Revealed: Darth Sion and Visas Marr


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    I want to be excited but I can’t. This is ridiculous that every single character released is behind a paywall now. The fair thing to do would be to make one of the toons marquee and the other a legendary release.
    This whole paywall thing is getting ridiculous. Now before people come in and say “ermahgawd iz business” or “too bad that’s what happens when you’re F2P”, nobody is asking for a free 7* toon. But make it feasible for F2P to farm one of them sooner rather than later, especially if visas is going to be needed for the raid.
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    Nokhai wrote: »
    Awww!!How nice!Another OP toon available only for the p2p guys (like always).Man,this game is like 90% p2p! :/ A f2p doesn't stand a chance nowadays as he has to farm n toons,tons and tons of gear for them and for mods in the same time.

    Rex lead. F2p people can farm him. Rex will allow you to compete. He's a highly effective cleanse and source of tenacity to resist all those sion debuffs. It's not the end of the world.
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    Mara Jade?
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
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    Nokhai wrote: »
    Awww!!How nice!Another OP toon available only for the p2p guys (like always).Man,this game is like 90% p2p! :/ A f2p doesn't stand a chance nowadays as he has to farm n toons,tons and tons of gear for them and for mods in the same time.

    Rex lead. F2p people can farm him. Rex will allow you to compete. He's a highly effective cleanse and source of tenacity to resist all those sion debuffs. It's not the end of the world.

    The point is all the new toons are strictly P2P. There hasn’t been a legendary event since thrawn and the last heroes journey for JTR was heavily P2P because of the vets. It’s getting ridiculous that F2P can’t even get thrown a bone and get one of these characters outside of a marquee event.
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    SO WHY THE HECK IS TRAYA THE REWARD FOR THE RAID?????? that makes no Sense at all you fight her to earn her shards???? Just Why why not make the Reward Metra and add some couple Jedi and Rework some of the ones that supper stink (Mace Windu, Plo, Koth, Kit, Ect) then you could have had a Jedi Vs Sith meta that would have been awesome now we just will have all sith which is super annoying. Why do you want us to go back to the Rex Meta Devs? I was not a fan and would like to see the Jedi Final have there day.
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    @Vampire_X the time has come!

    Great job here, very excited. Sith look to be stronger than ever before!!!
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    Nokhai wrote: »
    Awww!!How nice!Another OP toon available only for the p2p guys (like always).Man,this game is like 90% p2p! :/ A f2p doesn't stand a chance nowadays as he has to farm n toons,tons and tons of gear for them and for mods in the same time.

    Rex lead. F2p people can farm him. Rex will allow you to compete. He's a highly effective cleanse and source of tenacity to resist all those sion debuffs. It's not the end of the world.

    Rex will be surprisingly weak against Darth Kia... err Scion... Vader will go first, them Rex will cleanse, then Scion will clear Tenacity up and bring the pain. It'll be raining Sith for days... can't wait.
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    Is anyone going to fix Sith Marauders The force shall free me ability while theyre at it hes not getting buffs dude
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    Sith meta for a few months then the return of the Jedi Luke :)

    As long as you don't need to jump through hoops to get him.
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    DoomeyEyes wrote: »
    Nokhai wrote: »
    Awww!!How nice!Another OP toon available only for the p2p guys (like always).Man,this game is like 90% p2p! :/ A f2p doesn't stand a chance nowadays as he has to farm n toons,tons and tons of gear for them and for mods in the same time.

    Rex lead. F2p people can farm him. Rex will allow you to compete. He's a highly effective cleanse and source of tenacity to resist all those sion debuffs. It's not the end of the world.

    Rex will be surprisingly weak against Darth Kia... err Scion... Vader will go first, them Rex will cleanse, then Scion will clear Tenacity up and bring the pain. It'll be raining Sith for days... can't wait.

    That does seem to make them much more Rex-proof than past DS / Debuff metas.
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    Did I miss something? Are these marquee events coming with the update or prior?
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    EricsonX wrote: »
    Sith meta for a few months then the return of the Jedi Luke :)

    As long as you don't need to jump through hoops to get him.

    Hermit Yoda
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    Raid Han, Chirrut, General Kenobi. Bang instant counter. As long as either Chirrut gives Tenacity firstbor GK cleanses then Chirrut
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Who keeps deleting them? LOL

    I like how my comment in another thread responding to a question makes no sense cause it was added here, but the rest of the original thread is gone so it makes no sense lol
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    exec79 wrote: »
    Xerrath wrote: »
    Just beware the next massive carbanti farm is about to hit us. Would be thrilled if they had the new character using gear that we are not completely starved on to begin with
    550 each for sure

    I like how some other games operate where each faction have their own set of upgrade materials. This makes it easier to donate when not everyone in the guild needs the same pieces, and adds another element of planning in.
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    My only question is how did they decide Visas Marr was going to be released as a LS character, when her standing in KOTOR2 depended on the path that the player character chose...
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    Careful when viewing their pages: each gif is a 50-meg bomb. Can the devs do something about this? I was not prepared to have a third of my month's mobile data allowance blown in 15 minutes of browsing a couple swgoh pages...600 Megs at once including page refreshes is no joke!
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    Mhmacleod wrote: »
    Careful when viewing their pages: each gif is a 50-meg bomb. Can the devs do something about this? I was not prepared to have a third of my month's mobile data allowance blown in 15 minutes of browsing a couple swgoh pages...600 Megs at once including page refreshes is no joke!

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    So if Sith is the new meta, that means JTR lasted a little shy of 3 months. Over/under on the Jedi rework that will replace Sith as the next meta? I'd guess late May.

    As much as I love DS characters, esp. now with DSTB, chasing the META is too expensive and time-consuming. That is, assuming they have a very short shelf-life. I can live with falling back to the 40s or so in arena for a few months.
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    TigerS15 wrote: »
    My only question is how did they decide Visas Marr was going to be released as a LS character, when her standing in KOTOR2 depended on the path that the player character chose...

    you can choose because kotor2 is a game, but there is a story behind the game...

    EA is giving the lightside tag to visas marr but no jedi tag. there are only 2 reasons for that:
    1) EA don´t know better
    2) jedis are a very weak fraction in that game... no one buys jedis these times^^
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    TigerS15 wrote: »
    My only question is how did they decide Visas Marr was going to be released as a LS character, when her standing in KOTOR2 depended on the path that the player character chose...

    They went with canon. Just like Revan will be a guy and the Exile will be a woman. That's how they are in the official story
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    New Sith dark lords!!! We have to stop them! Send our top Jedi tea... Errr. No. Send an Ewok team instead. They’ll do a better job.
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    As a player who has joined SWGOH 7 months ago I would love to see the Lord of Hunger events return, will never happen I guess but players who have been around longer will probably all have characters like SIth Trooper and Nihilus because of earlier events and new players will obviously not have either of those.
    I know they are farmable at some point but they are buried pretty deep in tier 8 of Cantina and 9 on DS table.

    I do really love all the love that the Sith are getting lately, so kudos there for CG :)
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    TigerS15 wrote: »
    My only question is how did they decide Visas Marr was going to be released as a LS character, when her standing in KOTOR2 depended on the path that the player character chose...

    KOTOR 2 has a set timeline and set events that happened by canon. The version you have when you play KOTOR2 is yours and yours alone. You can make Visas dark or light. You can even make Atton... Whoops almost spilled a good spoiler there.
    Anyway you can look at it in a way that the story writers said "This is my version of KOTOR 2 and that is the right one". It's the bane of multi-choice games when they collide with other stories, but if you are interested about the "right" way of things, read the canon.
    (I read it often when I am at work, bring the shame bells)
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    Everyone suggesting rex is the answer to Sion should probably watch the videos. Sion not only clears all buffs, but inflicts his own insane debuffs in the process. It's worth a shot if you already have him maxed, but it won't last long once these teams start coming together.

    Also, is everyone forgetting the fact that Jedi Luke is eventually on the way? People act like the developers just make this stuff up on the fly. There's always a long-term plan. Every move has a counter, and while the sith will have their day, the Luke-led Jedi are sure to have theirs soon enough.
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    LS had the meta for plenty of time. CLS and JTR came with no DS response. This IS the balance.

    In fact palp Vader teams are dominating arena now. While JTR is still powerful. This is balance.
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    SO WHY THE HECK IS TRAYA THE REWARD FOR THE RAID?????? that makes no Sense at all you fight her to earn her shards???? Just Why why not make the Reward Metra and add some couple Jedi and Rework some of the ones that supper stink (Mace Windu, Plo, Koth, Kit, Ect) then you could have had a Jedi Vs Sith meta that would have been awesome now we just will have all sith which is super annoying. Why do you want us to go back to the Rex Meta Devs? I was not a fan and would like to see the Jedi Final have there day.

    Because it's finally time to have the Dark Side in the meta. The only DS meta we've really had was Zaul and that lasted for a month or two at most. I'm glad the Dark Side gets some time in the spot light. If you are upset with the way things are going then the simple solution is to not play the game
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    Nokhai wrote: »
    Awww!!How nice!Another OP toon available only for the p2p guys (like always).Man,this game is like 90% p2p! :/ A f2p doesn't stand a chance nowadays as he has to farm n toons,tons and tons of gear for them and for mods in the same time.

    Gosh this is tiring and I know I shoudn't react but I want everyone to be positive and happy about these developments...

    It is absolutely no secret that the newest, coolest stuff goes to those that pay. Because of this, those that don't pay have to wait before they get the newest, coolest stuff. This game, obviously, is not a charity and there needs to be incentive for people to pay so that the rest of us can enjoy it for free. This incentive is, obviously, getting the coolest, newest stuff first.

    We can all agree on that right? Why do we need to go over, and over, and over it again ad nauseum? It is what it is and it's like that for a good reason.

    Enjoy the game- whether you pay or whether you don't pay.

    I agree without us that pay there is no free to play well said
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    T4NM4N26 wrote: »
    SOOO excited for this! This is a link to Ahnaldt101's channel and his video! So awesome!

    Did anyone notice the arena time/counter in the last battle of this video - its like 30 minutes!
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