this.
    This is extremely complicated..You guys know theres some Sheisty shizzle going on with EA & Google.
    -I'm using IOS..And its not possible to start over without formatting apple ID(owkaaay/roll eyes) &/or creating a new google account.....
    -Dunno bout you guys but I already have 100 different usernames and passwords and every new one makes me give the monitor the evil eye! so this option was not for me.
    ---In the end I went with a option that never occurred to me..

    *****I signed out of MY gamecenter & signed-IN with my wifes name...BOOYA!
    -And the PERK of this is my tablet isn't her apple ID/Username- so dodged a bullet on that one..
    " yeah Huney, I used youre apple ID on my ipad for gaming, but I wont read youre texts or emails"
    /roll eyes so like I said " I was stoked to realize that my apple ID but her gameCenter name..

    ~~SUPER PERK~~I get to keep my original game"
    drawback- I'm running it on my old Ipad2. and its actually loads with hourglass and countdown just to open any new area like lightside matches ROTFLMAO...WHATEVS...I only accessed it to add my new name(KYP) as a friend cause I now have notta..

    ~~~~Will any of you guys mercy-add me?
    -ill also add anoyone to my OG account if anyone needs my ally support..
    heres my ally codes
    -New account- KYP -542-457-986
    OG account -CT Seabass-

    ---funny-- I AM LIKE LEVEL 14 on new account an my best characters are like level 11 + 13 etc
    well right after I added me as a ally = I goit my level 59 Lumiya and she assisted me in the 1st challenge.
    -she one hit'd everyone and the damage was hilarious..

    ----IF anyone is interested in my new accounts stats and bad breaks and positives which the badbreak is funny as all ****..

    ---Th e1st 7 levels were all standard.. Chewie,Jedi consular,Jawa,Clone Sargent, Snowtrooper,,Royal Guard, Talia,Ewok Scout,,,, well I earned my 1st "free" random character or shards and you'll never guess who I got,,,,,i was soooo excited to get someone new that I never had. cause I only had about 35% of available toons b4.... I couldn't believe it But i got RESISTANCE TROOPER... ****!!! I was sooo pisssed....
    whatevs,, I leveled his @****..

    ----I also broke my rule of No Real Life MOney and bought the $4.99 special. and got a few Vader shards,,royal guard, and Clone wars Jedi with big eyes and fleshy dreads and SAVAGE OPRESS.. Woot!
    I didn't expect to have him this early.. cool thing is I spent my 1st squad arena bling on him anyways.. I wasn't sure to go for him or Palpatine or Greedo(again) I explain--
    ===Look guys,,i didn't use Palpatine/Sideous everytime. that heal anilty block didn't work everytime. I mean when the effect would be there above enemies heads = they would Still receive heals. I couldn't belive it, and when it happened the second time I realized Sideous lost some value with me. sure I had him 4 stars & level Vi or or Vll I forget so I skipped him on Squad arena bucks grinding . atleast for now..
    ---Enter Greedo--I didn't 'WANT to like Greedo, in fact I was Mega **** when I got him for my very 1st 350 purple gem investment. I eventually leveled him and his criticals were massive damage and he would double attack atleast 33% or 1 outta every 3'ish hits....drawback is hes a 'dead man walking' like Qui Gonn..

    --To the responses(I'm going by memory)
    --That is sooooo funny(in a crapycrap bad luck way Steeles CA....when you said crapycrap General Veers I actually laughed..i know hes bunk, even stared & geared up..Veers & Mace WIndu are supposed to be awesome & don't get me started on Luke freaking'The Son of Sons Skywalker.actually Luke PWNS me in every squad battle and I target him before Palpatine..his stun attack wreckssht! and stuns :( I never had Luke..

    ---As far as youre strategy of leveling-- youre strategy is waay past what my 5 weeks on my OG account were. I'm only day 1 about 5 hours deep LOL...And I'm not very competitive on Squad arena...I ALWAYS was around 1400-1800...just enough to get my 400 squad bucks every day..its even hard to keep that rank. I do the 3 squad matches a day for daily reward(which I did for 5 str* weeks give/take 3 days),,,but I would need to win 2 of the 3 matches and we all know (stuff happens) like Dooku & Fives...yup! my fault for going in instead of running like a &%#%&....counter attack dookunot once but twice, then fives attacks me retaliation for my stupid area attack (speed down) and he calld dooku for triple attack..good god. if I see Dooku or FIves or The blue Twilek jedi in the Galctic battttles= restart!

    --eBITZU--I respect youyre opinion its a bad idea to restart. atleast rerspect enough to say "ok"

    Mitten--I disagree-- iw asnt restarting because my ewok scout or Clone Sargent **** etc, mainly cause I spent stupid upgrade abilty materials upgrading them to attack level 3 +4 's..taht means I spent BLUE + PURPLE materials on attacks when I shoulda been using em on Chewies Growl or heal, or he Jedi Consulars mediocre heal.(probably why his heal was mediocre at best)
    But mainly Mittens, I restarted because I WANTED TO. just like gamers like to reroll characters...if I didn't use my wifes gamecenter= I woulda just **** it up and said whatevs...

    AlexHermansSon---I feel ya about playing Free vs gamers who have a super jacked team that was bought and paid for..esp when you don't see a Chewie,jedi Consular on theyre team and the whoooole team is all stars...but whatever,,,,i like playing without spending because when I WON Captain Phasma= The Joy I fealt was through the wa sthe Joy when someone buying the $40 Jedi pack gets Obi Wan Kenobi. miles apart of feelin of 'I earned that, or I luckied that!!'

    thanks Reyia


    Kopfschuss = yeah...I leveled soo fast this time.. knowing how to play is half the battle in early game..
    ((like I said b4, I'm not competitive AT-ALL. my goal is just to unlock and just have fun..and its fun to talk about who or what I got with the few RL friends who plays.. The Manager of Hamden,CT Gamestop got me to play this.. that **** already uninstalled it because he was p[laying at work LOL..

    ~~~ Hauzer my friend- we agree 100%...having both accounts is FUN...anyone else thinking about it should GO FOR IT..if you have a relative whos gamecenter or androids equivelant, if you have the means DO it,,
    and ill add you so ya have atleast some advantage...BUT ya still haveta use similar level to yourself in light/dark side matches..haven't tried Bounty hunter thing since I added myself as a ally. but so far my super high lev toon only worked in Challenges...

    -- Song - ill check that out tomorrow about uploading screenshots. I'm toast of typipng now and wanna game...

    well tahts everyone...thanks for the replies....
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    SteelersCA wrote: »
    Tell ya what. Early on I was watching Youtube and checking this forum. Still made a ton of mistakes on my main acct. Started an Alt acct and spent 5 bucks on Dooku or Veers or Savage. Got General "good for absolutely nothing" Veers (witch I am still **** about by the way as the devps offered just Dooku early on, but I digress) the 5 bucks was still worth spending for the xtra shards and 500 crystals which I used to go from the mid 2500's to the top 5 on the first day with Arena recharges. Have never left the top 20 since then.

    I would highly recommend getting another acct and spending the 24.99 on the Droid pack and the 4.99 on the Dooku lottery pack (which again SUCKS BIG ONES EA that it even has to be a lottery, but I digress again) maybe you will get lucky and nab Dooku for the early to mid game stuff.

    If you want to go straight F2P, it is more difficult to compete now IMHO thanks to blood sucking Greek Gods that created the world in which we find ourselves, but hey they are capitalists and I can relate somewhat. Advice is this:

    You need to do several things to be competitive.

    1.) Don't assume that you are going to be the only one on the new server that has some background in the game. There are others that have knowledge, sometimes deep knowledge, and don't underestimate them.

    2.) Go for Genosian Soldier immediately and don't even bother moving past node 1A until he is 7*. Once he is 7* then move to 4E and start working IG86

    3.) Farm Poe right out of the gate in Cantina Shipments and get him to 5* and then switch to QGJ and get him to 7*

    4.) Forget about getting Yoda, just don't even bother.

    5.) Farm Darth Sid right out of the gate in Areana Shipments and don't stop until he is 7*. You can go after Eath Koth or IG 88 depending on who is on your server. If you have a pesky Droid stack with Poggle at the lead then Koth.

    6.) Farm IG86 in Light and Dark battles ASAP.

    7.) Farm Dooku shards in Dark and Light battles ASAP

    8.) Farm IG86 till 4* in GW shipments and then switch to Luminara until she is 4* and then unlock Poggle

    9.) The team you want to run ASAP is Sid (lead) QGJ or POE, Poggle, GS, IG86 or Luminara. That is of course you have remained F2P and didn't by the Droid pack. If you bought the Droid pack then build up IG88 out of Areana Shipments, IG86, GS, unlock Poggle ASAP and use as lead with HK, Dooku or Sid rounding it out. Since you have HK already run him until you want to replace him.

    You will be in the top 10 for a long time until the meta changes again and you need to shift.....

    This right here is a good way to do well in Arena and a good way to have no fun at all in the game.
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